YES 46.943 H-Termination proof of /home/matraf/haskell/eval_FullyBlown_Fast/FiniteMap.hs
H-Termination of the given Haskell-Program with start terms could successfully be proven:

  ↳ LR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b) :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C (\old new ->new) fm key elt

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  deleteMax :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM (\key elt rest ->(key,elt: rest) [] fm

  foldFM :: (b  ->  c  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2 
 | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1 = 
mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
 | otherwise = 
mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2 where 
mid_elt1 (\(_,mid_elt1) ->mid_elt1) vv2
mid_elt2 (\(_,mid_elt2) ->mid_elt2) vv3
mid_key1 (\(mid_key1,_) ->mid_key1) vv2
mid_key2 (\(mid_key2,_) ->mid_key2) vv3
vv2 findMax fm1
vv3 findMin fm2

  glueVBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (glueVBal fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (glueVBal fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
glueBal fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C (\left right ->right) fm1 fm2

  intersectFM_C :: Ord b => (d  ->  c  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b d  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right
 | Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1 = 
mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
 | otherwise = 
glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right) where 
elt1 (\(Just elt1) ->elt1) vv1
gts splitGT fm1 split_key
lts splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1 lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1 maybe_elt1

  lookupFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  Maybe a
lookupFM EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rkey_to_find 
 | key_to_find < key = 
lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
 | key_to_find > key = 
lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
 | otherwise = 
Just elt

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
case fm_R of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_L fm_L fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
case fm_L of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
case fm_l of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch left_key _ _ _ _-> 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
case fm_r of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch right_key _ _ _ _-> 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 13 key elt fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  splitGT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitGT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key > key = 
splitGT fm_r split_key
 | split_key < key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
 | otherwise = 

  splitLT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitLT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key < key = 
splitLT fm_l split_key
 | split_key > key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
 | otherwise = 

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust True

Lambda Reductions:
The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
intersectFM0 left right = right

The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
mid_key10 (mid_key1,_) = mid_key1

The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
mid_elt10 (_,mid_elt1) = mid_elt1

The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
mid_key20 (mid_key2,_) = mid_key2

The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
mid_elt20 (_,mid_elt2) = mid_elt2

The following Lambda expression
\(Just elt1)→elt1

is transformed to
elt10 (Just elt1) = elt1

The following Lambda expression
\keyeltrest→(key,elt: rest

is transformed to
fmToList0 key elt rest = (key,elt: rest

The following Lambda expression

is transformed to
addToFM0 old new = new

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a) :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  deleteMax :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (a  ->  b  ->  c  ->  c ->  c  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  c
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2 
 | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1 = 
mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
 | otherwise = 
mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2 where 
mid_elt1 mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (_,mid_elt1mid_elt1
mid_elt2 mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (_,mid_elt2mid_elt2
mid_key1 mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,_) mid_key1
mid_key2 mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,_) mid_key2
vv2 findMax fm1
vv3 findMin fm2

  glueVBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (glueVBal fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (glueVBal fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
glueBal fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  c  ->  d ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  FiniteMap b d
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right
 | Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1 = 
mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
 | otherwise = 
glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right) where 
elt1 elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1elt1
gts splitGT fm1 split_key
lts splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1 lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1 maybe_elt1

  lookupFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  Maybe a
lookupFM EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rkey_to_find 
 | key_to_find < key = 
lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
 | key_to_find > key = 
lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
 | otherwise = 
Just elt

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
case fm_R of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_L fm_L fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
case fm_L of
  Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise -> 
double_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
case fm_l of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch left_key _ _ _ _-> 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
case fm_r of
  EmptyFM-> True
  Branch right_key _ _ _ _-> 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 13 key elt fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  splitGT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitGT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key > key = 
splitGT fm_r split_key
 | split_key < key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
 | otherwise = 

  splitLT :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap b a
splitLT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key < key = 
splitLT fm_l split_key
 | split_key > key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
 | otherwise = 

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust True

Case Reductions:
The following Case expression
case fm_R of
 Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 → single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 → double_L fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R

The following Case expression
case fm_L of
 Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 → single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 → double_R fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R

The following Case expression
case fm_l of
 EmptyFM → True
 Branch left_key _ _ _ _ → 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

is transformed to
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM = True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) = 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

The following Case expression
case fm_r of
 EmptyFM → True
 Branch right_key _ _ _ _ → 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

is transformed to
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM = True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) = 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

The following Case expression
case compare x y of
 EQ → o
 LT → LT
 GT → GT

is transformed to
primCompAux0 o EQ = o
primCompAux0 o LT = LT
primCompAux0 o GT = GT

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
          ↳ IFR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a) :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap a b = EmptyFM  | Branch a b Int (FiniteMap a b) (FiniteMap a b

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  deleteMax :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (a  ->  b  ->  c  ->  c ->  c  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  c
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2 
 | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1 = 
mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
 | otherwise = 
mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2 where 
mid_elt1 mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (_,mid_elt1mid_elt1
mid_elt2 mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (_,mid_elt2mid_elt2
mid_key1 mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,_) mid_key1
mid_key2 mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,_) mid_key2
vv2 findMax fm1
vv3 findMin fm2

  glueVBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (glueVBal fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (glueVBal fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
glueBal fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord c => (d  ->  b  ->  a ->  FiniteMap c d  ->  FiniteMap c b  ->  FiniteMap c a
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right
 | Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1 = 
mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
 | otherwise = 
glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right) where 
elt1 elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1elt1
gts splitGT fm1 split_key
lts splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1 lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1 maybe_elt1

  lookupFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  Maybe b
lookupFM EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rkey_to_find 
 | key_to_find < key = 
lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
 | key_to_find > key = 
lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
 | otherwise = 
Just elt

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 13 key elt fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  splitGT :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap b a
splitGT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key > key = 
splitGT fm_r split_key
 | split_key < key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
 | otherwise = 

  splitLT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitLT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key < key = 
splitLT fm_l split_key
 | split_key > key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
 | otherwise = 

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust True

If Reductions:
The following If expression
if primGEqNatS x y then Succ (primDivNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y)) else Zero

is transformed to
primDivNatS0 x y True = Succ (primDivNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y))
primDivNatS0 x y False = Zero

The following If expression
if primGEqNatS x y then primModNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y) else Succ x

is transformed to
primModNatS0 x y True = primModNatS (primMinusNatS x y) (Succ y)
primModNatS0 x y False = Succ x

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
              ↳ BR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a) :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  deleteMax :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l _) findMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (b  ->  c  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2 
 | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1 = 
mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
 | otherwise = 
mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2 where 
mid_elt1 mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (_,mid_elt1mid_elt1
mid_elt2 mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (_,mid_elt2mid_elt2
mid_key1 mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,_) mid_key1
mid_key2 mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,_) mid_key2
vv2 findMax fm1
vv3 findMin fm2

  glueVBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (glueVBal fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (glueVBal fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
glueBal fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord b => (d  ->  c  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b d  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right
 | Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1 = 
mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
 | otherwise = 
glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right) where 
elt1 elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1elt1
gts splitGT fm1 split_key
lts splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1 lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1 maybe_elt1

  lookupFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  Maybe b
lookupFM EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rkey_to_find 
 | key_to_find < key = 
lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
 | key_to_find > key = 
lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
 | otherwise = 
Just elt

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key _ _ _ _) 
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key _ _ _ _) 
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lrfm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_lr fm_r)
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 13 key elt fm_l fm_r where 
size_l sizeFM fm_l
size_r sizeFM fm_r

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) size

  splitGT :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap b a
splitGT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key > key = 
splitGT fm_r split_key
 | split_key < key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
 | otherwise = 

  splitLT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitLT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key < key = 
splitLT fm_l split_key
 | split_key > key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
 | otherwise = 

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust True

Replaced joker patterns by fresh variables and removed binding patterns.
Binding Reductions:
The bind variable of the following binding Pattern
fm_l@(Branch vy vz wu wv ww)

is replaced by the following term
Branch vy vz wu wv ww

The bind variable of the following binding Pattern
fm_r@(Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

is replaced by the following term
Branch wy wz xu xv xw

The bind variable of the following binding Pattern
fm_l@(Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)

is replaced by the following term
Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx

The bind variable of the following binding Pattern
fm_r@(Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

is replaced by the following term
Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                  ↳ COR

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b) :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt 
 | new_key < key = 
mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
 | new_key > key = 
mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise = 
Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

  deleteMax :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxw fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxx fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMin (Branch key elt wux EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt wuy fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt vzy vzz EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt wuu wuv fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt vwu EmptyFM vwv(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt vww fm_l vwxfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap b a  ->  [(b,a)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (a  ->  b  ->  c  ->  c ->  c  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  c
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt vvy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2 
 | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1 = 
mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
 | otherwise = 
mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2 where 
mid_elt1 mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (zx,mid_elt1mid_elt1
mid_elt2 mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (zy,mid_elt2mid_elt2
mid_key1 mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,zzmid_key1
mid_key2 mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,vuumid_key2
vv2 findMax fm1
vv3 findMin fm2

  glueVBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) xv) xw
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
 | otherwise = 
glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw) where 
size_l sizeFM (Branch vy vz wu wv ww)
size_r sizeFM (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

  intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord b => (c  ->  d  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  FiniteMap b d  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right
 | Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1 = 
mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
 | otherwise = 
glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right) where 
elt1 elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1elt1
gts splitGT fm1 split_key
lts splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1 lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1 maybe_elt1

  lookupFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  Maybe b
lookupFM EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find 
 | key_to_find < key = 
lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
 | key_to_find > key = 
lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
 | otherwise = 
Just elt

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R 
 | size_l + size_r < 2 = 
mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l = 
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r = 
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr = 
single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll = 
single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise = 
double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key vuw vux vuy vuz
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key vvu vvv vvw vvx
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r = 
mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) vzw) vzx
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l = 
mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
 | otherwise = 
mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx) where 
size_l sizeFM (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)
size_r sizeFM (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap a b  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch vwy vwz size vxu vxvsize

  splitGT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitGT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key > key = 
splitGT fm_r split_key
 | split_key < key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
 | otherwise = 

  splitLT :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap b a
splitLT EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key 
 | split_key < key = 
splitLT fm_l split_key
 | split_key > key = 
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
 | otherwise = 

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust wuz True

Cond Reductions:
The following Function with conditions
splitGT EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key
 | split_key > key
 = splitGT fm_r split_key
 | split_key < key
 = mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_keyfm_r
 | otherwise
 = fm_r

is transformed to
splitGT EmptyFM split_key = splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitGT (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key = splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key

splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True = mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_keyfm_r
splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False = splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True = splitGT fm_r split_key
splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False = splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True = fm_r

splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key = splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
splitGT4 wzz xuu = splitGT3 wzz xuu

The following Function with conditions
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r
 = mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv wwxvxw
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l
 = mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
 | otherwise
 = glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)
size_l  = sizeFM (Branch vy vz wu wv ww)
size_r  = sizeFM (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

is transformed to
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 = glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM = glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM
glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw) = glueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw) = 
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r)
glueVBal0 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)
glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False = glueVBal0 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw otherwise
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv wwxvxw
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False = glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l)
size_l  = sizeFM (Branch vy vz wu wv ww)
size_r  = sizeFM (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
glueVBal4 xuy xuz = glueVBal3 xuy xuz

glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
glueVBal5 xvv xvw = glueVBal4 xvv xvw

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

The following Function with conditions
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_l + size_r < 2
 = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
 | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l
 = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
 | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r
 = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
 | otherwise
 = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)
 | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr
 = single_L fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)
 | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll
 = single_R fm_L fm_R
 | otherwise
 = double_R fm_L fm_R
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

is transformed to
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R = mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R = 
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2)
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

The following Function with conditions
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2
 | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1
 = mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
 | otherwise
 = mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1fm2
mid_elt1  = mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (zx,mid_elt1) = mid_elt1
mid_elt2  = mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (zy,mid_elt2) = mid_elt2
mid_key1  = mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,zz) = mid_key1
mid_key2  = mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,vuu) = mid_key2
vv2  = findMax fm1
vv3  = findMin fm2

is transformed to
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 = glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM = glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM
glueBal fm1 fm2 = glueBal2 fm1 fm2

glueBal2 fm1 fm2 = 
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 (sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1)
glueBal0 fm1 fm2 True = mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1fm2
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 True = mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 False = glueBal0 fm1 fm2 otherwise
mid_elt1  = mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (zx,mid_elt1) = mid_elt1
mid_elt2  = mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (zy,mid_elt2) = mid_elt2
mid_key1  = mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,zz) = mid_key1
mid_key2  = mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,vuu) = mid_key2
vv2  = findMax fm1
vv3  = findMin fm2

glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
glueBal3 xwu xwv = glueBal2 xwu xwv

glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
glueBal4 xwx xwy = glueBal3 xwx xwy

The following Function with conditions
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt
 | new_key < key
 = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_eltfm_r
 | new_key > key
 = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
 | otherwise
 = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_eltsize fm_l fm_r

is transformed to
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt = addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False = addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_eltsize fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_eltfm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False = addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt = addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 xxv xxw xxx xxy = addToFM_C3 xxv xxw xxx xxy

The following Function with conditions
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM = emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 = emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right)
 | Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1
 = mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
 | otherwise
 = glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
elt1  = elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1) = elt1
gts  = splitGT fm1 split_key
lts  = splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1  = lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1  = maybe_elt1

is transformed to
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM = intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 = intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right) = intersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right)

intersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right) = 
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right (Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1)
elt1  = elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1) = elt1
gts  = splitGT fm1 split_key
intersectFM_C0 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True = glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True = mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right False = intersectFM_C0 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right otherwise
lts  = splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1  = lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1  = maybe_elt1

intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2 = emptyFM
intersectFM_C3 xyv xyw xyx = intersectFM_C2 xyv xyw xyx

intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM = emptyFM
intersectFM_C4 xyz xzu xzv = intersectFM_C3 xyz xzu xzv

The following Function with conditions
splitLT EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key
 | split_key < key
 = splitLT fm_l split_key
 | split_key > key
 = mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
 | otherwise
 = fm_l

is transformed to
splitLT EmptyFM split_key = splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitLT (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key = splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key

splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True = splitLT fm_l split_key
splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False = splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True = mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False = splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True = fm_l

splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key = splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
splitLT4 xzy xzz = splitLT3 xzy xzz

The following Function with conditions
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r = addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM = addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r
 = mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyxvzwvzx
 | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l
 = mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
 | otherwise
 = mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)
size_l  = sizeFM (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)
size_r  = sizeFM (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

is transformed to
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r = mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM = mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM
mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx) = mkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx) = 
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r)
mkVBalBranch0 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)
mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False = mkVBalBranch0 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx otherwise
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyxvzwvzx
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False = mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l)
size_l  = sizeFM (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)
size_r  = sizeFM (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM = addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch4 yux yuy yuz yvu = mkVBalBranch3 yux yuy yuz yvu

mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r = addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch5 yvw yvx yvy yvz = mkVBalBranch4 yvw yvx yvy yvz

The following Function with conditions
lookupFM EmptyFM key = Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find
 | key_to_find < key
 = lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
 | key_to_find > key
 = lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
 | otherwise
 = Just elt

is transformed to
lookupFM EmptyFM key = lookupFM4 EmptyFM key
lookupFM (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find = lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find

lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True = lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False = lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find otherwise

lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True = lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False = lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find > key)

lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True = Just elt

lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find = lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find < key)

lookupFM4 EmptyFM key = Nothing
lookupFM4 yww ywx = lookupFM3 yww ywx

The following Function with conditions
compare x y
 | x == y
 = EQ
 | x <= y
 = LT
 | otherwise
 = GT

is transformed to
compare x y = compare3 x y

compare2 x y True = EQ
compare2 x y False = compare1 x y (x <= y)

compare1 x y True = LT
compare1 x y False = compare0 x y otherwise

compare0 x y True = GT

compare3 x y = compare2 x y (x == y)

The following Function with conditions
gcd' x 0 = x
gcd' x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)

is transformed to
gcd' x ywy = gcd'2 x ywy
gcd' x y = gcd'0 x y

gcd'0 x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)

gcd'1 True x ywy = x
gcd'1 ywz yxu yxv = gcd'0 yxu yxv

gcd'2 x ywy = gcd'1 (ywy == 0) x ywy
gcd'2 yxw yxx = gcd'0 yxw yxx

The following Function with conditions
gcd 0 0 = error []
gcd x y = 
gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
gcd' x 0 = x
gcd' x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)

is transformed to
gcd yxy yxz = gcd3 yxy yxz
gcd x y = gcd0 x y

gcd0 x y = 
gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
gcd' x ywy = gcd'2 x ywy
gcd' x y = gcd'0 x y
gcd'0 x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)
gcd'1 True x ywy = x
gcd'1 ywz yxu yxv = gcd'0 yxu yxv
gcd'2 x ywy = gcd'1 (ywy == 0) x ywy
gcd'2 yxw yxx = gcd'0 yxw yxx

gcd1 True yxy yxz = error []
gcd1 yyu yyv yyw = gcd0 yyv yyw

gcd2 True yxy yxz = gcd1 (yxz == 0) yxy yxz
gcd2 yyx yyy yyz = gcd0 yyy yyz

gcd3 yxy yxz = gcd2 (yxy == 0) yxy yxz
gcd3 yzu yzv = gcd0 yzu yzv

The following Function with conditions
absReal x
 | x >= 0
 = x
 | otherwise
 = `negate` x

is transformed to
absReal x = absReal2 x

absReal0 x True = `negate` x

absReal1 x True = x
absReal1 x False = absReal0 x otherwise

absReal2 x = absReal1 x (x >= 0)

The following Function with conditions
 | False
 = undefined

is transformed to
undefined  = undefined1

undefined0 True = undefined

undefined1  = undefined0 False

The following Function with conditions
reduce x y
 | y == 0
 = error []
 | otherwise
 = x `quot` d :% (y `quot` d)
d  = gcd x y

is transformed to
reduce x y = reduce2 x y

reduce2 x y = 
reduce1 x y (y == 0)
d  = gcd x y
reduce0 x y True = x `quot` d :% (y `quot` d)
reduce1 x y True = error []
reduce1 x y False = reduce0 x y otherwise

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                      ↳ LetRed

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b) :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 xxv xxw xxx xxy addToFM_C3 xxv xxw xxx xxy

  deleteMax :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxw fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxx fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
deleteMin (Branch key elt wux EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt wuy fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt vzy vzz EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt wuu wuv fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt vwu EmptyFM vwv(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt vww fm_l vwxfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (c  ->  b  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap c b  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt vvy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM
glueBal fm1 fm2 glueBal2 fm1 fm2

glueBal2 fm1 fm2 
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 (sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1) where 
glueBal0 fm1 fm2 True mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 True mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 False glueBal0 fm1 fm2 otherwise
mid_elt1 mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (zx,mid_elt1mid_elt1
mid_elt2 mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (zy,mid_elt2mid_elt2
mid_key1 mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,zzmid_key1
mid_key2 mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,vuumid_key2
vv2 findMax fm1
vv3 findMin fm2

glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal3 xwu xwv glueBal2 xwu xwv

glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal4 xwx xwy glueBal3 xwx xwy

  glueVBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM
glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xwglueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r) where 
glueVBal0 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)
glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False glueVBal0 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw otherwise
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) xv) xw
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l)
size_l sizeFM (Branch vy vz wu wv ww)
size_r sizeFM (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal4 xuy xuz glueVBal3 xuy xuz

glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal5 xvv xvw glueVBal4 xvv xvw

  intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord a => (d  ->  b  ->  c ->  FiniteMap a d  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a c
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left rightintersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right)

intersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right (Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1) where 
elt1 elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1elt1
gts splitGT fm1 split_key
intersectFM_C0 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right False intersectFM_C0 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right otherwise
lts splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1 lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1 maybe_elt1

intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C3 xyv xyw xyx intersectFM_C2 xyv xyw xyx

intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C4 xyz xzu xzv intersectFM_C3 xyz xzu xzv

  lookupFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  Maybe b
lookupFM EmptyFM key lookupFM4 EmptyFM key
lookupFM (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_r) key_to_find

lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True Just elt

lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find otherwise

lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find > key)

lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find < key)

lookupFM4 EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM4 yww ywx lookupFM3 yww ywx

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R 
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2) where 
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l sizeFM fm_L
size_r sizeFM fm_R

  mkBranch :: Ord a => Int  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r 
result Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok True
left_ok left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key vuw vux vuy vuz
biggest_left_key fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size sizeFM fm_l
right_ok right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key vvu vvv vvw vvx
smallest_right_key fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size sizeFM fm_r
unbox :: Int  ->  Int
unbox x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM
mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzxmkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r) where 
mkVBalBranch0 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)
mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False mkVBalBranch0 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx otherwise
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) vzw) vzx
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l)
size_l sizeFM (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)
size_r sizeFM (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch4 yux yuy yuz yvu mkVBalBranch3 yux yuy yuz yvu

mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch5 yvw yvx yvy yvz mkVBalBranch4 yvw yvx yvy yvz

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch vwy vwz size vxu vxvsize

  splitGT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitGT EmptyFM split_key splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitGT (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_r) split_key

splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True fm_r

splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True splitGT fm_r split_key
splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT4 wzz xuu splitGT3 wzz xuu

  splitLT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitLT EmptyFM split_key splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitLT (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_r) split_key

splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True fm_l

splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True splitLT fm_l split_key
splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT4 xzy xzz splitLT3 xzy xzz

  unitFM :: b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust wuz True

Let/Where Reductions:
The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right (Maybe.isJust maybe_elt1)
elt1  = elt10 vv1
elt10 (Just elt1) = elt1
gts  = splitGT fm1 split_key
intersectFM_C0 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True = glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True = mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
intersectFM_C1 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right False = intersectFM_C0 combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right otherwise
lts  = splitLT fm1 split_key
maybe_elt1  = lookupFM fm1 split_key
vv1  = maybe_elt1

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
intersectFM_C2Elt1 yzw yzx = intersectFM_C2Elt10 yzw yzx (intersectFM_C2Vv1 yzw yzx)

intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C0 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True = glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzxleft) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzxright)

intersectFM_C2Vv1 yzw yzx = intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx = splitGT yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 yzw yzx = lookupFM yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx = splitLT yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True = mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner (intersectFM_C2Elt1 yzw yzxelt2) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzxleft) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzxright)
intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right False = intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C0 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right otherwise

intersectFM_C2Elt10 yzw yzx (Just elt1) = elt1

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 (sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1)
glueBal0 fm1 fm2 True = mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1fm2
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 True = mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
glueBal1 fm1 fm2 False = glueBal0 fm1 fm2 otherwise
mid_elt1  = mid_elt10 vv2
mid_elt10 (zx,mid_elt1) = mid_elt1
mid_elt2  = mid_elt20 vv3
mid_elt20 (zy,mid_elt2) = mid_elt2
mid_key1  = mid_key10 vv2
mid_key10 (mid_key1,zz) = mid_key1
mid_key2  = mid_key20 vv3
mid_key20 (mid_key2,vuu) = mid_key2
vv2  = findMax fm1
vv3  = findMin fm2

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
glueBal2Mid_elt1 yzy yzz = glueBal2Mid_elt10 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz)

glueBal2GlueBal0 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 True = mkBalBranch (glueBal2Mid_key1 yzy yzz) (glueBal2Mid_elt1 yzy yzz) (deleteMax fm1fm2

glueBal2Mid_key2 yzy yzz = glueBal2Mid_key20 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz = findMin yzy

glueBal2Mid_key1 yzy yzz = glueBal2Mid_key10 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_elt10 yzy yzz (zx,mid_elt1) = mid_elt1

glueBal2Mid_key20 yzy yzz (mid_key2,vuu) = mid_key2

glueBal2Mid_elt20 yzy yzz (zy,mid_elt2) = mid_elt2

glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz = findMax yzz

glueBal2Mid_elt2 yzy yzz = glueBal2Mid_elt20 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz)

glueBal2GlueBal1 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 True = mkBalBranch (glueBal2Mid_key2 yzy yzz) (glueBal2Mid_elt2 yzy yzzfm1 (deleteMin fm2)
glueBal2GlueBal1 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 False = glueBal2GlueBal0 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 otherwise

glueBal2Mid_key10 yzy yzz (mid_key1,zz) = mid_key1

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l + size_r < 2)
double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 key elt fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
double_R (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 key elt fm_lrr fm_r)
mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)
mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = double_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = single_L fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch00 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise
mkBalBranch02 fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch01 fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)
mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)
mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = double_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = single_R fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch10 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise
mkBalBranch12 fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch11 fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)
mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch1 fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch2 key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch0 fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch3 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r)
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch4 key elt fm_L fm_R (size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l)
single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 key elt fm_l fm_rlfm_rr
single_R (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 key elt fm_lr fm_r)
size_l  = sizeFM fm_L
size_r  = sizeFM fm_R

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBalBranch6Double_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlrfm_rr) = mkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 zuu zuv fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux)

mkBalBranch6Single_R zuu zuv zuw zux (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r = mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 zuu zuv fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux = sizeFM zuw

mkBalBranch6Double_R zuu zuv zuw zux (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r = mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 zuu zuv fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux)

mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux = sizeFM zux

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = mkBalBranch6Single_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = mkBalBranch6Double_R zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr) = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True = mkBalBranch6Double_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True = mkBalBranch6Single_R zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False = mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6Single_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rr) = mkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 zuu zuv fm_l fm_rlfm_rr

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r)
glueVBal0 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)
glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False = glueVBal0 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw otherwise
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv wwxvxw
glueVBal2 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False = glueVBal1 vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l)
size_l  = sizeFM (Branch vy vz wu wv ww)
size_r  = sizeFM (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
glueVBal3GlueVBal2 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv wwxvxw
glueVBal3GlueVBal2 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False = glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * glueVBal3Size_r zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv < glueVBal3Size_l zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv)

glueVBal3GlueVBal0 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3Size_r zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv = sizeFM (Branch zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw)

glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True = mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False = glueVBal3GlueVBal0 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw otherwise

glueVBal3Size_l zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv = sizeFM (Branch zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
result  = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result
balance_ok  = True
left_ok  = left_ok0 fm_l key fm_l
left_ok0 fm_l key EmptyFM = True
left_ok0 fm_l key (Branch left_key vuw vux vuy vuz) = 
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key
left_size  = sizeFM fm_l
right_ok  = right_ok0 fm_r key fm_r
right_ok0 fm_r key EmptyFM = True
right_ok0 fm_r key (Branch right_key vvu vvv vvw vvx) = 
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key
right_size  = sizeFM fm_r
unbox x = x

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchLeft_size zww zwx zwy = sizeFM zww

mkBranchLeft_ok zww zwx zwy = mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy zww zwx zww

mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_r key EmptyFM = True
mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_r key (Branch right_key vvu vvv vvw vvx) = key < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchUnbox zww zwx zwy x = x

mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_l key EmptyFM = True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_l key (Branch left_key vuw vux vuy vuz) = mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchRight_size zww zwx zwy = sizeFM zwy

mkBranchRight_ok zww zwx zwy = mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy zwy zwx zwy

mkBranchBalance_ok zww zwx zwy = True

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
result  = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
in result

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchResult zwz zxu zxv zxw = Branch zwz zxu (mkBranchUnbox zxv zwz zxw (1 + mkBranchLeft_size zxv zwz zxw + mkBranchRight_size zxv zwz zxw)) zxv zxw

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r)
mkVBalBranch0 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)
mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False = mkVBalBranch0 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx otherwise
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyxvzwvzx
mkVBalBranch2 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False = mkVBalBranch1 key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l)
size_l  = sizeFM (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)
size_r  = sizeFM (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkVBalBranch3Size_r zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu = sizeFM (Branch zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv)

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False = mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch0 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx otherwise

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch0 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True = mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyxvzwvzx
mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False = mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * mkVBalBranch3Size_r zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu < mkVBalBranch3Size_l zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu)

mkVBalBranch3Size_l zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu = sizeFM (Branch zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
smallest_right_key  = fst (findMin fm_r)
in key < smallest_right_key

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key zzv = fst (findMin zzv)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
biggest_left_key  = fst (findMax fm_l)
in biggest_left_key < key

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key zzw = fst (findMax zzw)

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
reduce1 x y (y == 0)
d  = gcd x y
reduce0 x y True = x `quot` d :% (y `quot` d)
reduce1 x y True = error []
reduce1 x y False = reduce0 x y otherwise

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
reduce2Reduce1 zzx zzy x y True = error []
reduce2Reduce1 zzx zzy x y False = reduce2Reduce0 zzx zzy x y otherwise

reduce2Reduce0 zzx zzy x y True = x `quot` reduce2D zzx zzy :% (y `quot` reduce2D zzx zzy)

reduce2D zzx zzy = gcd zzx zzy

The bindings of the following Let/Where expression
gcd' (abs x) (abs y)
gcd' x ywy = gcd'2 x ywy
gcd' x y = gcd'0 x y
gcd'0 x y = gcd' y (x `rem` y)
gcd'1 True x ywy = x
gcd'1 ywz yxu yxv = gcd'0 yxu yxv
gcd'2 x ywy = gcd'1 (ywy == 0) x ywy
gcd'2 yxw yxx = gcd'0 yxw yxx

are unpacked to the following functions on top level
gcd0Gcd' x ywy = gcd0Gcd'2 x ywy
gcd0Gcd' x y = gcd0Gcd'0 x y

gcd0Gcd'0 x y = gcd0Gcd' y (x `rem` y)

gcd0Gcd'1 True x ywy = x
gcd0Gcd'1 ywz yxu yxv = gcd0Gcd'0 yxu yxv

gcd0Gcd'2 x ywy = gcd0Gcd'1 (ywy == 0) x ywy
gcd0Gcd'2 yxw yxx = gcd0Gcd'0 yxw yxx

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                          ↳ NumRed

mainModule FiniteMap
  ((intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a) :: Ord b => FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a  ->  FiniteMap [b] a)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap b a) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord a => (b  ->  b  ->  b ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 xxv xxw xxx xxy addToFM_C3 xxv xxw xxx xxy

  deleteMax :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxw fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxx fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMin (Branch key elt wux EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt wuy fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap b a
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMax (Branch key elt vzy vzz EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt wuu wuv fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap a b  ->  (a,b)
findMin (Branch key elt vwu EmptyFM vwv(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt vww fm_l vwxfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (b  ->  c  ->  a  ->  a ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b c  ->  a
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt vvy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM
glueBal fm1 fm2 glueBal2 fm1 fm2

glueBal2 fm1 fm2 glueBal2GlueBal1 fm2 fm1 fm1 fm2 (sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1)

glueBal2GlueBal0 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 True mkBalBranch (glueBal2Mid_key1 yzy yzz) (glueBal2Mid_elt1 yzy yzz) (deleteMax fm1) fm2

glueBal2GlueBal1 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 True mkBalBranch (glueBal2Mid_key2 yzy yzz) (glueBal2Mid_elt2 yzy yzz) fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
glueBal2GlueBal1 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 False glueBal2GlueBal0 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 otherwise

glueBal2Mid_elt1 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_elt10 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_elt10 yzy yzz (zx,mid_elt1mid_elt1

glueBal2Mid_elt2 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_elt20 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_elt20 yzy yzz (zy,mid_elt2mid_elt2

glueBal2Mid_key1 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_key10 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_key10 yzy yzz (mid_key1,zzmid_key1

glueBal2Mid_key2 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_key20 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_key20 yzy yzz (mid_key2,vuumid_key2

glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz findMax yzz

glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz findMin yzy

glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal3 xwu xwv glueBal2 xwu xwv

glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal4 xwx xwy glueBal3 xwx xwy

  glueVBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM
glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xwglueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xwglueVBal3GlueVBal2 wy wz xu xv xw vy vz wu wv ww vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * glueVBal3Size_l wy wz xu xv xw vy vz wu wv ww < glueVBal3Size_r wy wz xu xv xw vy vz wu wv ww)

glueVBal3GlueVBal0 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False glueVBal3GlueVBal0 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw otherwise

glueVBal3GlueVBal2 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) xv) xw
glueVBal3GlueVBal2 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * glueVBal3Size_r zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv < glueVBal3Size_l zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv)

glueVBal3Size_l zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv sizeFM (Branch zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv)

glueVBal3Size_r zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv sizeFM (Branch zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw)

glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal4 xuy xuz glueVBal3 xuy xuz

glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal5 xvv xvw glueVBal4 xvv xvw

  intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord a => (c  ->  b  ->  d ->  FiniteMap a c  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a d
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left rightintersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right)

intersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left rightintersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 fm1 split_key combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right (Maybe.isJust (intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 fm1 split_key))

intersectFM_C2Elt1 yzw yzx intersectFM_C2Elt10 yzw yzx (intersectFM_C2Vv1 yzw yzx)

intersectFM_C2Elt10 yzw yzx (Just elt1elt1

intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx splitGT yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C0 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx) left) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx) right)

intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner (intersectFM_C2Elt1 yzw yzx) elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx) left) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx) right)
intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right False intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C0 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right otherwise

intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx splitLT yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 yzw yzx lookupFM yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Vv1 yzw yzx intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 yzw yzx

intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C3 xyv xyw xyx intersectFM_C2 xyv xyw xyx

intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C4 xyz xzu xzv intersectFM_C3 xyz xzu xzv

  lookupFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  Maybe a
lookupFM EmptyFM key lookupFM4 EmptyFM key
lookupFM (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_r) key_to_find

lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True Just elt

lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find otherwise

lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find > key)

lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find < key)

lookupFM4 EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM4 yww ywx lookupFM3 yww ywx

  mkBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l key elt fm_L fm_R + mkBalBranch6Size_r key elt fm_L fm_R < 2)

mkBalBranch6Double_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch 5 key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6 zuu zuv fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch 7 key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_R zuu zuv zuw zux (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch 10 key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11 key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch 12 zuu zuv fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Double_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Single_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Double_R zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Single_R zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 2 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch 1 key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux)

mkBalBranch6Single_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch 3 key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4 zuu zuv fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

mkBalBranch6Single_R zuu zuv zuw zux (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch 8 key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9 zuu zuv fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux sizeFM zuw

mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux sizeFM zux

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r mkBranchResult key elt fm_l fm_r

mkBranchBalance_ok zww zwx zwy True

mkBranchLeft_ok zww zwx zwy mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy zww zwx zww

mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_l key EmptyFM True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_l key (Branch left_key vuw vux vuy vuzmkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key zzw fst (findMax zzw)

mkBranchLeft_size zww zwx zwy sizeFM zww

mkBranchResult zwz zxu zxv zxw Branch zwz zxu (mkBranchUnbox zxv zwz zxw (1 + mkBranchLeft_size zxv zwz zxw + mkBranchRight_size zxv zwz zxw)) zxv zxw

mkBranchRight_ok zww zwx zwy mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy zwy zwx zwy

mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_r key EmptyFM True
mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_r key (Branch right_key vvu vvv vvw vvxkey < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key zzv fst (findMin zzv)

mkBranchRight_size zww zwx zwy sizeFM zwy

  mkBranchUnbox :: Ord a =>  ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  a ( ->  (FiniteMap a b) (Int  ->  Int)))
mkBranchUnbox zww zwx zwy x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM
mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzxmkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzxmkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * mkVBalBranch3Size_l vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx < mkVBalBranch3Size_r vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch0 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBranch 13 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch0 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx otherwise

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) vzw) vzx
mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * mkVBalBranch3Size_r zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu < mkVBalBranch3Size_l zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu)

mkVBalBranch3Size_l zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu sizeFM (Branch zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu)

mkVBalBranch3Size_r zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu sizeFM (Branch zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv)

mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch4 yux yuy yuz yvu mkVBalBranch3 yux yuy yuz yvu

mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch5 yvw yvx yvy yvz mkVBalBranch4 yvw yvx yvy yvz

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM 0
sizeFM (Branch vwy vwz size vxu vxvsize

  splitGT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitGT EmptyFM split_key splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitGT (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_r) split_key

splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True fm_r

splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True splitGT fm_r split_key
splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT4 wzz xuu splitGT3 wzz xuu

  splitLT :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap a b
splitLT EmptyFM split_key splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitLT (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_r) split_key

splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True fm_l

splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True splitLT fm_l split_key
splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT4 xzy xzz splitLT3 xzy xzz

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust wuz True

Num Reduction: All numbers are transformed to thier corresponding representation with Pos, Neg, Succ and Zero.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                              ↳ Narrow

mainModule FiniteMap
  (intersectFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b  ->  FiniteMap [a] b)

module FiniteMap where
  import qualified Maybe
import qualified Prelude

  data FiniteMap b a = EmptyFM  | Branch b a Int (FiniteMap b a) (FiniteMap b a

  instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (FiniteMap a b) where 
(==) fm_1 fm_2 sizeFM fm_1 == sizeFM fm_2 && fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2

  addToFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM fm key elt addToFM_C addToFM0 fm key elt

addToFM0 old new new

  addToFM_C :: Ord b => (a  ->  a  ->  a ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a
addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt

addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C0 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt otherwise

addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt True mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt False addToFM_C1 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key > key)

addToFM_C3 combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_rnew_key new_elt addToFM_C2 combiner key elt size fm_l fm_r new_key new_elt (new_key < key)

addToFM_C4 combiner EmptyFM key elt unitFM key elt
addToFM_C4 xxv xxw xxx xxy addToFM_C3 xxv xxw xxx xxy

  deleteMax :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxw fm_l EmptyFMfm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt vxx fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)

  deleteMin :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
deleteMin (Branch key elt wux EmptyFM fm_rfm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt wuy fm_l fm_rmkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r

  emptyFM :: FiniteMap a b
emptyFM EmptyFM

  findMax :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMax (Branch key elt vzy vzz EmptyFM(key,elt)
findMax (Branch key elt wuu wuv fm_rfindMax fm_r

  findMin :: FiniteMap b a  ->  (b,a)
findMin (Branch key elt vwu EmptyFM vwv(key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt vww fm_l vwxfindMin fm_l

  fmToList :: FiniteMap a b  ->  [(a,b)]
fmToList fm foldFM fmToList0 [] fm

fmToList0 key elt rest (key,elt: rest

  foldFM :: (a  ->  c  ->  b  ->  b ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a c  ->  b
foldFM k z EmptyFM z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt vvy fm_l fm_rfoldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

  glueBal :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
glueBal EmptyFM fm2 glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM
glueBal fm1 fm2 glueBal2 fm1 fm2

glueBal2 fm1 fm2 glueBal2GlueBal1 fm2 fm1 fm1 fm2 (sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1)

glueBal2GlueBal0 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 True mkBalBranch (glueBal2Mid_key1 yzy yzz) (glueBal2Mid_elt1 yzy yzz) (deleteMax fm1) fm2

glueBal2GlueBal1 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 True mkBalBranch (glueBal2Mid_key2 yzy yzz) (glueBal2Mid_elt2 yzy yzz) fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
glueBal2GlueBal1 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 False glueBal2GlueBal0 yzy yzz fm1 fm2 otherwise

glueBal2Mid_elt1 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_elt10 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_elt10 yzy yzz (zx,mid_elt1mid_elt1

glueBal2Mid_elt2 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_elt20 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_elt20 yzy yzz (zy,mid_elt2mid_elt2

glueBal2Mid_key1 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_key10 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_key10 yzy yzz (mid_key1,zzmid_key1

glueBal2Mid_key2 yzy yzz glueBal2Mid_key20 yzy yzz (glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz)

glueBal2Mid_key20 yzy yzz (mid_key2,vuumid_key2

glueBal2Vv2 yzy yzz findMax yzz

glueBal2Vv3 yzy yzz findMin yzy

glueBal3 fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueBal3 xwu xwv glueBal2 xwu xwv

glueBal4 EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueBal4 xwx xwy glueBal3 xwx xwy

  glueVBal :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM
glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xwglueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3 (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xwglueVBal3GlueVBal2 wy wz xu xv xw vy vz wu wv ww vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * glueVBal3Size_l wy wz xu xv xw vy vz wu wv ww < glueVBal3Size_r wy wz xu xv xw vy vz wu wv ww)

glueVBal3GlueVBal0 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True glueBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) (Branch wy wz xu xv xw)

glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True mkBalBranch vy vz wv (glueVBal ww (Branch wy wz xu xv xw))
glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False glueVBal3GlueVBal0 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw otherwise

glueVBal3GlueVBal2 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw True mkBalBranch wy wz (glueVBal (Branch vy vz wu wv ww) xv) xw
glueVBal3GlueVBal2 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw False glueVBal3GlueVBal1 zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv vy vz wu wv ww wy wz xu xv xw (sIZE_RATIO * glueVBal3Size_r zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv < glueVBal3Size_l zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv)

glueVBal3Size_l zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv sizeFM (Branch zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv)

glueVBal3Size_r zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw zvx zvy zvz zwu zwv sizeFM (Branch zuy zuz zvu zvv zvw)

glueVBal4 fm1 EmptyFM fm1
glueVBal4 xuy xuz glueVBal3 xuy xuz

glueVBal5 EmptyFM fm2 fm2
glueVBal5 xvv xvw glueVBal4 xvv xvw

  intersectFM :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
intersectFM fm1 fm2 intersectFM_C intersectFM0 fm1 fm2

intersectFM0 left right right

  intersectFM_C :: Ord c => (b  ->  d  ->  a ->  FiniteMap c b  ->  FiniteMap c d  ->  FiniteMap c a
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left rightintersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left right)

intersectFM_C2 combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 vuv left rightintersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 fm1 split_key combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right (Maybe.isJust (intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 fm1 split_key))

intersectFM_C2Elt1 yzw yzx intersectFM_C2Elt10 yzw yzx (intersectFM_C2Vv1 yzw yzx)

intersectFM_C2Elt10 yzw yzx (Just elt1elt1

intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx splitGT yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C0 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx) left) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx) right)

intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right True mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner (intersectFM_C2Elt1 yzw yzx) elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx) left) (intersectFM_C combiner (intersectFM_C2Gts yzw yzx) right)
intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right False intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C0 yzw yzx combiner fm1 split_key elt2 vuv left right otherwise

intersectFM_C2Lts yzw yzx splitLT yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 yzw yzx lookupFM yzw yzx

intersectFM_C2Vv1 yzw yzx intersectFM_C2Maybe_elt1 yzw yzx

intersectFM_C3 combiner EmptyFM fm2 emptyFM
intersectFM_C3 xyv xyw xyx intersectFM_C2 xyv xyw xyx

intersectFM_C4 combiner fm1 EmptyFM emptyFM
intersectFM_C4 xyz xzu xzv intersectFM_C3 xyz xzu xzv

  lookupFM :: Ord a => FiniteMap a b  ->  a  ->  Maybe b
lookupFM EmptyFM key lookupFM4 EmptyFM key
lookupFM (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_r) key_to_find

lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True Just elt

lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False lookupFM0 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find otherwise

lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find True lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find False lookupFM1 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find > key)

lookupFM3 (Branch key elt wuw fm_l fm_rkey_to_find lookupFM2 key elt wuw fm_l fm_r key_to_find (key_to_find < key)

lookupFM4 EmptyFM key Nothing
lookupFM4 yww ywx lookupFM3 yww ywx

  mkBalBranch :: Ord b => b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6 key elt fm_L fm_R mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 key elt fm_L fm_R key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l key elt fm_L fm_R + mkBalBranch6Size_r key elt fm_L fm_R < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)))

mkBalBranch6Double_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r yx (Branch key_rl elt_rl yy fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rrmkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))) key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))) zuu zuv fm_l fm_rll) (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))) key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6Double_R zuu zuv zuw zux (Branch key_l elt_l xy fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr xz fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))))) key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))))) key_l elt_l fm_ll fm_lrl) (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))))))) zuu zuv fm_lrr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Double_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr True mkBalBranch6Single_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch00 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch02 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yz zu zv fm_rl fm_rr (sizeFM fm_rl < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)) * sizeFM fm_rr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Double_R zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr True mkBalBranch6Single_R zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch10 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch12 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R (Branch yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lrmkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R yu yv yw fm_ll fm_lr (sizeFM fm_lr < Pos (Succ (Succ Zero)) * sizeFM fm_ll)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ Zero))) key elt fm_L fm_R

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch1 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R fm_L
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch2 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R otherwise

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch0 zuu zuv zuw zux fm_L fm_R fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux)

mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R True mkBranch (Pos (Succ Zero)) key elt fm_L fm_R
mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R False mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4 zuu zuv zuw zux key elt fm_L fm_R (mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux > sIZE_RATIO * mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux)

mkBalBranch6Single_L zuu zuv zuw zux fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r zw fm_rl fm_rrmkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))) key_r elt_r (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))) zuu zuv fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

mkBalBranch6Single_R zuu zuv zuw zux (Branch key_l elt_l xx fm_ll fm_lrfm_r mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero))))))))) key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))) zuu zuv fm_lr fm_r)

mkBalBranch6Size_l zuu zuv zuw zux sizeFM zuw

mkBalBranch6Size_r zuu zuv zuw zux sizeFM zux

  mkBranch :: Ord b => Int  ->  b  ->  a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a  ->  FiniteMap b a
mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r mkBranchResult key elt fm_l fm_r

mkBranchBalance_ok zww zwx zwy True

mkBranchLeft_ok zww zwx zwy mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy zww zwx zww

mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_l key EmptyFM True
mkBranchLeft_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_l key (Branch left_key vuw vux vuy vuzmkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key fm_l < key

mkBranchLeft_ok0Biggest_left_key zzw fst (findMax zzw)

mkBranchLeft_size zww zwx zwy sizeFM zww

mkBranchResult zwz zxu zxv zxw Branch zwz zxu (mkBranchUnbox zxv zwz zxw (Pos (Succ Zero+ mkBranchLeft_size zxv zwz zxw + mkBranchRight_size zxv zwz zxw)) zxv zxw

mkBranchRight_ok zww zwx zwy mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy zwy zwx zwy

mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_r key EmptyFM True
mkBranchRight_ok0 zww zwx zwy fm_r key (Branch right_key vvu vvv vvw vvxkey < mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key fm_r

mkBranchRight_ok0Smallest_right_key zzv fst (findMin zzv)

mkBranchRight_size zww zwx zwy sizeFM zwy

  mkBranchUnbox :: Ord a =>  ->  (FiniteMap a b) ( ->  a ( ->  (FiniteMap a b) (Int  ->  Int)))
mkBranchUnbox zww zwx zwy x x

  mkVBalBranch :: Ord a => a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b  ->  FiniteMap a b
mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM
mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzxmkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3 key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzxmkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * mkVBalBranch3Size_l vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx < mkVBalBranch3Size_r vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx)

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch0 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBranch (Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))))))))))) key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx)

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBalBranch vxz vyu vyw (mkVBalBranch key elt vyx (Branch vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx))
mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch0 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx otherwise

mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx True mkBalBranch vyz vzu (mkVBalBranch key elt (Branch vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx) vzw) vzx
mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx False mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1 zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu key elt vxz vyu vyv vyw vyx vyz vzu vzv vzw vzx (sIZE_RATIO * mkVBalBranch3Size_r zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu < mkVBalBranch3Size_l zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu)

mkVBalBranch3Size_l zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu sizeFM (Branch zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu)

mkVBalBranch3Size_r zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv zyw zyx zyy zyz zzu sizeFM (Branch zxx zxy zxz zyu zyv)

mkVBalBranch4 key elt fm_l EmptyFM addToFM fm_l key elt
mkVBalBranch4 yux yuy yuz yvu mkVBalBranch3 yux yuy yuz yvu

mkVBalBranch5 key elt EmptyFM fm_r addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch5 yvw yvx yvy yvz mkVBalBranch4 yvw yvx yvy yvz

  sIZE_RATIO :: Int
sIZE_RATIO Pos (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))))

  sizeFM :: FiniteMap b a  ->  Int
sizeFM EmptyFM Pos Zero
sizeFM (Branch vwy vwz size vxu vxvsize

  splitGT :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap b a
splitGT EmptyFM split_key splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitGT (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_r) split_key

splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True fm_r

splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False splitGT0 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key True splitGT fm_r split_key
splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key False splitGT1 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitGT3 (Branch key elt vw fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitGT2 key elt vw fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitGT4 EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitGT4 wzz xuu splitGT3 wzz xuu

  splitLT :: Ord b => FiniteMap b a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap b a
splitLT EmptyFM split_key splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key
splitLT (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_r) split_key

splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True fm_l

splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False splitLT0 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key otherwise

splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key True splitLT fm_l split_key
splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key False splitLT1 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key > key)

splitLT3 (Branch key elt vvz fm_l fm_rsplit_key splitLT2 key elt vvz fm_l fm_r split_key (split_key < key)

splitLT4 EmptyFM split_key emptyFM
splitLT4 xzy xzz splitLT3 xzy xzz

  unitFM :: a  ->  b  ->  FiniteMap a b
unitFM key elt Branch key elt (Pos (Succ Zero)) emptyFM emptyFM

module Maybe where
  import qualified FiniteMap
import qualified Prelude

  isJust :: Maybe a  ->  Bool
isJust Nothing False
isJust wuz True

Haskell To QDPs

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueBal2Mid_elt20(zzz500, zzz501, zzz502, zzz503, zzz504, zzz505, zzz506, zzz507, zzz508, zzz509, zzz510, zzz511, zzz512, Branch(zzz5130, zzz5131, zzz5132, zzz5133, zzz5134), zzz514, h, ba) → new_glueBal2Mid_elt20(zzz500, zzz501, zzz502, zzz503, zzz504, zzz505, zzz506, zzz507, zzz508, zzz509, zzz5130, zzz5131, zzz5132, zzz5133, zzz5134, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueBal2Mid_key20(zzz484, zzz485, zzz486, zzz487, zzz488, zzz489, zzz490, zzz491, zzz492, zzz493, zzz494, zzz495, zzz496, Branch(zzz4970, zzz4971, zzz4972, zzz4973, zzz4974), zzz498, h, ba) → new_glueBal2Mid_key20(zzz484, zzz485, zzz486, zzz487, zzz488, zzz489, zzz490, zzz491, zzz492, zzz493, zzz4970, zzz4971, zzz4972, zzz4973, zzz4974, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueBal2Mid_elt10(zzz532, zzz533, zzz534, zzz535, zzz536, zzz537, zzz538, zzz539, zzz540, zzz541, zzz542, zzz543, zzz544, zzz545, Branch(zzz5460, zzz5461, zzz5462, zzz5463, zzz5464), h, ba) → new_glueBal2Mid_elt10(zzz532, zzz533, zzz534, zzz535, zzz536, zzz537, zzz538, zzz539, zzz540, zzz541, zzz5460, zzz5461, zzz5462, zzz5463, zzz5464, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueBal2Mid_key10(zzz516, zzz517, zzz518, zzz519, zzz520, zzz521, zzz522, zzz523, zzz524, zzz525, zzz526, zzz527, zzz528, zzz529, Branch(zzz5300, zzz5301, zzz5302, zzz5303, zzz5304), h, ba) → new_glueBal2Mid_key10(zzz516, zzz517, zzz518, zzz519, zzz520, zzz521, zzz522, zzz523, zzz524, zzz525, zzz5300, zzz5301, zzz5302, zzz5303, zzz5304, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primEqNat(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat(zzz400000, zzz300000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primCmpNat(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat(zzz40000, zzz30000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primMinusNat(Succ(zzz241200), Succ(zzz43000)) → new_primMinusNat(zzz241200, zzz43000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primPlusNat(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → new_primPlusNat(zzz23300, zzz3001000)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_primMulNat(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primMulNat(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100))

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_esEs2(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, bcd), bce), bcf)) → new_esEs1(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcd, bce, bcf)
new_esEs3(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(app(ty_Either, bda), bdb)) → new_esEs(zzz40000, zzz30000, bda, bdb)
new_esEs3(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_esEs0(zzz40000, zzz30000, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, app(app(app(ty_@3, bab), bac), bad), ge) → new_esEs1(zzz40001, zzz30001, bab, bac, bad)
new_esEs3(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(ty_[], bea)) → new_esEs3(zzz40000, zzz30000, bea)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, gd, app(ty_[], bbg)) → new_esEs3(zzz40002, zzz30002, bbg)
new_esEs2(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, bbh), bca)) → new_esEs(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbh, bca)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), eg, app(app(app(ty_@3, fd), ff), fg)) → new_esEs1(zzz40001, zzz30001, fd, ff, fg)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, gd, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbc), bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs1(zzz40002, zzz30002, bbc, bbd, bbe)
new_esEs(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cb, app(app(ty_@2, ce), cf)) → new_esEs0(zzz40000, zzz30000, ce, cf)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, gd, app(app(ty_@2, bba), bbb)) → new_esEs0(zzz40002, zzz30002, bba, bbb)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), eg, app(ty_[], ga)) → new_esEs3(zzz40001, zzz30001, ga)
new_esEs2(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, bcg)) → new_esEs2(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcg)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(ty_[], ef), dg) → new_esEs3(zzz40000, zzz30000, ef)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(app(ty_Either, de), df), dg) → new_esEs(zzz40000, zzz30000, de, df)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), app(app(ty_@2, gf), gg), gd, ge) → new_esEs0(zzz40000, zzz30000, gf, gg)
new_esEs(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, bh), bb) → new_esEs2(zzz40000, zzz30000, bh)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), eg, app(app(ty_Either, eh), fa)) → new_esEs(zzz40001, zzz30001, eh, fa)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), app(ty_[], hd), gd, ge) → new_esEs3(zzz40000, zzz30000, hd)
new_esEs3(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), beb) → new_esEs3(zzz40001, zzz30001, beb)
new_esEs(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_esEs3(zzz40000, zzz30000, ca)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, app(ty_[], baf), ge) → new_esEs3(zzz40001, zzz30001, baf)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), app(app(app(ty_@3, gh), ha), hb), gd, ge) → new_esEs1(zzz40000, zzz30000, gh, ha, hb)
new_esEs(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, cg), da), db)) → new_esEs1(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg, da, db)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), eg, app(ty_Maybe, fh)) → new_esEs2(zzz40001, zzz30001, fh)
new_esEs(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_esEs(zzz40000, zzz30000, cc, cd)
new_esEs(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_esEs3(zzz40000, zzz30000, dd)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, app(ty_Maybe, bae), ge) → new_esEs2(zzz40001, zzz30001, bae)
new_esEs(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, bc), bd), bb) → new_esEs0(zzz40000, zzz30000, bc, bd)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(ty_Maybe, ee), dg) → new_esEs2(zzz40000, zzz30000, ee)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, gd, app(app(ty_Either, bag), bah)) → new_esEs(zzz40002, zzz30002, bag, bah)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, gd, app(ty_Maybe, bbf)) → new_esEs2(zzz40002, zzz30002, bbf)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg), ge) → new_esEs(zzz40001, zzz30001, hf, hg)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), app(app(ty_Either, gb), gc), gd, ge) → new_esEs(zzz40000, zzz30000, gb, gc)
new_esEs(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cb, app(ty_Maybe, dc)) → new_esEs2(zzz40000, zzz30000, dc)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(app(ty_@2, dh), ea), dg) → new_esEs0(zzz40000, zzz30000, dh, ea)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), app(ty_Maybe, hc), gd, ge) → new_esEs2(zzz40000, zzz30000, hc)
new_esEs(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, be), bf), bg), bb) → new_esEs1(zzz40000, zzz30000, be, bf, bg)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(app(app(ty_@3, eb), ec), ed), dg) → new_esEs1(zzz40000, zzz30000, eb, ec, ed)
new_esEs1(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), he, app(app(ty_@2, hh), baa), ge) → new_esEs0(zzz40001, zzz30001, hh, baa)
new_esEs0(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), eg, app(app(ty_@2, fb), fc)) → new_esEs0(zzz40001, zzz30001, fb, fc)
new_esEs3(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(ty_Maybe, bdh)) → new_esEs2(zzz40000, zzz30000, bdh)
new_esEs3(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), app(app(app(ty_@3, bde), bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs1(zzz40000, zzz30000, bde, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_esEs(zzz40000, zzz30000, h, ba)
new_esEs2(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, bcb), bcc)) → new_esEs0(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb, bcc)
new_esEs2(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], bch)) → new_esEs3(zzz40000, zzz30000, bch)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_[], ca)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_primCompAux(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(ty_Maybe, bhf)) → new_compare22(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea), bee, bef) → new_compare1(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(ty_[], bcc), bbd) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb), bbd) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(ty_Maybe, bga), bef) → new_lt1(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(ty_[], bfb), bee, bef) → new_compare0(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh), bef) → new_lt0(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_ltEs(zzz126, zzz128, ccf, ccg)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(ty_[], bgd), bef) → new_lt3(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc), bef) → new_lt2(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef), dg, dh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(ty_Maybe, da)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_Maybe, baf)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_[], bba)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(ty_[], cdf)) → new_ltEs3(zzz126, zzz128, cdf)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare4(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)), bbd), hh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_[], eg)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)), bbd), hh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe), bef) → new_lt(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_ltEs3(zzz114, zzz117, bhe)
new_ltEs3(zzz51, zzz52, bdf) → new_compare0(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(ty_Maybe, ed), dg, dh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(ty_Maybe, cfg)) → new_ltEs1(zzz58, zzz59, cfg)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_ltEs1(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_primCompAux(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(app(ty_@3, beb), bec), bed)) → new_compare21(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_compare0(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → new_primCompAux(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_lt(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he) → new_compare(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga), dh) → new_lt2(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa), bee, bef) → new_compare4(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_compare1(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), beb, bec, bed) → new_compare21(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_compare4(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cbb, cbc) → new_compare23(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(ty_@2, bhc), bhd)) → new_ltEs2(zzz114, zzz117, bhc, bhd)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(ty_@2, cae), caf)) → new_ltEs2(zzz80, zzz81, cae, caf)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(ty_Maybe, bbh), bbd) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb), dh) → new_lt(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_ltEs0(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(ty_Maybe, bdb)) → new_ltEs1(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs(zzz80, zzz81, bhg, bhh)
new_lt1(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_compare3(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(app(ty_@3, cch), cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs0(zzz126, zzz128, cch, cda, cdb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg), bbd) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)) → new_ltEs2(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare20(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bf), bb) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg), cea) → new_lt2(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, caa), cab), cac)) → new_ltEs0(zzz80, zzz81, caa, cab, cac)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs0(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be), bb) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_primCompAux(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, cba) → new_primCompAux0(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, cba), app(ty_[], cba))
new_lt2(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa) → new_compare4(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(ty_Maybe, beg), bee, bef) → new_compare3(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Maybe, da)) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_ltEs(zzz58, zzz59, cfb, cfc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgg), bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs0(zzz114, zzz117, bgg, bgh, bha)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)) → new_ltEs(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(ty_[], eg), dg, dh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(ty_Maybe, bdb)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced), cea) → new_lt0(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(ty_@2, cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs2(zzz126, zzz128, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he), bee, bef) → new_compare(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_ltEs(zzz114, zzz117, bge, bgf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec), dg, dh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(ty_[], cgb)) → new_ltEs3(zzz58, zzz59, cgb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(ty_[], hc)) → new_ltEs3(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, baf)) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(ty_Maybe, cdc)) → new_ltEs1(zzz126, zzz128, cdc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(ty_[], bde)) → new_ltEs3(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare1(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_primCompAux(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare2(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_lt0(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare1(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCompAux(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare20(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_[], bcc)), bbd), hh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_Either, h), ba)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_compare(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare2(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff), dh) → new_lt0(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(ty_[], ceh), cea) → new_lt3(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(ty_Maybe, fg)), dh), hh) → new_lt1(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc), bbd) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(ty_[], dd)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)), dh), hh) → new_lt0(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare3(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)), bbd), hh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(ty_@2, cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs2(zzz58, zzz59, cfh, cga)
new_compare3(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bhf) → new_compare22(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(ty_[], cag)) → new_ltEs3(zzz80, zzz81, cag)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare0(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_compare2(zzz51, zzz52, False, app(ty_[], bdf), hh) → new_compare0(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(ty_Maybe, gh)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh), cea) → new_lt(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(ty_Maybe, cee), cea) → new_lt1(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)), dh), hh) → new_lt2(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_ltEs2(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_lt3(zzz112, zzz115, bfb) → new_compare0(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(ty_[], hc)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(ty_[], bde)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(ty_Maybe, cad)) → new_ltEs1(zzz80, zzz81, cad)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bba)) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)), bbd), hh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)) → new_ltEs(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_Maybe, bf)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(ty_[], gb)), dh), hh) → new_lt3(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_primCompAux(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), zzz401, zzz301, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_primCompAux(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(ty_[], gb), dh) → new_lt3(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_primCompAux(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_@2, cbb), cbc)) → new_compare23(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfd), cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs0(zzz58, zzz59, cfd, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(ty_Maybe, fg), dh) → new_lt1(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)), dh), hh) → new_lt(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_Maybe, ed)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(ty_Maybe, bhb)) → new_ltEs1(zzz114, zzz117, bhb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(ty_Either, de), df), dg, dh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgg), bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bgg, bgh, bha)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, edh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, edh)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fgd)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, ede)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, ede)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, bef) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bfc), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bfc), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bee), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bee), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bef)))), bfc, bee, bef)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, fdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, fdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, hf, hg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, cad)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, cad)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, ede)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, ede)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ffe), fff)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ffe, fff)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, cee)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ebh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, bb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, deg), deh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, deg, deh)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bfb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bfb), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, dcd) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cah) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cbb, cbc) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bhf)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bhf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), bbd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, bcd, bbd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, bb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, bb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcg), dch), dda)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcg, dch, dda)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, ecg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, ecg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cah) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, chd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, chd)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, eaf)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, eaf)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, eee), eef), dcd) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eee, eef)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bhc), bhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bhc, bhd)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dhd), dhe)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhd, dhe)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, fbe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbe)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bdf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, bdf))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, fbd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), dce, dcf) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, dce), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, dcf))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ehg), ehh), faa)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg, ehh, faa)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, bbd) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, bcd), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, bbd)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, edb, edc, edd) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, edb, edc, edd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ddc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fhd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fhd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, edg) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, edg), cfa, edg)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddd) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], ddd) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, efe), dcd) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, efe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dea), deb), dec)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dea, deb, dec)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eff), dcd) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eff)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, ddc) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), ddc) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, dcd) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], fad)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, fad)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, dcd) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be), bb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcc, dcd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, bdb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fha)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fha)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], bde)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cfa, edg) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eac)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eac)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfg)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, ecf)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, ecf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, cha), chb), chc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, cha, chb, chc)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], feb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, feb)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, ecd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], eg)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dgf), dgg), dgh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgf, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, dhb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, daa), dab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, daa, dab)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], chf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, chf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dah)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], eae)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, eae)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bhf) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fcg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcg)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, eec, eed) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, efa), efb), efc), dcd) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, efa, efb, efc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dbc), dbd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc, dbd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, cae), caf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, cae, caf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], bdf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, cea) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, cce), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, cce), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, cea)), cce, cea)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fcf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fhd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fhd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fg)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, feg), feh), ffa)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, feg, feh, ffa)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, beg), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, eec, eed) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fag), fah)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fag, fah)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cge), cgf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cge, cgf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, ccf, ccg)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, fde), fdf), fdg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, fde, fdf, fdg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dfh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ffd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffd)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], cgb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, cgb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fec), fed)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fec, fed)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bf), bb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, cee)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, dh) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, eh), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, eh), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, dg), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, dg), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, dh)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, eda, hh) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dca)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dca)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fae), faf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fae, faf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ebc), ebd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fhb)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fhb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dee)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dee)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dde), ddf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dde, ddf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, dga) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cah)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, fhc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, fhc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ecb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ecb)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, ffg, ffh)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fga), fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fga, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, dcd) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fge)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fge)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fgf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fgf)
new_esEs24([], [], ddd) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eag)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, eag)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, ece) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, dgb), dgc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgb, dgc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ddb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bhb)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, cdc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, cdc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fg)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fca, fcb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, cba) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, cba), app(ty_[], cba))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, dcd) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, cfg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, cfg)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, ecc) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, eca)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, eca)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, fda), fdb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, fda, fdb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, eeg), eeh), dcd) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eeg, eeh)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(app(ty_@3, egc), egd), ege)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, egc, egd, ege)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fgg, fgh) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, ecg) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, eha, ehb) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, eha, ehb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), dh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, eh, dg, dh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, bb) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], fbf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, fab)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fab)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, cbb), cbc)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, cbb, cbc)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, ecg) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, dha)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], cdf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, cdf)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fee, fef)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, cfh, cga)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, beb), bec), bed)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, beb, bec, bed)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, edf)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cgd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cgd))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), beb, bec, bed) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, eda, hh) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, eda), eda, hh)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, che)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, che)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Ratio, eeb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, eeb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bge, bgf)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, eba), ebb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, eba, ebb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, chg), chh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, chg, chh)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bhf) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, dgd), dge)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgd, dge)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, edb, edc, edd) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Maybe, da)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, bb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, daf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, daf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dhh), eaa), eab)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhh, eaa, eab)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, dcd) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dac), dad), dae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dac, dad, dae)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, fac)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, fac)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, ech)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, ech)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fhb)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fhb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cgg), cgh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cgg, cgh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], dhc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, eea), bb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, eea)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), ecg) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, baf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_[], egh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bhg, bhh)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, eha, ehb) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], def)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, def)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, ddc) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cgd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, efd), dcd) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, efd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bhe)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dag)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], eg)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehc, ehd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ebe), ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebe, ebf, ebg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fgg, fgh) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dba), dbb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dba, dbb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, fea)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, fea)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fha)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fha)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddb) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ddb), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ddb))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fba), fbb), fbc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, fba, fbb, fbc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, ecc) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ecc), ecc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfd), cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, cfd, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], cag)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, cag)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ddg), ddh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddg, ddh)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ffc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, bb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, edb, edc, edd) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, eaf) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, eaf), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfc), dfd), dfe)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfc, dfd, dfe)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, dcd) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bhf) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbe), dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe, dbf, dbg)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, dga) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dcg, dch, dda) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dcg), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dch), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dda)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], hc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcc), fcd), fce)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcc, fcd, fce)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, bb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_Ratio, egf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fch)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fch)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(ty_Either, efg), efh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, efg, efh)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, edb, edc, edd) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, edb, edc, edd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ffb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffb)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bhf) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, eah)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, cce, cea) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ded)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ded)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, eaf)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, eaf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), dcc, dcd) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, dcd) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, bb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cgc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cgc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dce), dcf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dce, dcf)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, dcd) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddd) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ddd), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, ddd))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, bb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, eha, ehb) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, eha, ehb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dhf), dhg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhf, dhg)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dff)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dff)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cb, bb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, ece) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, eha, ehb) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bfc, bee, bef) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(ty_@2, ega), egb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ega, egb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eag)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, eag)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dfa), dfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfa, dfb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ead)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ead)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbh)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_Maybe, egg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cb), bb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cb, bb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ehe), ehf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe, ehf)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, caa), cab), cac)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, caa, cab, cac)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, cch), cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, cch, cda, cdb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa), LT)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
The approximation of the Dependency Graph [15,17,22] contains 1 SCC with 4 less nodes.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_[], ca)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_primCompAux(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(ty_Maybe, bhf)) → new_compare22(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea), bee, bef) → new_compare1(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb), bbd) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(ty_[], bcc), bbd) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(ty_Maybe, bga), bef) → new_lt1(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(ty_[], bfb), bee, bef) → new_compare0(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh), bef) → new_lt0(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_ltEs(zzz126, zzz128, ccf, ccg)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(ty_[], bgd), bef) → new_lt3(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc), bef) → new_lt2(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef), dg, dh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(ty_Maybe, da)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_Maybe, baf)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_[], bba)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(ty_[], cdf)) → new_ltEs3(zzz126, zzz128, cdf)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)), bbd), hh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_[], eg)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)), bbd), hh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe), bef) → new_lt(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_ltEs3(zzz114, zzz117, bhe)
new_ltEs3(zzz51, zzz52, bdf) → new_compare0(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(ty_Maybe, ed), dg, dh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(ty_Maybe, cfg)) → new_ltEs1(zzz58, zzz59, cfg)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_ltEs1(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_primCompAux(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(app(ty_@3, beb), bec), bed)) → new_compare21(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_compare0(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → new_primCompAux(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_lt(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he) → new_compare(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga), dh) → new_lt2(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa), bee, bef) → new_compare4(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_compare1(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), beb, bec, bed) → new_compare21(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_compare4(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cbb, cbc) → new_compare23(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(ty_@2, bhc), bhd)) → new_ltEs2(zzz114, zzz117, bhc, bhd)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(ty_@2, cae), caf)) → new_ltEs2(zzz80, zzz81, cae, caf)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(ty_Maybe, bbh), bbd) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb), dh) → new_lt(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_ltEs0(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(ty_Maybe, bdb)) → new_ltEs1(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs(zzz80, zzz81, bhg, bhh)
new_lt1(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_compare3(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(app(ty_@3, cch), cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs0(zzz126, zzz128, cch, cda, cdb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg), bbd) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)) → new_ltEs2(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare20(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bf), bb) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg), cea) → new_lt2(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, caa), cab), cac)) → new_ltEs0(zzz80, zzz81, caa, cab, cac)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs0(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be), bb) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_primCompAux(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, cba) → new_primCompAux0(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, cba), app(ty_[], cba))
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(ty_Maybe, beg), bee, bef) → new_compare3(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_lt2(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa) → new_compare4(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Maybe, da)) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_ltEs(zzz58, zzz59, cfb, cfc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgg), bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs0(zzz114, zzz117, bgg, bgh, bha)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)) → new_ltEs(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(ty_[], eg), dg, dh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(ty_Maybe, bdb)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced), cea) → new_lt0(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(ty_@2, cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs2(zzz126, zzz128, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he), bee, bef) → new_compare(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_ltEs(zzz114, zzz117, bge, bgf)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec), dg, dh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(ty_[], cgb)) → new_ltEs3(zzz58, zzz59, cgb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, baf)) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(ty_[], hc)) → new_ltEs3(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(ty_Maybe, cdc)) → new_ltEs1(zzz126, zzz128, cdc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(ty_[], bde)) → new_ltEs3(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_primCompAux(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare2(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_lt0(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare1(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCompAux(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare20(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_[], bcc)), bbd), hh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_Either, h), ba)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_compare(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare2(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff), dh) → new_lt0(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(ty_[], ceh), cea) → new_lt3(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(ty_Maybe, fg)), dh), hh) → new_lt1(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc), bbd) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)), dh), hh) → new_lt0(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(ty_[], dd)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)), bbd), hh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(ty_@2, cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs2(zzz58, zzz59, cfh, cga)
new_compare3(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bhf) → new_compare22(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(ty_[], cag)) → new_ltEs3(zzz80, zzz81, cag)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare0(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_compare2(zzz51, zzz52, False, app(ty_[], bdf), hh) → new_compare0(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(ty_Maybe, gh)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh), cea) → new_lt(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(ty_Maybe, cee), cea) → new_lt1(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)), dh), hh) → new_lt2(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_lt3(zzz112, zzz115, bfb) → new_compare0(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_ltEs2(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(ty_[], hc)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(ty_Maybe, cad)) → new_ltEs1(zzz80, zzz81, cad)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(ty_[], bde)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bba)) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)), bbd), hh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_Maybe, bf)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)) → new_ltEs(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(ty_[], gb)), dh), hh) → new_lt3(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_primCompAux(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), zzz401, zzz301, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_primCompAux(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(ty_[], gb), dh) → new_lt3(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_primCompAux(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_@2, cbb), cbc)) → new_compare23(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfd), cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs0(zzz58, zzz59, cfd, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(ty_Maybe, fg), dh) → new_lt1(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)), dh), hh) → new_lt(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(ty_Maybe, bhb)) → new_ltEs1(zzz114, zzz117, bhb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_Maybe, ed)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(ty_Either, de), df), dg, dh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgg), bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bgg, bgh, bha)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, edh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, edh)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fgd)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, ede)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, ede)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, bef) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bfc), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bfc), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bee), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bee), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bef)))), bfc, bee, bef)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, fdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, fdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, hf, hg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, cad)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, cad)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, ede)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, ede)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ffe), fff)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ffe, fff)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, cee)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ebh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, bb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, deg), deh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, deg, deh)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bfb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bfb), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, dcd) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cah) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cbb, cbc) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bhf)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bhf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), bbd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, bcd, bbd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, bb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, bb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcg), dch), dda)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcg, dch, dda)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, ecg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, ecg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cah) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, chd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, chd)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, eaf)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, eaf)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, eee), eef), dcd) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eee, eef)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bhc), bhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bhc, bhd)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dhd), dhe)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhd, dhe)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, fbe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbe)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bdf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, bdf))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, fbd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), dce, dcf) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, dce), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, dcf))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ehg), ehh), faa)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg, ehh, faa)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, bbd) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, bcd), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, bbd)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, edb, edc, edd) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, edb, edc, edd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ddc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fhd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fhd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, edg) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, edg), cfa, edg)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddd) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], ddd) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, efe), dcd) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, efe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dea), deb), dec)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dea, deb, dec)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eff), dcd) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eff)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, ddc) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), ddc) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, dcd) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], fad)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, fad)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, dcd) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be), bb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcc, dcd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, bdb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fha)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fha)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], bde)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cfa, edg) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eac)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eac)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfg)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, ecf)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, ecf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, cha), chb), chc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, cha, chb, chc)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], feb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, feb)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, ecd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], eg)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dgf), dgg), dgh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgf, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, dhb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, daa), dab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, daa, dab)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], chf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, chf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dah)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], eae)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, eae)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bhf) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fcg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcg)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, eec, eed) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, efa), efb), efc), dcd) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, efa, efb, efc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dbc), dbd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc, dbd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, cae), caf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, cae, caf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], bdf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, cea) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, cce), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, cce), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, cea)), cce, cea)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fcf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fhd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fhd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fg)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, feg), feh), ffa)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, feg, feh, ffa)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, beg), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, eec, eed) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fag), fah)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fag, fah)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cge), cgf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cge, cgf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, ccf, ccg)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, fde), fdf), fdg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, fde, fdf, fdg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dfh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ffd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffd)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], cgb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, cgb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fec), fed)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fec, fed)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bf), bb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, cee)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, dh) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, eh), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, eh), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, dg), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, dg), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, dh)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, eda, hh) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dca)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dca)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fae), faf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fae, faf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ebc), ebd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fhb)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fhb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dee)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dee)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dde), ddf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dde, ddf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, dga) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cah)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, fhc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, fhc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ecb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ecb)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, ffg, ffh)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fga), fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fga, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, dcd) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fge)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fge)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fgf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fgf)
new_esEs24([], [], ddd) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eag)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, eag)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, ece) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, dgb), dgc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgb, dgc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ddb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bhb)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, cdc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, cdc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fg)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fca, fcb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, cba) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, cba), app(ty_[], cba))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, dcd) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, cfg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, cfg)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, ecc) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, eca)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, eca)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, fda), fdb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, fda, fdb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, eeg), eeh), dcd) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eeg, eeh)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(app(ty_@3, egc), egd), ege)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, egc, egd, ege)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fgg, fgh) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, ecg) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, eha, ehb) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, eha, ehb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), dh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, eh, dg, dh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, bb) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], fbf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, fab)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fab)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, cbb), cbc)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, cbb, cbc)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, ecg) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, dha)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], cdf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, cdf)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fee, fef)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, cfh, cga)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, beb), bec), bed)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, beb, bec, bed)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, edf)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cgd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cgd))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), beb, bec, bed) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, eda, hh) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, eda), eda, hh)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, che)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, che)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Ratio, eeb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, eeb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bge, bgf)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, eba), ebb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, eba, ebb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, chg), chh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, chg, chh)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bhf) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, dgd), dge)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgd, dge)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, edb, edc, edd) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Maybe, da)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, bb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, daf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, daf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dhh), eaa), eab)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhh, eaa, eab)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, dcd) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dac), dad), dae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dac, dad, dae)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, fac)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, fac)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, ech)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, ech)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fhb)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fhb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cgg), cgh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cgg, cgh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], dhc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, eea), bb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, eea)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), ecg) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, baf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_[], egh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bhg, bhh)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, eha, ehb) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], def)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, def)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, ddc) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cgd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, efd), dcd) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, efd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bhe)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dag)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], eg)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehc, ehd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ebe), ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebe, ebf, ebg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fgg, fgh) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dba), dbb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dba, dbb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, fea)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, fea)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fha)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fha)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddb) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ddb), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ddb))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fba), fbb), fbc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, fba, fbb, fbc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, ecc) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ecc), ecc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfd), cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, cfd, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], cag)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, cag)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ddg), ddh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddg, ddh)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ffc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, bb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, edb, edc, edd) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, eaf) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, eaf), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfc), dfd), dfe)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfc, dfd, dfe)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, dcd) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bhf) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbe), dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe, dbf, dbg)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, dga) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dcg, dch, dda) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dcg), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dch), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dda)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], hc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcc), fcd), fce)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcc, fcd, fce)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, bb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_Ratio, egf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fch)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fch)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(ty_Either, efg), efh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, efg, efh)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, edb, edc, edd) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, edb, edc, edd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ffb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffb)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bhf) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, eah)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, cce, cea) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ded)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ded)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, eaf)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, eaf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), dcc, dcd) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, dcd) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, bb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cgc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cgc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dce), dcf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dce, dcf)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, dcd) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddd) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ddd), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, ddd))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, bb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, eha, ehb) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, eha, ehb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dhf), dhg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhf, dhg)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dff)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dff)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cb, bb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, ece) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, eha, ehb) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bfc, bee, bef) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(ty_@2, ega), egb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ega, egb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eag)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, eag)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dfa), dfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfa, dfb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ead)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ead)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbh)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_Maybe, egg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cb), bb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cb, bb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ehe), ehf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe, ehf)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, caa), cab), cac)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, caa, cab, cac)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, cch), cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, cch, cda, cdb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa), LT)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_[], ca)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_primCompAux(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(ty_Maybe, bhf)) → new_compare22(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea), bee, bef) → new_compare1(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb), bbd) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(ty_[], bcc), bbd) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(ty_Maybe, bga), bef) → new_lt1(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(ty_[], bfb), bee, bef) → new_compare0(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh), bef) → new_lt0(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_ltEs(zzz126, zzz128, ccf, ccg)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(ty_[], bgd), bef) → new_lt3(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc), bef) → new_lt2(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef), dg, dh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(ty_Maybe, da)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_Maybe, baf)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(ty_[], bba)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(ty_[], cdf)) → new_ltEs3(zzz126, zzz128, cdf)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)), bbd), hh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_[], eg)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)), bbd), hh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe), bef) → new_lt(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_ltEs3(zzz114, zzz117, bhe)
new_ltEs3(zzz51, zzz52, bdf) → new_compare0(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(ty_Maybe, ed), dg, dh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(ty_Maybe, cfg)) → new_ltEs1(zzz58, zzz59, cfg)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_ltEs1(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_primCompAux(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(app(ty_@3, beb), bec), bed)) → new_compare21(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_compare0(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → new_primCompAux(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_lt(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he) → new_compare(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga), dh) → new_lt2(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa), bee, bef) → new_compare4(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_compare1(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), beb, bec, bed) → new_compare21(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_compare4(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cbb, cbc) → new_compare23(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(ty_@2, bhc), bhd)) → new_ltEs2(zzz114, zzz117, bhc, bhd)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(ty_@2, cae), caf)) → new_ltEs2(zzz80, zzz81, cae, caf)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(ty_Maybe, bbh), bbd) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb), dh) → new_lt(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_ltEs0(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(ty_Maybe, bdb)) → new_ltEs1(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs(zzz80, zzz81, bhg, bhh)
new_lt1(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_compare3(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(app(ty_@3, cch), cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs0(zzz126, zzz128, cch, cda, cdb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg), bbd) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)) → new_ltEs2(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare20(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bf), bb) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg), cea) → new_lt2(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, caa), cab), cac)) → new_ltEs0(zzz80, zzz81, caa, cab, cac)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs0(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be), bb) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_primCompAux(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, cba) → new_primCompAux0(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, cba), app(ty_[], cba))
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(ty_Maybe, beg), bee, bef) → new_compare3(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_lt2(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa) → new_compare4(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_compare2(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), False, app(ty_Maybe, app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Maybe, da)) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_ltEs(zzz58, zzz59, cfb, cfc)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgg), bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs0(zzz114, zzz117, bgg, bgh, bha)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)) → new_ltEs(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(ty_[], eg), dg, dh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(ty_Maybe, bdb)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced), cea) → new_lt0(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(app(ty_@2, cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs2(zzz126, zzz128, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he), bee, bef) → new_compare(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_ltEs(zzz114, zzz117, bge, bgf)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec), dg, dh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(ty_[], cgb)) → new_ltEs3(zzz58, zzz59, cgb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, baf)) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(ty_[], hc)) → new_ltEs3(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, app(ty_Maybe, cdc)) → new_ltEs1(zzz126, zzz128, cdc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(ty_[], bde)) → new_ltEs3(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_primCompAux(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare2(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_lt0(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_compare1(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_primCompAux(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare20(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(ty_[], bcc)), bbd), hh) → new_lt3(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(ty_Either, h), ba)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_compare(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare2(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff), dh) → new_lt0(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(ty_[], ceh), cea) → new_lt3(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(ty_Maybe, fg)), dh), hh) → new_lt1(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc), bbd) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)), dh), hh) → new_lt0(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(ty_[], dd)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)), bbd), hh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt2(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(ty_@2, cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs2(zzz58, zzz59, cfh, cga)
new_compare3(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bhf) → new_compare22(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(ty_[], cag)) → new_ltEs3(zzz80, zzz81, cag)
new_primCompAux0(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare0(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_compare2(zzz51, zzz52, False, app(ty_[], bdf), hh) → new_compare0(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(ty_Maybe, gh)), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh), cea) → new_lt(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_compare23(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, app(ty_Maybe, cee), cea) → new_lt1(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)), dh), hh) → new_lt2(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_lt3(zzz112, zzz115, bfb) → new_compare0(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_ltEs2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_ltEs2(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(ty_[], hc)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_compare22(zzz80, zzz81, False, app(ty_Maybe, cad)) → new_ltEs1(zzz80, zzz81, cad)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), app(ty_[], bde)), hh) → new_ltEs3(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_ltEs1(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bba)) → new_ltEs3(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_compare2(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), False, app(app(ty_@2, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)), bbd), hh) → new_lt0(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_compare2(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, app(ty_Maybe, bf)), bb), hh) → new_ltEs1(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)) → new_ltEs(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(ty_[], gb)), dh), hh) → new_lt3(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_primCompAux(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), zzz401, zzz301, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_primCompAux(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(ty_[], gb), dh) → new_lt3(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_primCompAux(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), zzz401, zzz301, app(app(ty_@2, cbb), cbc)) → new_compare23(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare20(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfd), cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs0(zzz58, zzz59, cfd, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, app(ty_Maybe, fg), dh) → new_lt1(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)), dh), hh) → new_lt(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_compare21(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, app(ty_Maybe, bhb)) → new_ltEs1(zzz114, zzz117, bhb)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, app(ty_Maybe, ed)), dg), dh), hh) → new_lt1(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_compare2(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), False, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)), hh) → new_ltEs0(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_ltEs(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)) → new_ltEs0(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_compare2(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), False, app(app(ty_Either, cb), app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)), hh) → new_ltEs2(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_ltEs0(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), app(app(ty_Either, de), df), dg, dh) → new_lt(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, chd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, chd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, cha), chb), chc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, cha, chb, chc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], chf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, chf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cge), cgf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cge, cgf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, che)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, che)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cgg), cgh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cgg, cgh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, daa), dab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, daa, dab)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dah)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, chg), chh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, chg, chh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, daf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, daf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dac), dad), dae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dac, dad, dae)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dag)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ehg), ehh), faa)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg, ehh, faa)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, ddc) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), ddc) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], fad)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, fad)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, fab)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fab)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, ddc) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ehe), ehf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe, ehf)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, fac)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, fac)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, efe), dcd) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, efe)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehc, ehd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(ty_Either, efg), efh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, efg, efh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_Maybe, egg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, eee), eef), dcd) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eee, eef)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, dcd) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eff), dcd) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eff)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, dcd) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, dcd) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, efa), efb), efc), dcd) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, efa, efb, efc)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, dcd) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, dcd) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, eeg), eeh), dcd) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eeg, eeh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(app(ty_@3, egc), egd), ege)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, egc, egd, ege)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, dcd) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_[], egh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, efd), dcd) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, efd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, dcd) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(ty_Ratio, egf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), dcc, dcd) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, dcd) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, dcd) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), dcc, app(app(ty_@2, ega), egb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ega, egb)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), dce, dcf) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, dce), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, dcf))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, feg), feh), ffa)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, feg, feh, ffa)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ffd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fec), fed)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fec, fed)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fee, fef)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ffc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffc)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ffb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ffb)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fgd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ffe), fff)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ffe, fff)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, ffg, ffh)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fga), fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fga, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fge)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fge)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fgf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fgf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddd) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], ddd) → False
new_esEs24([], [], ddd) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddd) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ddd), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, ddd))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dgf), dgg), dgh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgf, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, dhb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, dgb), dgc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgb, dgc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, dha)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, dgd), dge)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgd, dge)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], dhc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), ddb) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ddb), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ddb))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dcg, dch, dda) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dcg), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dch), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dda)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, fbe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbe)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, fbd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fag), fah)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fag, fah)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fae), faf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fae, faf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], fbf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, fbf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fba), fbb), fbc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, fba, fbb, fbc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fcg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcg)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fcf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fca, fcb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcc), fcd), fce)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fcc, fcd, fce)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fch)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fch)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, fdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, fdh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], feb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, feb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, fde), fdf), fdg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, fde, fdf, fdg)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, fda), fdb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, fda, fdb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, fea)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, fea)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dea), deb), dec)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dea, deb, dec)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dee)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dee)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dde), ddf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dde, ddf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], def)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, def)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ddg), ddh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddg, ddh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ded)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ded)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dhd), dhe)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhd, dhe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eac)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eac)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], eae)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, eae)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dhh), eaa), eab)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhh, eaa, eab)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dhf), dhg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhf, dhg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ead)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ead)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, deg), deh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, deg, deh)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dfh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfh)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfc), dfd), dfe)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfc, dfd, dfe)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dff)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dff)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dfa), dfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dfa, dfb)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ebh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ebc), ebd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ecb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ecb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, eca)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, eca)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, eba), ebb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, eba, ebb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ebe), ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ebe, ebf, ebg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcg), dch), dda)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcg, dch, dda)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ddc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcc, dcd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ddb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddb)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dce), dcf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dce, dcf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ddd)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dcb)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dbc), dbd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc, dbd)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dca)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dca)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dba), dbb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dba, dbb)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbe), dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe, dbf, dbg)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, hf), hg)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, hf, hg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bhf)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bhf)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cah)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cah)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, cbb), cbc)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, cbb, cbc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, beb), bec), bed)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, beb, bec, bed)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cgc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cgc)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), beb, bec, bed) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, beb), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bec), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bed))), beb, bec, bed)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bfc, bee, bef) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bfc), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bfc), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bee), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bee), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bef)))), bfc, bee, bef)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bfc, bee, bef) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, eaf)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, eaf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bfb)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdg), bdh), bea)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, hd), he)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, eaf)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, eaf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eag)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, eag)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bgd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bga)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bfd, bfe)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, bgb, bgc)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eag)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, eag)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgg), bgh), bha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bgg, bgh, bha)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bhc), bhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bhc, bhd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bhb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bge), bgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bge, bgf)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bhe)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, eah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, edb, edc, edd) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, edb, edc, edd)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, edb, edc, edd) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, edb, edc, edd)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, edb, edc, edd) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, edb, edc, edd) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cgd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cgd))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bdf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, bdf))
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → LT
new_compare13([], [], cah) → EQ
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cah) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cah) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cah)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, cba) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, cba), app(ty_[], cba))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, ece) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, ece) → LT
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_@2, db), dc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, db, dc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, bb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, bb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, bb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_[], dd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bc), bd), be), bb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bc, bd, be)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ca), bb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, ca)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, bb) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Ratio, eeb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, eeb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, bb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, eea), bb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, eea)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bg), bh), bb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, bg, bh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(app(ty_@3, ce), cf), cg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ce, cf, cg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, bb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, bb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, bb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, bb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cb, bb) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, h), ba), bb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, h, ba)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, baa), bab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, baa, bab)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(app(ty_Either, cc), cd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cc, cd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cb, app(ty_Maybe, da)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, da)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bf), bb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, bf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, baf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, baf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bac, bad, bae)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, bba)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, ecg) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, ecg) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, ech)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, ech)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), ecg) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, bag, bah)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), bcd, bbd) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, bcd), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, bbd)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, ede)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, ede)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, ede)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, ede)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, bbh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bca), bcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, bca, bcb)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbe), bbf), bbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, bbe, bbf, bbg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, bcc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, bce), bcf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, bce, bcf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, bdb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, bdb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], bde)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, bde)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, edf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, bdc), bdd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, bdc, bdd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcg), bch), bda)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, bcg, bch, bda)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), eh, dg, dh) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, eh), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, eh), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, dg), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, dg), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, dh)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fha)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fha)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], eg)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], eg)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, eg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, de), df)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, de, df)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, ea), eb), ec)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, ea, eb, ec)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ed)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ed)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fha)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fha)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, ee), ef)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, ee, ef)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fhb)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fhb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fg)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], gb)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, gb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fg)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fg)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fa), fb)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fa, fb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fhb)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fhb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fh), ga)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fh, ga)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fc), fd), ff)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fc, fd, ff)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, gh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, gh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, fhc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, fhc)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, ha), hb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, ha, hb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, gc), gd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, gc, gd)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], hc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, hc)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdg, bdh, bea), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, hd, he), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg), hf, hg)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, hf), hf, hg)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), hf, hg) → GT
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, eda, hh) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, eda, hh) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, eda), eda, hh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, bcd), bbd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, bcd, bbd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, ecg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, ecg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], bdf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bdf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), dg), dh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, eh, dg, dh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cgd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cb), bb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cb, bb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fgg, fgh) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fgg, fgh) → GT
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cfa, edg) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, edg), cfa, edg)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cfa, edg) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, edh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, edh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], cgb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, cgb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, cfg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, cfg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, cfh, cga)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cfb, cfc)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfd), cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, cfd, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, eec, eed) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, eec, eed) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, beh, bfa), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cbb, cbc) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cbb), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cbc)), cbb, cbc)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, cce, cea) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, cce), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, cce), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, cea)), cce, cea)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, cce, cea) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fhd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fhd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, cee)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, cee)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, cee)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fhd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fhd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], ceh)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, ceh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, cef), ceg)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, cef, ceg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ceb), cec), ced)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ceb, cec, ced)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, cdg), cdh)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, ccf, ccg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, cdc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, cdc)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], cdf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, cdf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, cch), cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, cch, cda, cdb)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, eha, ehb) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, eha, ehb)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, eha, ehb) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, eha, ehb)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, eha, ehb) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, eha, ehb) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bfb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bfb), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, beg), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bhf) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bhf) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bhf) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bhf), bhf)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bhf) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, ecc) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, ecc) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ecc), ecc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, cad)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, cad)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, ecd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, cae), caf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, cae, caf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bhg), bhh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bhg, bhh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], cag)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, cag)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, caa), cab), cac)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, caa, cab, cac)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, dga) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, dga) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, eaf) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, eaf), LT)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_deleteMin(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, Branch(zzz4430, zzz4431, zzz4432, zzz4433, zzz4434), zzz444, h, ba) → new_deleteMin(zzz4430, zzz4431, zzz4432, zzz4433, zzz4434, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_deleteMax(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, Branch(zzz4540, zzz4541, zzz4542, zzz4543, zzz4544), h, ba) → new_deleteMax(zzz4540, zzz4541, zzz4542, zzz4543, zzz4544, h, ba)

R is empty.
Q is empty.
We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba) at position [10] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), h, ba) at position [10] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_lt4(x0, x1)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_compare18(x0, x1)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_sr(x0, x1)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.


  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_glueVBal3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_glueVBal3Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_glueVBal3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), new_sizeFM(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [10,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), zzz442), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), zzz442), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), zzz442), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                                ↳ QDPOrderProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), zzz442), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We use the reduction pair processor [15].

The following pairs can be oriented strictly and are deleted.

new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz452), zzz442), LT), h, ba)
The remaining pairs can at least be oriented weakly.

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)
Used ordering: Polynomial interpretation [25]:

POL(Branch(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)) = 1 + x2 + x4 + x5   
POL(EQ) = 0   
POL(False) = 0   
POL(GT) = 0   
POL(LT) = 0   
POL(Neg(x1)) = 0   
POL(Pos(x1)) = 1   
POL(Succ(x1)) = 1   
POL(True) = 0   
POL(Zero) = 1   
POL(new_esEs12(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_glueVBal(x1, x2, x3, x4)) = x1 + x2   
POL(new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13)) = 1 + x10 + x2 + x4 + x5 + x7 + x9   
POL(new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13)) = 1 + x10 + x2 + x4 + x5 + x7 + x9   
POL(new_primCmpInt(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primCmpNat0(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primMulInt(x1, x2)) = 1 + x1   
POL(new_primMulNat0(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primPlusNat0(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primPlusNat1(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2   

The following usable rules [17] were oriented: none

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                                ↳ QDPOrderProof
                                                                                                                                                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(zzz454, Branch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, False, h, ba) → new_glueVBal3GlueVBal1(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz442), zzz452), LT), h, ba)
new_glueVBal3GlueVBal2(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454, True, h, ba) → new_glueVBal(Branch(zzz450, zzz451, zzz452, zzz453, zzz454), zzz443, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
The approximation of the Dependency Graph [15,17,22] contains 0 SCCs with 3 less nodes.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_addToFM_C2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_addToFM_C(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), zzz340, zzz341, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt15(zzz340, zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_addToFM_C1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C(zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, h, ba)
new_addToFM_C2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C(zzz3443, zzz340, zzz341, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, cce)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, h), GT)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_addToFM_C2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_addToFM_C(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), zzz340, zzz341, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt15(zzz340, zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_addToFM_C1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C(zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, h, ba)
new_addToFM_C2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_addToFM_C(zzz3443, zzz340, zzz341, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, h), GT)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba) at position [12] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), h, ba) at position [12] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_lt4(x0, x1)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_compare18(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_compare18(x0, x1)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_sr(x0, x1)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0,0] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.


  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By rewriting [15] the rule new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, h, ba)), LT), h, ba) at position [12,0,1] we obtained the following new rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), zzz2962), LT), h, ba)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), zzz2962), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, h, ba) → zzz442
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), zzz2962), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We deleted the following terms from Q as each root-symbol of these terms does neither occur in P nor in R.

new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                                ↳ QDPOrderProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), zzz2962), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
We use the reduction pair processor [15].

The following pairs can be oriented strictly and are deleted.

new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz2962), zzz3442), LT), h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba)
The remaining pairs can at least be oriented weakly.

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), zzz2962), LT), h, ba)
Used ordering: Polynomial interpretation [25]:

POL(Branch(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)) = 1 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5   
POL(EQ) = 0   
POL(False) = 0   
POL(GT) = 0   
POL(LT) = 1   
POL(Neg(x1)) = 1   
POL(Pos(x1)) = 1   
POL(Succ(x1)) = 1   
POL(True) = 1   
POL(Zero) = 1   
POL(new_esEs12(x1, x2)) = x1   
POL(new_mkVBalBranch(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)) = x3 + x4   
POL(new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15)) = 1 + x1 + x10 + x13 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x7   
POL(new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15)) = 1 + x1 + x10 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 + x9   
POL(new_primCmpInt(x1, x2)) = x2   
POL(new_primCmpNat0(x1, x2)) = 1   
POL(new_primMulInt(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primMulNat0(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primPlusNat0(x1, x2)) = 0   
POL(new_primPlusNat1(x1, x2)) = x1 + x2   

The following usable rules [17] were oriented:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                          ↳ QDP
                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                              ↳ QDP
                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                    ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                            ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                        ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                            ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                  ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                    ↳ Rewriting
                                                                                                                                                      ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                                                                                                                                          ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                            ↳ QReductionProof
                                                                                                                                                              ↳ QDP
                                                                                                                                                                ↳ QDPOrderProof
                                                                                                                                                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, h, ba)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch1(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_esEs12(new_primCmpInt(new_primMulInt(Pos(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz3442), zzz2962), LT), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
The approximation of the Dependency Graph [15,17,22] contains 0 SCCs with 2 less nodes.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitLT(Branch(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334), h, ba) → new_splitLT2(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_lt15([], zzz330, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT2(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, False, h, ba) → new_splitLT1(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_gt([], zzz330, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT2(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT(zzz333, h, ba)
new_splitLT1(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT(zzz334, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, cce)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, h), GT)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitLT(Branch(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334), h, ba) → new_splitLT2(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_lt15([], zzz330, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT2(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, False, h, ba) → new_splitLT1(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_gt([], zzz330, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT2(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT(zzz333, h, ba)
new_splitLT1(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT(zzz334, h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, h), GT)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitGT1(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT(zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitGT3(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT2(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT1(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, new_lt15([], zzz340, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT2(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), True, h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, cce)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_gt0(zzz330, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13([], zzz330, h), GT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_gt0(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
The approximation of the Dependency Graph [15,17,22] contains 1 SCC with 1 less node.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitGT1(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT(zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitGT2(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT1(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, new_lt15([], zzz340, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT2(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), True, h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, cce)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_gt0(zzz330, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13([], zzz330, h), GT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbd), cbe)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbd, cbe)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccb), ccc)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccb, ccc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, cca)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, cca)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_gt0(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ DependencyGraphProof
                                      ↳ QDP
                                        ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                            ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitGT1(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT(zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitGT2(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT1(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, new_lt15([], zzz340, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT2(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), True, h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), h, ba) → new_splitGT2(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_gt0(zzz330, h) → new_esEs12(new_compare13([], zzz330, h), GT)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → LT
new_compare13([], [], cb) → EQ
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdg), LT)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cb) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cb) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ccd)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ccd)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, h) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, h), app(ty_[], h))
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bb), bc)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bb, bc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bg)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cb)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, bh), ca)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, bh, ca)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, bd), be), bf)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, bd, be, bf)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cc)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbc) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbc) → LT
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), bd, be, bf) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, be), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bf))), bd, be, bf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dac), dad)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dac, dad)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dag, dah, dba)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dae), daf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dae, daf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbe, dbf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dce)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dca), dcb), dcc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dca, dcb, dcc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbg), dbh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbg, dbh)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, dda), ddb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, dda, ddb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], ddh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dcg), dch)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dcg, dch)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddc), ddd), dde)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddc, ddd, dde)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bcd, bce, bcf) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bcd), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bce), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcf)))), bcd, bce, bcf)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bcd, bce, bcf) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bda), bdb), bdc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bcg), bch)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bde), bdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bdh)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bdd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bdd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfa)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, bef)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, bef)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, bea), beb)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, bea, beb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beg), beh)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beg, beh)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bec), bed), bee)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bec, bed, bee)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfb)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfe), bff), bfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bfe, bff, bfg)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bga), bgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bga, bgb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bfh)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfc), bfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfc, bfd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cdh, cea, ceb)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cdh, cea, ceb) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cdh, cea, ceb) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cd))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccf))
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_@2, dga), dgb)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dga, dgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_[], dgc)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, dec), ded), dee), cdb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dec, ded, dee)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfa), cdb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfa)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, cdb) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Ratio, dgd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfb), cdb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deg), deh), cdb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deg, deh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfe), dff), dfg)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dfe, dff, dfg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cda, cdb) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, dea), deb), cdb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dea, deb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, caa), cab)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, caa, cab)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(app(ty_Either, dfc), dfd)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfc, dfd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cda, app(ty_Maybe, dfh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, def), cdb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, def)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, caf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, caf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cac), cad), cae)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cac, cad, cae)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cba)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cba)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bhh) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bhh) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cag), cah)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cag, cah)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdf, cdg) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdf), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdg)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, ceh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfa), cfb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfa, cfb)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cee), cef), ceg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cee, cef, ceg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, cec), ced)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, cec, ced)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cfe), cff)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cfe, cff)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cge)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cge)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgc), cgd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgc, cgd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfg), cfh), cga)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfg, cfh, cga)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdc, cdd, cde) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdc), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cdd), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cde)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbc), fbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbc, fbd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbe), fbf), fbg)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbe, fbf, fbg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fbh)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fbh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fcd)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fca, fcb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fde)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fde)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdb)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdb)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fce), fcf)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fce, fcf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdf)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fcg), fch), fda)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fcg, fch, fda)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fed)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fed)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, fea), feb), fec)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, fea, feb, fec)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, feh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fee), fef)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fee, fef)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdg), fdh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdg, fdh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), db, dc, dd) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, db), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dc), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, dd)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edg)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, eda), edb)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eda, edb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ecg), ech)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg, ech)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edc), edd), ede)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edc, edd, ede)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eea), eeb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eea, eeb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, eeh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eec), eed)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eec, eed)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eee), eef), eeg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eee, eef, eeg)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], egd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efg, efh, ega)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, efe), eff)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, efe, eff)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efc), efd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efc, efd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, df) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), df) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ecd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, df) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebg), ebh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ece)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhg), cf) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebe), ebf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebe, ebf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_Either, eaa), eab)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa, eab)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Maybe, eba)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgg), dgh), cf) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgg, dgh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cf) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], dhh), cf) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cf) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cf) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhc), dhd), dhe), cf) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhc, dhd, dhe)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cf) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cf) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dha), dhb), cf) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dha, dhb)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(app(ty_@3, eae), eaf), eag)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eae, eaf, eag)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cf) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_[], ebb)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhf), cf) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cf) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(ty_Ratio, eah)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eah)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, cf) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cf) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ce, app(app(ty_@2, eac), ead)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, eac, ead)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), cg, da) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, cg), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, da))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eha), ehb), ehc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eha, ehb, ehc)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ege), egf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ege, egf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egg), egh)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egg, egh)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, faf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehg), ehh)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehg, ehh)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, faa), fab)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, faa, fab)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fac), fad), fae)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fac, fad, fae)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fag)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fah)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dg) → False
new_esEs24([], [], dg) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dg) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dg), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dg))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbf), bbg), bbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf, bbg, bbh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bca)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbd), bbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd, bbe)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), de) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, de), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, de))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bda, bdb, bdc), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bcg, bch), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bb, bc)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bb), bb, bc)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bb, bc) → GT
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, db), dc), dd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc, dd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, df)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ce), cf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ce, cf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, de)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, de)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg, da)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, ccg, cch) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, ccg, cch) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ccg), ccg, cch)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdf), cdg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdf, cdg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bhh)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bhh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdc), cdd), cde)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdc, cdd, cde)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cda), cdb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cda, cdb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fba, fbb) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fba, fbb) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ed), ee), ef)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ed, ee, ef)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dh), ea)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh, ea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fa)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eb), ec)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb, ec)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgg, cgh) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cgh), cgg, cgh)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgg, cgh) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dab)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], daa)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, daa)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chg), chh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chg, chh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, cha), chb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, cha, chb)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chc), chd), che)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chc, chd, che)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dge, dgf) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dge, dgf) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bde, bdf), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), bh, ca) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ca)), bh, ca)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fg), fh), ga)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg, fh, ga)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], gd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fb), fc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb, fc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fd), ff)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fd, ff)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gg), gh)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gg, gh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hf)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ge), gf)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ge, gf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, hd)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, hd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, ha), hb), hc)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, ha, hb, hc)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, he)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffa, ffb) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffa), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffb)), ffa, ffb)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffa, ffb) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, ffh)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, ffh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fgd)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fga), fgb)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fga, fgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, ffe), fff), ffg)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, ffe, fff, ffg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffc), ffd)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhc, fhd)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fge, fgf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhb)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhe)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgg), fgh), fha)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgg, fgh, fha)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebc, ebd)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebc, ebd) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebc, ebd) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebc, ebd) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bdd), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bg) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bg) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bg) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bg), bg)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bg) → EQ
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bah)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, baa), bab)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, baa, bab)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bag)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hg), hh)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bac), bad), bae)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac, bad, bae)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, baf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bge) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bge) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bge), bge)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhd), bhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhd, bhe)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgf), bgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgf, bgg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgh), bha), bhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bgh, bha, bhb)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bba) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bba) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_gt0(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitLT0(Branch(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitLT20(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34030, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT10(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT0(zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitLT20(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, Branch(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034), zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT20(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34030, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT20(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitLT10(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3400, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dac)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dac)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bba)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bba)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fag)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bce, bcf, bcg) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcg)))), bce, bcf, bcg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fee)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fee)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egc)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bc), bd)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bc, bd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhd)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehh), faa)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehh, faa)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cad), cae), caf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cad, cae, caf)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_@2, dgb), dgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dgb, dgc)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdc) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbf, dbg)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cg) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cc) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), ca, cb) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ca), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)), ca, cb)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bh)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdg), cdh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdc) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhd), fhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhd, fhe)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdc) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dc), dd), de)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dc, dd, de)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, caa)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, caa)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cc) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgh), dha), cg) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgh, dha)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bgb, bgc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_[], dgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dad), dae)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dad, dae)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edh)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccg))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eeb), eec)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeb, eec)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edg)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), da, db) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, da), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, db))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ecb), ecc), ecd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecb, ecc, ecd)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdg, cdh) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdh)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgh, cha) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cha), cgh, cha)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dh) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), bc, bd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cff), cfg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cff, cfg)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhh), cg) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ee), ef), eg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ee, ef, eg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eaa), cg) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, dg) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), dg) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], cce)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cg) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cg) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, ded), dee), def), cdc) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ded, dee, def)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cf), cg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cf, cg)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cgf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgh, cha) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfb), cdc) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dcf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, ccf)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, ccf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fh), ga), gb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fh, ga, gb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], ege)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, ege)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhh)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bc, bd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbg), bbh), bca)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbg, bbh, bca)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gh), ha)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gh, ha)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ge)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ge)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbe)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bh) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dgf, dgg) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhd), dhe), dhf), cg) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhd, dhe, dhf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, bab), bac)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, bab, bac)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhe), bhf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhe, bhf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhg)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffb, ffc) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffc)), ffb, ffc)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, efa)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ehb), ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehb, ehc, ehd)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bde), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dgf, dgg) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, edb), edc)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, edb, edc)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fc), fd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fc, fd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fgf), fgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fgf, fgg)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efh), ega), egb)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efh, ega, egb)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cbb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], dab)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, egf), egg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf, egg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, deg), cdc) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, deg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, deb), dec), cdc) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, deb, dec)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, feb), fec), fed)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, feb, fec, fed)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdd, cde, cdf) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cdf)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, cab), cac)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cab, cac)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, cch, cda) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bah)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ech, eda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, eff), efg)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, eff, efg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ea), eb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ea, eb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, fa)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bbb) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cc)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, ffa)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, ffa)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], dea)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, dea)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fab), fac)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fab, fac)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fad), fae), faf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fad, fae, faf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cg) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fah)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fba)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fba)
new_esEs24([], [], dh) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbd) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbc), bbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbc, bbd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, df)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bga)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fef), feg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fef, feg)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eed), eee)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eed, eee)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bb) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, bb), app(ty_[], bb))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cg) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chg)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bgf) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efd), efe)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efd, efe)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dhb), dhc), cg) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb, dhc)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(app(ty_@3, eaf), eag), eah)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaf, eag, eah)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fbb, fbc) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, caa) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebd, ebe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdd), cde), cdf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdd, cde, cdf)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], eea)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eea)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ece)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, ca), cb)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, ca, cb)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, caa) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bcb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egh), eha)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh, eha)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbe), cbf)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbe, cbf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chh), daa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chh, daa)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, be), bf), bg)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, be, bf, bg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgg)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, ce))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), be, bf, bg) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, be), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bf), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bg))), be, bf, bg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, cch, cda) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, cch), cch, cda)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Ratio, dge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dge)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfd, bfe)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, chb), chc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, chb, chc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dch), dda)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dch, dda)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, gf), gg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, gf, gg)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cc)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bh) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbe), bbf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbe, bbf)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Maybe, dga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dga)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdc) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, he)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgd), cge)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgd, cge)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dah), dba), dbb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dah, dba, dbb)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cg) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, hb, hc, hd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ecf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ff, fg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfc), cdc) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfc)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), caa) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, cag)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, cag)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_[], ebc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgg), bgh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgg, bgh)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, dg) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, ce)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhg), cg) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccc), ccd)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccc, ccd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, hf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deh), dfa), cdc) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deh, dfa)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebf, ebg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddd), dde), ddf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddd, dde, ddf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fbb, fbc) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hh), baa)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hh, baa)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egd)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), df) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, df), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, df))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edd), ede), edf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edd, ede, edf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bgf) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bgf), bgf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chd), che), chf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chd, che, chf)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(app(ty_@3, dff), dfg), dfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dff, dfg, dfh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ec), ed)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ec, ed)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbg), cbh), cca)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbg, cbh, cca)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdc) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, bb), GT)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cea, ceb, cec) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bea), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcb), dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcb, dcc, dcd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cg) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_Either, dfd), dfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfd, dfe)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bh) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), bh)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bad, bae, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bbb) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dc, dd, de) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dc), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dd), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, de)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdh), fea)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdh, fea)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feh)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eef), eeg), eeh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eef, eeg, eeh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdc) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Ratio, eba)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_Either, eab), eac)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eab, eac)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehe)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, ccb)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, ccb)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bh) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cah), cba)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cah, cba)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bge)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffb, ffc) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdc) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, da), db)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, da, db)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cd)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cg) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dh), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dh))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdc) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, daf), dag)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, daf, dag)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dce)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbd) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebd, ebe) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bce, bcf, bcg) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_@2, ead), eae)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ead, eae)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbh, dca)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, bag)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfh), cga), cgb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfh, cga, cgb)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Maybe, ebb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cdb), cdc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cdb, cdc)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebh), eca)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebh, eca)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bha), bhb), bhc)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bha, bhb, bhc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgh), fha), fhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgh, fha, fhb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitLT0(Branch(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitLT20(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34030, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT10(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT0(zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitLT20(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, Branch(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034), zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT20(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34030, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT20(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitLT10(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3400, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, bb), GT)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → LT
new_compare13([], [], cc) → EQ
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cc) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], cce)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bb) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, bb), app(ty_[], bb))
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bc), bd)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bc, bd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bh)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cc)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, ca), cb)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, ca, cb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, be), bf), bg)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, be, bf, bg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbd) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbd) → LT
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), be, bf, bg) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, be), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bf), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bg))), be, bf, bg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dad), dae)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dad, dae)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbe)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dah), dba), dbb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dah, dba, dbb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, daf), dag)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, daf, dag)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbf, dbg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dcf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcb), dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcb, dcc, dcd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dce)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbh, dca)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], dea)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, dea)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dch), dda)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dch, dda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddd), dde), ddf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddd, dde, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bce, bcf, bcg) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcg)))), bce, bcf, bcg)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bce, bcf, bcg) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bgb, bgc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bga)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfd, bfe)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bge)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cea, ceb, cec) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, ce))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccg))
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_@2, dgb), dgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dgb, dgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdc) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdc) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdc) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_[], dgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, ded), dee), def), cdc) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ded, dee, def)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfb), cdc) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Ratio, dge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dge)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdc) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfc), cdc) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deh), dfa), cdc) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deh, dfa)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(app(ty_@3, dff), dfg), dfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dff, dfg, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdc) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdc) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdc) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdc) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, deb), dec), cdc) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, deb, dec)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, cab), cac)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cab, cac)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_Either, dfd), dfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfd, dfe)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Maybe, dga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dga)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, deg), cdc) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, deg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, cag)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, cag)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cad), cae), caf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cad, cae, caf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cbb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, caa) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, caa) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbc)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), caa) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cah), cba)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cah, cba)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdg, cdh) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdh)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cff), cfg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cff, cfg)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cgf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgg)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgd), cge)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgd, cge)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfh), cga), cgb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfh, cga, cgb)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdd, cde, cdf) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cdf)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fee)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fee)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, feb), fec), fed)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, feb, fec, fed)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, ffa)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, ffa)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fef), feg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fef, feg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdh), fea)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdh, fea)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feh)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dc, dd, de) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dc), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dd), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, de)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edh)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edg)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, edb), edc)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, edb, edc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ech, eda)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], eea)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eea)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edd), ede), edf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edd, ede, edf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eeb), eec)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeb, eec)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, efa)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eed), eee)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eed, eee)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eef), eeg), eeh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eef, eeg, eeh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egc)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], ege)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, ege)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efh), ega), egb)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efh, ega, egb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, eff), efg)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, eff, efg)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efd), efe)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efd, efe)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egd)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ecb), ecc), ecd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecb, ecc, ecd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, dg) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), dg) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ece)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, dg) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebh), eca)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebh, eca)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ecf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhh), cg) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebf, ebg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_Either, eab), eac)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eab, eac)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Maybe, ebb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgh), dha), cg) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgh, dha)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cg) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eaa), cg) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cg) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cg) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhd), dhe), dhf), cg) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhd, dhe, dhf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cg) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cg) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dhb), dhc), cg) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb, dhc)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(app(ty_@3, eaf), eag), eah)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaf, eag, eah)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cg) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_[], ebc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebc)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhg), cg) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cg) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Ratio, eba)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cg) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_@2, ead), eae)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ead, eae)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), da, db) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, da), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, db))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ehb), ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehb, ehc, ehd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, egf), egg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf, egg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egh), eha)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh, eha)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehe)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fag)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehh), faa)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehh, faa)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fab), fac)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fab, fac)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fad), fae), faf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fad, fae, faf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fah)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fba)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fba)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dh) → False
new_esEs24([], [], dh) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dh), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dh))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbg), bbh), bca)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbg, bbh, bca)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbc), bbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbc, bbd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bcb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbe), bbf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbe, bbf)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), df) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, df), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, df))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), bc, bd)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bc, bd)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → GT
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dc), dd), de)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dc, dd, de)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cf), cg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cf, cg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, df)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, da), db)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, da, db)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, cch, cda) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, cch, cda) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, cch), cch, cda)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdg), cdh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdg, cdh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, caa)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, caa)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdd), cde), cdf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdd, cde, cdf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, ce)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cdb), cdc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cdb, cdc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fbb, fbc) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fbb, fbc) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ee), ef), eg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ee, ef, eg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ea), eb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ea, eb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, fa)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ec), ed)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ec, ed)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgh, cha) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cha), cgh, cha)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgh, cha) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dac)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dac)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], dab)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chh), daa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chh, daa)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, chb), chc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, chb, chc)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chd), che), chf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chd, che, chf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dgf, dgg) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dgf, dgg) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), ca, cb) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ca), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)), ca, cb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fh), ga), gb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fh, ga, gb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ge)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ge)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fc), fd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fc, fd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ff, fg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gh), ha)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gh, ha)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, gf), gg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, gf, gg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, he)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, hb, hc, hd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, hf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffb, ffc) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffc)), ffb, ffc)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffb, ffc) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhd), fhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhd, fhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fgf), fgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fgf, fgg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhc)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgh), fha), fhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgh, fha, fhb)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebd, ebe)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebd, ebe) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bde), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bh) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bh) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bh) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), bh)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bh) → EQ
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bba)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bba)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, bab), bac)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, bab, bac)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bah)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hh), baa)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hh, baa)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bad, bae, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, bag)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bgf) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bgf) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bgf), bgf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhd)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhe), bhf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhe, bhf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgg), bgh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgg, bgh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bha), bhb), bhc)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bha, bhb, bhc)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bbb) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bbb) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bea), LT)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitGT0(Branch(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitGT20(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34140, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT10(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT0(zzz3413, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitGT20(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT10(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3410, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT20(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, Branch(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144), zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT20(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34140, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dac)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dac)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bba)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bba)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fag)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bce, bcf, bcg) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcg)))), bce, bcf, bcg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fee)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fee)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egc)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bc), bd)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bc, bd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhd)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehh), faa)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehh, faa)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cad), cae), caf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cad, cae, caf)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_@2, dgb), dgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dgb, dgc)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdc) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbf, dbg)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cg) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], cc) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), ca, cb) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ca), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)), ca, cb)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bh)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdg), cdh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdg, cdh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdc) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhd), fhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhd, fhe)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdc) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dc), dd), de)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dc, dd, de)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, caa)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, caa)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cc) → GT
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → LT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgh), dha), cg) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgh, dha)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bgb, bgc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_[], dgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dad), dae)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dad, dae)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edh)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccg))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eeb), eec)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeb, eec)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edg)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), da, db) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, da), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, db))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ecb), ecc), ecd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecb, ecc, ecd)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdg, cdh) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdh)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgh, cha) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cha), cgh, cha)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dh) → False
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), bc, bd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cff), cfg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cff, cfg)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhh), cg) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ee), ef), eg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ee, ef, eg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eaa), cg) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, dg) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), dg) → False
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], cce)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cg) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cg) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, ded), dee), def), cdc) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ded, dee, def)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cf), cg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cf, cg)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cgf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgh, cha) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfb), cdc) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dcf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, ccf)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, ccf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fh), ga), gb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fh, ga, gb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], ege)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, ege)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhh)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bc, bd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbg), bbh), bca)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbg, bbh, bca)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gh), ha)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gh, ha)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ge)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ge)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbe)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bh) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dgf, dgg) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhd), dhe), dhf), cg) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhd, dhe, dhf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, bab), bac)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, bab, bac)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhe), bhf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhe, bhf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhg)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffb, ffc) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffc)), ffb, ffc)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, efa)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ehb), ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehb, ehc, ehd)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bde), LT)
new_not(False) → True
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dgf, dgg) → GT
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, edb), edc)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, edb, edc)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fc), fd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fc, fd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fgf), fgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fgf, fgg)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efh), ega), egb)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efh, ega, egb)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cbb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], dab)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, egf), egg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf, egg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, deg), cdc) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, deg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, deb), dec), cdc) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, deb, dec)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, feb), fec), fed)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, feb, fec, fed)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdd, cde, cdf) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cdf)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, cab), cac)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cab, cac)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, cch, cda) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bah)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ech, eda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, eff), efg)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, eff, efg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ea), eb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ea, eb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, fa)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bbb) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cc)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, ffa)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, ffa)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], dea)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, dea)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fab), fac)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fab, fac)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fad), fae), faf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fad, fae, faf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cg) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fah)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fba)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fba)
new_esEs24([], [], dh) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbd) → GT
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbc), bbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbc, bbd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, df)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bga)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fef), feg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fef, feg)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eed), eee)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eed, eee)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bb) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, bb), app(ty_[], bb))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cg) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chg)
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bgf) → EQ
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efd), efe)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efd, efe)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dhb), dhc), cg) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb, dhc)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(app(ty_@3, eaf), eag), eah)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaf, eag, eah)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fbb, fbc) → LT
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, caa) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebd, ebe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdd), cde), cdf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdd, cde, cdf)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → True
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], eea)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eea)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ece)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, ca), cb)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, ca, cb)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, caa) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bcb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_not(True) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egh), eha)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh, eha)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, cbe), cbf)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, cbe, cbf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chh), daa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chh, daa)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, be), bf), bg)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, be, bf, bg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgg)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, ce))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), be, bf, bg) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, be), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bf), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bg))), be, bf, bg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, cch, cda) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, cch), cch, cda)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Ratio, dge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dge)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfd, bfe)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, chb), chc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, chb, chc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dch), dda)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dch, dda)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, gf), gg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, gf, gg)
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cc)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bh) → LT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbe), bbf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbe, bbf)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Maybe, dga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dga)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdc) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, he)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgd), cge)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgd, cge)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dah), dba), dbb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dah, dba, dbb)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cg) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, hb, hc, hd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ecf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ff, fg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfc), cdc) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfc)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), caa) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, cag)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, cag)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_[], ebc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgg), bgh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgg, bgh)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, dg) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, ce)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhg), cg) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, ccc), ccd)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, ccc, ccd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, hf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deh), dfa), cdc) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deh, dfa)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebf, ebg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddd), dde), ddf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddd, dde, ddf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fbb, fbc) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hh), baa)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hh, baa)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egd)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), df) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, df), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, df))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edd), ede), edf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edd, ede, edf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bgf) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bgf), bgf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chd), che), chf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chd, che, chf)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(app(ty_@3, dff), dfg), dfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dff, dfg, dfh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ec), ed)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ec, ed)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbg), cbh), cca)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, cbg, cbh, cca)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdc) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, bb), GT)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cea, ceb, cec) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bea), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcb), dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcb, dcc, dcd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cg) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_Either, dfd), dfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfd, dfe)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bh) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), bh)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bad, bae, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bbb) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dc, dd, de) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dc), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dd), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, de)))
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdh), fea)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdh, fea)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feh)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eef), eeg), eeh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eef, eeg, eeh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdc) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Ratio, eba)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_Either, eab), eac)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eab, eac)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehe)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, ccb)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, ccb)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bh) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cah), cba)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cah, cba)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bge)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffb, ffc) → EQ
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdc) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, da), db)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, da, db)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cd)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cg) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dh), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dh))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdc) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, daf), dag)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, daf, dag)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dce)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbd) → LT
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebd, ebe) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bce, bcf, bcg) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_@2, ead), eae)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ead, eae)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbh, dca)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, bag)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfh), cga), cgb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfh, cga, cgb)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Maybe, ebb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cdb), cdc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cdb, cdc)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebh), eca)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebh, eca)
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bha), bhb), bhc)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bha, bhb, bhc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgh), fha), fhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgh, fha, fhb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg), LT)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd), LT)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof
                                  ↳ QDP

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_splitGT0(Branch(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitGT20(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34140, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT10(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT0(zzz3413, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitGT20(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT10(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3410, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT20(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, Branch(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144), zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT20(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34140, h), h, ba)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bb) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, bb), GT)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → LT
new_compare13([], [], cc) → EQ
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], cc) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), cc) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, cc)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], cce)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, cce)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bb) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, bb), app(ty_[], bb))
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, bc), bd)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, bc, bd)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, bh)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, bh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], cc)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, cc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, ca), cb)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, ca, cb)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, be), bf), bg)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, be, bf, bg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, cd)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, cd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, cbd) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, cbd) → LT
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), be, bf, bg) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, be), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, bf), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, bg))), be, bf, bg)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, dad), dae)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, dad, dae)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, dbc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbc)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dbe)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dah), dba), dbb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dah, dba, dbb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, daf), dag)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, daf, dag)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dbd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dbd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, dbf), dbg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbf, dbg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, dcf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcf)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], dcg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcb), dcc), dcd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, dcb, dcc, dcd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, dce)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, dce)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, dbh, dca)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, ddg)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddg)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], dea)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, dea)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, ddh)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddh)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, dch), dda)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, dch, dda)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddd), dde), ddf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, ddd, dde, ddf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, bce, bcf, bcg) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, bce), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, bcf), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, bcg)))), bce, bcf, bcg)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, bce, bcf, bcg) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], bdh)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, bdh)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, bdb), bdc), bdd)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bch), bda)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, bdf), bdg)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, bea)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, bea)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, bde)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, bde)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], bfb)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, bfb)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, beg)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, beg)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, beb), bec)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, beb, bec)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, beh, bfa)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, bed), bee), bef)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, bed, bee, bef)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, bfc)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, bfc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, bff), bfg), bfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, bff, bfg, bfh)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, bgb), bgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, bgb, bgc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, bga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, bga)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, bfd), bfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, bfd, bfe)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], bgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, bgd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, bge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, bge)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, cea, ceb, cec)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, cea, ceb, cec) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, cea, ceb, cec) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, ce))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, ccg))
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_@2, dgb), dgc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, dgb, dgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, cdc) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, cdc) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, cdc) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_[], dgd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dgd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, ded), dee), def), cdc) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, ded, dee, def)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], dfb), cdc) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, dfb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Ratio, dge)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dge)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, cdc) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, dfc), cdc) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, dfc)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, deh), dfa), cdc) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, deh, dfa)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(app(ty_@3, dff), dfg), dfh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, dff, dfg, dfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, cdc) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, cdc) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, cdc) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, cdc) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), cdb, cdc) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, deb), dec), cdc) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, deb, dec)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, cab), cac)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, cab, cac)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(app(ty_Either, dfd), dfe)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, dfd, dfe)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), cdb, app(ty_Maybe, dga)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, dga)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, deg), cdc) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, deg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, cag)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, cag)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, cad), cae), caf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, cad, cae, caf)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], cbb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, cbb)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, caa) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, caa) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, cbc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, cbc)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), caa) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, cah), cba)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, cah, cba)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), cdg, cdh) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, cdg), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, cdh)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, cfe)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, cfe)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, cfa)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, cfa)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, cef), ceg), ceh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, cef, ceg, ceh)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, ced), cee)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, ced, cee)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], cfd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, cfd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, cff), cfg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, cff, cfg)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, cgc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, cgc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], cgf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, cgf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, cgg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, cgg)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, cgd), cge)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, cgd, cge)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, cfh), cga), cgb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, cfh, cga, cgb)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), cdd, cde, cdf) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, cdd), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, cde), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, cdf)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], fcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, fcd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, fbd), fbe)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, fbd, fbe)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbf), fbg), fbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, fbf, fbg, fbh)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, fca)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, fca)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, fce)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, fce)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, fcb), fcc)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, fcb, fcc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], fdf)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, fdf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, fdc)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, fdc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, fcf), fcg)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, fcf, fcg)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, fdg)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, fdg)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, fdd), fde)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, fdd, fde)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, fch), fda), fdb)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, fch, fda, fdb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, fee)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, fee)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, feb), fec), fed)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, feb, fec, fed)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, ffa)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, ffa)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, fef), feg)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, fef, feg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, fdh), fea)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, fdh, fea)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], feh)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, feh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), dc, dd, de) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, dc), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, dd), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, de)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, edh)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, edh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, edg)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, edg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, edb), edc)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, edb, edc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ech, eda)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], eea)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eea)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, edd), ede), edf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, edd, ede, edf)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, eeb), eec)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, eeb, eec)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, efb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, efb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, efa)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, efa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, eed), eee)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, eed, eee)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eef), eeg), eeh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, eef, eeg, eeh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], efc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, efc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, egc)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, egc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], ege)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, ege)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, efh), ega), egb)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, efh, ega, egb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, eff), efg)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, eff, efg)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, efd), efe)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, efd, efe)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, egd)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, egd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, ecb), ecc), ecd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecb, ecc, ecd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, dg) → False
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), dg) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, ece)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ece)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, dg) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, ebh), eca)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebh, eca)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, ecf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ecf)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, dhh), cg) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhh)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ebf), ebg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebf, ebg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_Either, eab), eac)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, eab, eac)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Maybe, ebb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebb)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, dgh), dha), cg) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, dgh, dha)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, cg) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], eaa), cg) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaa)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, cg) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, cg) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, dhd), dhe), dhf), cg) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhd, dhe, dhf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, cg) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, cg) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, dhb), dhc), cg) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhb, dhc)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(app(ty_@3, eaf), eag), eah)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, eaf, eag, eah)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, cg) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_[], ebc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ebc)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, dhg), cg) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, dhg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, cg) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(ty_Ratio, eba)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, eba)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, cg) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, cg) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), cf, app(app(ty_@2, ead), eae)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ead, eae)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), da, db) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, da), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, db))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ehb), ehc), ehd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehb, ehc, ehd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], ehg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, egf), egg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, egf, egg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, egh), eha)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, egh, eha)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ehf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehf)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ehe)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ehe)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, fag)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, fag)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, ehh), faa)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, ehh, faa)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, fab), fac)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, fab, fac)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fad), fae), faf)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, fad, fae, faf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, fah)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, fah)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], fba)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, fba)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], dh) → False
new_esEs24([], [], dh) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), dh) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, dh), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, dh))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bbg), bbh), bca)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbg, bbh, bca)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bcc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bbc), bbd)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbc, bbd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bcb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcb)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bbe), bbf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbe, bbf)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bcd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bcd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), df) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, df), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, df))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, bdb, bdc, bdd), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bch, bda), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, bd), bc, bd)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, bc), bc, bd)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), bc, bd) → GT
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, dc), dd), de)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, dc, dd, de)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, dg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, dg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, cf), cg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, cf, cg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, df)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, df)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, da), db)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, da, db)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], dh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, dh)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, cch, cda) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, cch, cda) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, cch), cch, cda)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, cdg), cdh)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, cdg, cdh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, caa)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, caa)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], ccg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, ccg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, cdd), cde), cdf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, cdd, cde, cdf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, ce)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, ce)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, cdb), cdc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, cdb, cdc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, fbb, fbc) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, fbb, fbc) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ee), ef), eg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ee, ef, eg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ea), eb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ea, eb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, fa)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, fa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ec), ed)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ec, ed)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, eh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, eh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, cgh, cha) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, cha), cgh, cha)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, cgh, cha) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, dac)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, dac)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], dab)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, dab)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, chg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, chg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, chh), daa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, chh, daa)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, chb), chc)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, chb, chc)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, chd), che), chf)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, chd, che, chf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, dgf, dgg) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, dgf, dgg) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, bdf, bdg), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), ca, cb) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ca), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, cb)), ca, cb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fh), ga), gb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fh, ga, gb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ge)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ge)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fc), fd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fc, fd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, gd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, gd)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, ff), fg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, ff, fg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, gh), ha)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, gh, ha)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], hg)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, hg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, gf), gg)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, gf, gg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, he)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, he)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, hb), hc), hd)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, hb, hc, hd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, hf)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, hf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, ffb, ffc) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ffb), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ffc)), ffb, ffc)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, ffb, ffc) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, fga)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, fga)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, fge)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, fge)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], fgd)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, fgd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, fgb), fgc)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, fgb, fgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, fff), ffg), ffh)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, fff, ffg, ffh)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, ffd), ffe)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, ffd, ffe)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, fhd), fhe)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, fhd, fhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, fhg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, fhg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, fgf), fgg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, fgf, fgg)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, fhc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, fhc)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], fhf)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, fhf)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, fgh), fha), fhb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, fgh, fha, fhb)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, ebd, ebe)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, ebd, ebe) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, ebd, ebe) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, ebd, ebe) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, bdh) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, bdh), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, bde) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, bde), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, bh) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), bh) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), bh) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, bh), bh)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, bh) → EQ
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bba)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bba)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, bab), bac)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, bab, bac)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bah)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bah)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hh), baa)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hh, baa)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bad), bae), baf)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, bad, bae, baf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, bag)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, bag)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bgf) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bgf) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bgf), bgf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bhd)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bhd)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bhh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bhh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bhe), bhf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bhe, bhf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bgg), bgh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bgg, bgh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bhg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bhg)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bha), bhb), bhc)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bha, bhb, bhc)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, bbb) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, bbb) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, bea) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, bea), LT)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs:

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, False, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz308, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, EmptyFM, zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz397, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, Branch(zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024), cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024, new_lt15([], zzz4020, cc), cc, cd, ce)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, False, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz346, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz352, h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, EmptyFM, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz379, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, Branch(zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514), h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3510, h), h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, Branch(zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124), zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124, new_lt15([], zzz3120, bh), bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, False, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz348, h), h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, EmptyFM, zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz346, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch(:(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch([], zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz300, zzz301, zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, :(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(LT, LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, False, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz347, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, EmptyFM, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz347, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, False, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz397, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, EmptyFM, zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz378, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, Branch(zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834), zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834, new_lt15(:(zzz374, zzz375), zzz3830, be), be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz384, be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, False, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz379, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, False, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz378, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, False, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, new_gt0(zzz309, bh), bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, EmptyFM, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz308, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch([], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch([], zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, [], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(EQ, LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, EmptyFM, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz346, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, False, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, new_gt([], zzz399, cc), cc, cd, ce)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz313, bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, Branch(zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124), bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124, new_lt15([], zzz3120, bh), bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, EmptyFM, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz398, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, EmptyFM, zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz379, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, Branch(zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834), be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834, new_lt15(:(zzz374, zzz375), zzz3830, be), be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, EmptyFM, zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz347, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, EmptyFM, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz378, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, False, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz398, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz403, cc, cd, ce)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch([], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch(:(zzz400, zzz401), zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz400, zzz401, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, [], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(GT, LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, EmptyFM, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz307, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, EmptyFM, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz397, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, False, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz307, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, EmptyFM, zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz307, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, False, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, new_gt(:(zzz374, zzz375), zzz380, be), be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, Branch(zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514), zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3510, h), h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch(:(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch(:(zzz400, zzz401), zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz300, zzz301, zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz400, zzz401, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, :(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bc), LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, EmptyFM, zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz308, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, EmptyFM, zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz398, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, Branch(zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024), zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024, new_lt15([], zzz4020, cc), cc, cd, ce)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_splitLT3(EmptyFM, bc, bd) → new_emptyFM(bc, bd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, eed), eee), eef)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, eed, eee, eef)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, faf)
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ebd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ebd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, edh)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, gbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, gbb)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), bbg) → LT
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, bgc)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, bgc)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_splitGT30(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, bc, bd) → new_splitGT22(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, bc), bc, bd)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, ebf, ebg, ebh) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ebf), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ebf), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ebg), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ebg), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ebh)))), ebf, ebg, ebh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, dec)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, dec)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, chc)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, chc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bhf), bhg)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, fg), fh)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, fg, fh)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bcf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bcf)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, bgc)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, bgc)
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, gac), gad)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, gac, gad)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, dfg)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bdf), bdg), bdh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bdf, bdg, bdh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(app(ty_@2, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, fge, fgf)
new_primPlusInt(zzz24120, Pos(zzz4330)) → new_primMinusNat0(zzz4330, zzz24120)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, feb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, feb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, fca, fcb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, ehb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, ecg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, ecg), LT)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, gb) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca) → new_splitGT5(Branch(:(zzz299, zzz300), zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304), bh, ca)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare13([], [], bbg) → EQ
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cg, da) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, da)), cg, da)
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_splitLT11(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → zzz3403
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, dbg)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, dbg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, eaa)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, eaa)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, beh, bfa)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, ehb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, dhb), dhc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, dhb, dhc)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_splitLT11(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3403, new_splitLT4(zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), h, ba)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ge, gf, gg)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, ehb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bdc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bdc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, bfg)
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_splitLT22(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, bc, bd) → new_splitLT3(zzz333, bc, bd)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), fg, fh) → LT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], bbg) → GT
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ea)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ea)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_splitGT12(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, new_splitGT5(zzz343, bc, bd), zzz344, bc, bd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, beg)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd) → new_splitLT3(Branch([], zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394), cc, cd)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, bhh), caa), gb) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bhh, caa)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, eeh), efa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, eeh, efa)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(ty_[], fgg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, fgg)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fag), fah)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fag, fah)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ceh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, edh)
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bef) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, bef))
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_addToFM_C20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz3440, zzz3441, new_addToFM_C0(zzz3443, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd), zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_addToFM(zzz344, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd) → new_addToFM_C0(zzz344, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ceg)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ceg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_splitGT21(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT11(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3410, h), h, ba)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), gc, gd) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, gc), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, gd))
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cdb), cdc), cdd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdb, cdc, cdd)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), beh, bfa) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, beh), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, beh), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, bfa)))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Zero, zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, dab, dac, dad) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, dab, dac, dad)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, ede)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, ede)
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ha)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ha)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, dgc)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, dgc)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, ehc, ehd) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ehd), ehc, ehd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, ecg)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(zzz2410, zzz2411, Pos(zzz24120), zzz2413, zzz2414), zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_primPlusInt1(zzz24120, new_sizeFM0(zzz444, bc, bd))
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), fg, fh) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, fh), fg, fh)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], hb) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), hb) → False
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz39, zzz40)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, bgd), bge)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, bgd, bge)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, cah), gb) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, cah)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, hg), hh), baa)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh, baa)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], cba), gb) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, cba)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), ha) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, ha) → False
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ege)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ege)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, edf), edg)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, edf, edg)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, gb) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, dbh, dca)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd) → new_splitGT5(Branch([], zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394), cc, cd)
new_sizeFM1(Branch(zzz4810, zzz4811, zzz4812, zzz4813, zzz4814), chf, chg) → zzz4812
new_splitGT11(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → zzz3414
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], cdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdg)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, gb) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, feg), feh), ffa), ehb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, feg, feh, ffa)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ga), gb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ga, gb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, bha)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, bha)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, dcc)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, dcc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], bhd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, bhd)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, ehc, ehd) → EQ
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ffe), ehb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, ffe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, fbf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbf)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, fda)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, fda)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, egf)) → new_compare14(zzz39, zzz40, egf)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, df), dg), dh)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, df, dg, dh)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], che)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, che)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_splitGT12(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, bc, bd) → zzz344
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bdb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bdb)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, Branch(zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, zzz2414), zzz444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, zzz2414, zzz444, new_lt4(new_sizeFM0(zzz2414, bc, bd), new_sr(Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))), new_sizeFM0(zzz2413, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), bc, bd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, dcb)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), fg, fh) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg), fg, fh)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bba), bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bba, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bfh), bga)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, bfh, bga)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bbe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbe)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, Branch(zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444), True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444, new_lt4(new_sizeFM0(zzz4443, bc, bd), new_sr(Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))), new_sizeFM0(zzz4444, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, ef), eg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, ef, eg)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ec)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ec)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], ff)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, ff)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fbh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbh)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, eaa) → GT
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, ccd, cce) → LT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, cgb)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cad), cae), caf), gb) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, cad, cae, caf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz39, zzz40)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eae), eaf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eae, eaf)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bcg), bch)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bcg, bch)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], bef)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bef)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, ddd)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, dhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, dhe)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, ddd)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_primPlusInt0(EmptyFM, zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_primPlusInt1(Zero, new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, EmptyFM, zzz444, bc, bd))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2963, new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), bc, bd), bc, bd)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, deh, dfa) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, deh), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, deh), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, dfa)), deh, dfa)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, cga)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, cga)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_splitGT5(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), bc, bd) → new_splitGT30(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, dgc)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, dgc)
new_emptyFM(bc, bd) → EmptyFM
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, dda)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, dda)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fhe), fhf), fhg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, fhe, fhf, fhg)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, ecd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, ecd), LT)
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, ccd, cce) → GT
new_not(False) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, ceb), cec)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ceb, cec)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, db), dc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, Branch(zzz24140, zzz24141, zzz24142, zzz24143, zzz24144), zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))))), zzz24140, zzz24141, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))))), zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2413, zzz24143, app(ty_[], bc), bd), new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))))))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz24144, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, dgd), dge)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, dgd, dge)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_splitLT4(EmptyFM, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_emptyFM(h, ba)
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], fdb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, fdb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, cgh), cha), chb)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, cgh, cha, chb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], gab)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, gab)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bed)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, bed)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], fae)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, fae)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fha), fhb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fha, fhb)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_splitGT21(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT4(zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], dgb)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, dgb)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, ffb), ehb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, ffb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, dfg)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, fee), fef), ehb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, fee, fef)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddh), dea), deb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, ddh, dea, deb)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), dag, dah, dba) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, dag), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, dag), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, dah), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, dah), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, dba)))))
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, bdd), bde)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, bdd, bde)
new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), EmptyFM, bc, bd) → new_addToFM(Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, egg, egh) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_splitLT21(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitLT11(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3400, h), h, ba)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ebc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ebc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bfb), bfc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, bfb, bfc)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, cdh), cea)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdh, cea)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, fde), fdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, fde, fdf)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, cgf), cgg)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, cgf, cgg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, dde)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, dde)
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Zero) → Pos(Zero)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hc), hd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hc, hd)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bac)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, ebe) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], bbg)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, bbg)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, EmptyFM, True, bc, bd) → error([])
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, deg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, deg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbd), dbe), dbf)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, dbd, dbe, dbf)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf) → new_splitGT21([], zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, new_gt(:(zzz374, zzz375), [], be), be, bf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], fed)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, fed)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, gae), gaf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, gae, gaf)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, gag), gah), gba)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, gag, gah, gba)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, gb) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_gt0(zzz330, bc) → new_esEs12(new_compare13([], zzz330, bc), GT)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, gbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, gbc)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_sizeFM1(EmptyFM, chf, chg) → Pos(Zero)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], gbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, gbd)
new_esEs24([], [], hb) → True
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, dbb), dbc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, dbb, dbc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_primPlusInt1(zzz24120, Neg(zzz4300)) → new_primMinusNat0(zzz24120, zzz4300)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eea)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, eea)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, efd) → GT
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], dgb)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, dgb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bae), baf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bae, baf)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gh)
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, eeg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, eeg)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Zero)), zzz4440, zzz4441, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4443, app(ty_[], bc), bd), zzz4444, app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, ded), dee)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, ded, dee)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, ece), ecf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, edb), edc), edd)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, edb, edc, edd)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, dha)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, dha)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, dda)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, dda)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, cfd), cfe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, cfd, cfe)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bc) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, bc), app(ty_[], bc))
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, gb) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, fab)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, fab)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bbh) → EQ
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, fec)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, fec)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, cgd), cge)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, cgd, cge)
new_addToFM_C0(EmptyFM, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd) → Branch(zzz340, zzz341, Pos(Succ(Zero)), new_emptyFM(bc, bd), new_emptyFM(bc, bd))
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, cab), cac), gb) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, cab, cac)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, dae, daf) → LT
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, ech, eda)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bdc) → True
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, dcd), dce)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, dcd, dce)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, chh, daa) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, chh, daa)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), fg, fh) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, dag, dah, dba)
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ehb) → True
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_addToFM_C10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → Branch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], cfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, cfa)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_mkBalBranch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, new_lt4(new_primPlusInt0(zzz241, zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd), Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero)))), bc, bd)
new_addToFM_C10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3443, new_addToFM_C0(zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, new_gt1(new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd), new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_splitGT5(EmptyFM, bc, bd) → new_emptyFM(bc, bd)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, cde)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, cde)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, cg, da)
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bdc) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bbd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitLT21(:(zzz336, zzz337), zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), :(zzz336, zzz337), h), h, ba)
new_splitLT4(Branch(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitLT21(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34030, h), h, ba)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], dhd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, dhd)
new_not(True) → False
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(zzz241200), Succ(zzz43000)) → new_primMinusNat0(zzz241200, zzz43000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fhc, fhd)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, efe), eff)) → new_compare6(zzz39, zzz40, efe, eff)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, fac), fad)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, fac, fad)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), bc, bd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, dhf), dhg), dhh)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, dhf, dhg, dhh)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, bhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, bhe)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cf) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cf))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), dhf, dhg, dhh) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhf), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, dhg), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, dhh))), dhf, dhg, dhh)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, ddb, ddc)
new_gt1(zzz416, zzz415) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz416, zzz415), GT)
new_addToFM_C20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → new_addToFM_C10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bc), bc, bd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_sizeFM0(Branch(zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444), bc, bd) → zzz4442
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, egg, egh) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, egg), egg, egh)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eb)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(ty_Ratio, fgh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, fgh)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, eeb), eec)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, eeb, eec)
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, ehe), ehf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, ehe, ehf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, fdc, fdd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ed), ee)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ed, ee)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), eaa) → LT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), bbg) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, bbg)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bag, bah)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, dab, dac, dad) → LT
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, ech, eda)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(ty_Maybe, fgd)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, fgd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, fc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, fc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, ehb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, bhb), bhc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, bhb, bhc)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbc), fbd), fbe)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbc, fbd, fbe)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, gb) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), fa), fb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, eh, fa, fb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, cdf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdf)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, dcd), dce)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, dcd, dce)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, bee)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, bee)
new_splitLT3(Branch(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334), bc, bd) → new_splitLT22(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_lt15([], zzz330, bc), bc, bd)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfd), bfe), bff)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, bfd, bfe, bff)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfd), bfe), bff)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, bfd, bfe, bff)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz39, zzz40)
new_splitGT11(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz3410, zzz3411, new_splitGT4(zzz3413, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz3414, h, ba)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, dde)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, dde)
new_splitLT21(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT4(zzz3403, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, dbb), dbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, dbb, dbc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dd), de)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dd, de)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bbf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf)
new_mkBranch(zzz478, zzz479, zzz480, zzz481, zzz482, chf, chg) → Branch(zzz479, zzz480, new_primPlusInt2(new_primPlusInt1(Succ(Zero), new_sizeFM1(zzz481, chf, chg)), zzz481, zzz479, zzz482, chf, chg), zzz481, zzz482)
new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, EmptyFM, zzz344, bc, bd) → new_addToFM(zzz344, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, dfh), dga)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, dfh, dga)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, fff), ehb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, fff)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bdc) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bea)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, bea)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(ty_[], ccc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ccc)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bca), bcb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bca, bcb)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, chh, daa) → LT
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_splitGT22(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, bc, bd) → new_splitGT12(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, new_lt15([], zzz340, bc), bc, bd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, ede)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, ede)
new_primPlusInt2(Pos(zzz5470), zzz481, zzz479, zzz482, chf, chg) → new_primPlusInt1(zzz5470, new_sizeFM1(zzz482, chf, chg))
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf) → new_splitLT21([], zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, new_lt15(:(zzz374, zzz375), [], be), be, bf)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bfg)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, bfg)
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bad)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bad)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbd), dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, dbd, dbe, dbf)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(zzz2410, zzz2411, Neg(zzz24120), zzz2413, zzz2414), zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_primPlusInt(zzz24120, new_sizeFM0(zzz444, bc, bd))
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, ha) → True
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cf)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, egc), egd)) → new_compare11(zzz39, zzz40, egc, egd)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, cag), gb) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, cag)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, efb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, fd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, fd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, ffc), ffd), ehb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, ffc, ffd)
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ccf, ccg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, dcb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, fdg), fdh), fea)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, fdg, fdh, fea)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_splitLT12(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, False, bc, bd) → zzz333
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, dae, daf) → GT
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfd), dfe), dff)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, dfd, dfe, dff)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, Branch(zzz44430, zzz44431, zzz44432, zzz44433, zzz44434), zzz4444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))), zzz44430, zzz44431, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz44433, app(ty_[], bc), bd), new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz44434, zzz4444, app(ty_[], bc), bd), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, dbg)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, dbg)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(zzz241200), Zero) → Pos(Succ(zzz241200))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, eac), ead)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, eac, ead)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, chd)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, chd)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, dcc)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, dcc)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), gh) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, gh), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, gh))
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ced), cee), cef)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ced, cee, cef)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bbh) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bbh), bbh)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, ehg), ehh), faa)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, ehg, ehh, faa)
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(app(app(ty_@3, fga), fgb), fgc)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, fga, fgb, fgc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bda)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bda)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, he), hf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, he, hf)
new_primPlusInt2(Neg(zzz5470), zzz481, zzz479, zzz482, chf, chg) → new_primPlusInt(zzz5470, new_sizeFM1(zzz482, chf, chg))
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, bc, bd) → zzz442
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, gaa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, gaa)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, efg), efh), ega)) → new_compare8(zzz39, zzz40, efg, efh, ega)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, ehb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bc) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, bc), GT)
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bhf), bhg)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, EmptyFM, zzz444, True, bc, bd) → error([])
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, dab, dac, dad) → GT
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bfb), bfc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, bfb, bfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bfh), bga)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, bfh, bga)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Zero), zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfd), dfe), dff)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, dfd, dfe, dff)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, beg), LT)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fce), fcf), fcg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, fce, fcf, fcg)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, gb) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(app(ty_Either, ffg), ffh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, ffg, ffh)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), eaa) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, eaa), eaa)
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eag), eah), eba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, eag, eah, eba)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, ebe) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), ge, gf, gg) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ge), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, gf), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, gg)))
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, ddf), ddg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, ddf, ddg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], def)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, def)
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, cff), cfg), cfh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, cff, cfg, cfh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, ehb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM0(zzz444, bc, bd)
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(ty_Ratio, cca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, cca)
new_addToFM_C0(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd) → new_addToFM_C20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt15(zzz340, zzz3440, bc), bc, bd)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, ece), ecf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], cgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, cgc)
new_splitLT12(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz330, zzz331, zzz333, new_splitLT3(zzz334, bc, bd), bc, bd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, ecg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, ecd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, ecd)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(app(ty_Either, cbb), cbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, cbb, cbc)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, dab, dac, dad) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, dab, dac, dad)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, fhh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fhh)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, egb)) → new_compare9(zzz39, zzz40, egb)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, zzz2414, zzz444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))), zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2413, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz2414, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz3440, zzz3441, new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, bc, bd), zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, new_gt1(new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd), new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, eaa) → EQ
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitGT21(:(zzz336, zzz337), zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), :(zzz336, zzz337), h), h, ba)
new_splitGT4(EmptyFM, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_emptyFM(h, ba)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz39, zzz40)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca) → new_splitLT3(Branch(:(zzz299, zzz300), zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304), bh, ca)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, beb), bec)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, beb, bec)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, efc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, efc)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, deh, dfa) → EQ
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_sizeFM0(EmptyFM, bc, bd) → Pos(Zero)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, beg)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, bab)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, bab)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, gb) → False
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ga, gb) → False
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_splitGT4(Branch(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitGT21(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34140, h), h, ba)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, ehb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, eab)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, eab)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, gc), gd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc, gd)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, gb) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primPlusInt1(zzz24120, Pos(zzz4300)) → Pos(new_primPlusNat1(zzz24120, zzz4300))
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), hb) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, hb), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, hb))
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, ehb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, dfb), dfc)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, dfb, dfc)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bgb)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, bgb)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, chh, daa) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, chh, daa)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fba), fbb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fba, fbb)
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, dfb), dfc)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, dfb, dfc)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, fch)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, fch)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))))))), zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcf), dcg), dch)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, dcf, dcg, dch)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_splitLT22(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, False, bc, bd) → new_splitLT12(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_gt([], zzz330, bc), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM0(zzz241, bc, bd)
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), eha, ehb) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, efd) → LT
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, edf), edg)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, edf, edg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, chh, daa) → GT
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, EmptyFM, zzz4444, False, bc, bd) → error([])
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, dfh), dga)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, dfh, dga)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, edb), edc), edd)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, edb, edc, edd)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_primPlusInt(zzz24120, Neg(zzz4330)) → Neg(new_primPlusNat1(zzz24120, zzz4330))
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz43000)) → Neg(Succ(zzz43000))
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcf), dcg), dch)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, dcf, dcg, dch)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, ebf, ebg, ebh) → EQ
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(app(ty_@2, cbd), cbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, cbd, cbe)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eea)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, eea)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, fcc), fcd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, fcc, fcd)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, fbg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbg)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ebb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ebb)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz39, zzz40)
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, EmptyFM, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → error([])
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgf), bgg), bgh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, bgf, bgg, bgh)
new_splitGT22(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, bc, bd) → new_splitGT5(zzz344, bc, bd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(ty_Maybe, ccb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ccb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, eha), ehb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, eha, ehb)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, cch), cda)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, cch, cda)
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], hb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, hb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcc), bcd), bce)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bcc, bcd, bce)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, dgf), dgg), dgh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, dgf, dgg, dgh)
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf), LT)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bgb)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, bgb)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, ecd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, ecd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc), LT)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, dbh, dca)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_sizeFM0(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_splitLT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_mkVBalBranch0(x0, x1, Branch(x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), EmptyFM, x7, x8)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusInt(x0, Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_splitGT5(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitGT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_splitLT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, True, x12, x13)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_splitLT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_splitGT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_splitLT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_mkVBalBranch0(x0, x1, EmptyFM, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_sizeFM1(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, Branch(x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), x7, True, x8, x9)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_gt1(x0, x1)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_gt0(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, True, x12, x13)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, EmptyFM, True, x3, x4)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, Branch(x3, x4, x5, x6, x7), True, x8, x9)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_splitGT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, False, x12, x13)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primPlusInt1(x0, Pos(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, EmptyFM, x2, True, x3, x4)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primPlusInt(x0, Neg(x1))
new_intersectFM_C2Gts(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusInt1(x0, Neg(x1))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_emptyFM(x0, x1)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_addToFM_C20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_addToFM_C10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_splitGT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_splitLT3(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_addToFM_C0(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, True, x8, x9)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_addToFM_C0(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_splitGT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, EmptyFM, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_addToFM_C10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_addToFM_C20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, False, x12, x13)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusInt2(Pos(x0), x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, Branch(x6, x7, x8, x9, x10), x11, False, x12, x13)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_addToFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(x0, x1, Pos(x2), x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(x0, x1, Neg(x2), x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_sizeFM0(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_splitGT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_splitGT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitLT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_splitLT3(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_splitGT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, Branch(x6, x7, x8, x9, x10), x11, False, x12, x13)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_mkBalBranch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, EmptyFM, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_splitLT4(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitGT4(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusInt0(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_splitLT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_mkVBalBranch0(x0, x1, Branch(x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), Branch(x7, x8, x9, x10, x11), x12, x13)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, True, x8, x9)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_splitGT30(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_splitGT4(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_sizeFM1(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_mkBranch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_splitLT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_splitGT5(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitLT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_splitLT4(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primPlusInt2(Neg(x0), x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
As all Q-normal forms are R-normal forms we are in the innermost case. Hence, by the usable rules processor [15] we can delete all non-usable rules [17] from R.

  ↳ LR
      ↳ CR
        ↳ HASKELL
          ↳ IFR
            ↳ HASKELL
              ↳ BR
                ↳ HASKELL
                  ↳ COR
                    ↳ HASKELL
                      ↳ LetRed
                        ↳ HASKELL
                          ↳ NumRed
                            ↳ HASKELL
                              ↳ Narrow
                                ↳ AND
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                  ↳ QDP
                                    ↳ UsableRulesProof
                                        ↳ QDPSizeChangeProof

Q DP problem:
The TRS P consists of the following rules:

new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, False, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz308, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, EmptyFM, zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz397, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, Branch(zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024), cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024, new_lt15([], zzz4020, cc), cc, cd, ce)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, False, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz346, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz352, h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, EmptyFM, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz379, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, Branch(zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514), h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3510, h), h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, Branch(zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124), zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124, new_lt15([], zzz3120, bh), bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, False, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz348, h), h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, EmptyFM, zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz346, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch(:(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch([], zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz300, zzz301, zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, :(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(LT, LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C10(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, zzz351, zzz352, False, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz347, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, EmptyFM, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz347, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, False, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz397, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, EmptyFM, zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz378, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, Branch(zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834), zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834, new_lt15(:(zzz374, zzz375), zzz3830, be), be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz384, be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, False, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz379, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, False, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz378, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, False, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, new_gt0(zzz309, bh), bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, EmptyFM, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz308, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch([], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch([], zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, [], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(EQ, LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C11(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, EmptyFM, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz346, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, False, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, new_gt([], zzz399, cc), cc, cd, ce)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz313, bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, Branch(zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124), bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz3120, zzz3121, zzz3122, zzz3123, zzz3124, new_lt15([], zzz3120, bh), bh, ca, cb)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, EmptyFM, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz398, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, EmptyFM, zzz384, True, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz379, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, Branch(zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834), be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz3830, zzz3831, zzz3832, zzz3833, zzz3834, new_lt15(:(zzz374, zzz375), zzz3830, be), be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, EmptyFM, zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz347, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C16(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, EmptyFM, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf), zzz378, be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, False, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz398, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C19(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, zzz402, zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz403, cc, cd, ce)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch([], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch(:(zzz400, zzz401), zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz400, zzz401, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, [], zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(GT, LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C18(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, EmptyFM, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz307, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C110(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, EmptyFM, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz397, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C17(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, zzz312, zzz313, False, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz307, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, EmptyFM, zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz307, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C12(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, False, be, bf, bg) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C15(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, zzz376, zzz377, zzz378, zzz379, zzz380, zzz381, zzz382, zzz383, zzz384, new_gt(:(zzz374, zzz375), zzz380, be), be, bf, bg)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz348, zzz349, zzz350, Branch(zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514), zzz352, True, h, ba, bb) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, zzz345, zzz346, zzz347, zzz3510, zzz3511, zzz3512, zzz3513, zzz3514, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3510, h), h, ba, bb)
new_intersectFM_C(Branch(:(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34), Branch(:(zzz400, zzz401), zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44), bc, bd) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C1(zzz300, zzz301, zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, zzz400, zzz401, zzz41, zzz42, zzz43, zzz44, :(zzz300, zzz301), zzz31, zzz32, zzz33, zzz34, new_esEs12(new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bc), LT), bc, bd, bd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C13(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, zzz305, zzz306, zzz307, zzz308, zzz309, zzz310, zzz311, EmptyFM, zzz313, True, bh, ca, cb) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca), zzz308, bh, ca)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, EmptyFM, zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C(new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd), zzz398, cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz399, zzz400, zzz401, Branch(zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024), zzz403, True, cc, cd, ce) → new_intersectFM_C2IntersectFM_C14(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, zzz395, zzz396, zzz397, zzz398, zzz4020, zzz4021, zzz4022, zzz4023, zzz4024, new_lt15([], zzz4020, cc), cc, cd, ce)

The TRS R consists of the following rules:

new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, ecg) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz112, zzz115, ecg), LT)
new_compare13([], :(zzz3000, zzz3001), bbg) → LT
new_compare13([], [], bbg) → EQ
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), [], bbg) → GT
new_compare13(:(zzz4000, zzz4001), :(zzz3000, zzz3001), bbg) → new_primCompAux1(zzz4000, zzz3000, zzz4001, zzz3001, bbg)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, EQ, app(ty_[], ege)) → new_compare13(zzz39, zzz40, ege)
new_primCompAux1(zzz400, zzz300, zzz401, zzz301, bc) → new_primCompAux00(zzz401, zzz301, new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, bc), app(ty_[], bc))
new_esEs12(GT, LT) → False
new_esEs12(LT, LT) → True
new_esEs12(EQ, LT) → False
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_Either, fg), fh)) → new_compare6(zzz400, zzz300, fg, fh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Char) → new_compare17(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Maybe, eaa)) → new_compare9(zzz400, zzz300, eaa)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Int) → new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Double) → new_compare19(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_[], bbg)) → new_compare13(zzz400, zzz300, bbg)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_@0) → new_compare12(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Float) → new_compare15(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(ty_@2, cg), da)) → new_compare11(zzz400, zzz300, cg, da)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(app(app(ty_@3, dhf), dhg), dhh)) → new_compare8(zzz400, zzz300, dhf, dhg, dhh)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Bool) → new_compare10(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Ordering) → new_compare7(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, ty_Integer) → new_compare16(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare5(zzz400, zzz300, app(ty_Ratio, eab)) → new_compare14(zzz400, zzz300, eab)
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, GT, efd) → GT
new_primCompAux00(zzz39, zzz40, LT, efd) → LT
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Int) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_compare14(:%(zzz4000, zzz4001), :%(zzz3000, zzz3001), ty_Integer) → new_compare16(new_sr0(zzz4000, zzz3001), new_sr0(zzz3000, zzz4001))
new_sr0(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30010)) → Integer(new_primMulInt(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_compare16(Integer(zzz4000), Integer(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz3000, Succ(zzz40000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz30000))) → LT
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), zzz3000)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(zzz40000)), Neg(zzz3000)) → GT
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz30000))) → new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz30000), Zero)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → EQ
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(zzz40000)), Pos(zzz3000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Zero) → GT
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(zzz40000), Succ(zzz30000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz30000)) → LT
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero) → EQ
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Neg(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Neg(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Neg(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulInt(Pos(zzz40000), Pos(zzz30010)) → Pos(new_primMulNat0(zzz40000, zzz30010))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300100)) → Zero
new_primMulNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300100)) → new_primPlusNat0(new_primMulNat0(zzz400000, Succ(zzz300100)), zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(zzz2330), zzz300100) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz2330, zzz300100)))
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, zzz300100) → Succ(zzz300100)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Zero) → Succ(zzz23300)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(zzz3001000)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(zzz23300), Succ(zzz3001000)) → Succ(Succ(new_primPlusNat1(zzz23300, zzz3001000)))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero) → Zero
new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3001) → new_primMulInt(zzz4000, zzz3001)
new_compare18(zzz400, zzz300) → new_primCmpInt(zzz400, zzz300)
new_compare7(GT, EQ) → GT
new_compare7(LT, EQ) → LT
new_compare7(LT, GT) → LT
new_compare7(EQ, EQ) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, GT) → LT
new_compare7(GT, GT) → EQ
new_compare7(EQ, LT) → GT
new_compare7(GT, LT) → GT
new_compare7(LT, LT) → EQ
new_compare10(False, True) → LT
new_compare10(True, False) → GT
new_compare10(False, False) → EQ
new_compare10(True, True) → EQ
new_compare8(@3(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002), @3(zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002), dhf, dhg, dhh) → new_compare28(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz4002, zzz3000, zzz3001, zzz3002, new_asAs(new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, dhf), new_asAs(new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, dhg), new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, dhh))), dhf, dhg, dhh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, fag), fah)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, fag, fah)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, fbf)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbf)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], fbh)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbh)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fbc), fbd), fbe)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbc, fbd, fbe)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, fba), fbb)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, fba, fbb)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs6(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, fbg)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, fbg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, fca), fcb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, fca, fcb)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, fda)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, fda)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], fdb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, fdb)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, fce), fcf), fcg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, fce, fcf, fcg)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, fch)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, fch)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, fcc), fcd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, fcc, fcd)
new_esEs7(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Ratio, feb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4002, zzz3002, feb)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_@2, fde), fdf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4002, zzz3002, fde, fdf)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_[], fed)) → new_esEs24(zzz4002, zzz3002, fed)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(ty_Maybe, fec)) → new_esEs23(zzz4002, zzz3002, fec)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(ty_Either, fdc), fdd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4002, zzz3002, fdc, fdd)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, app(app(app(ty_@3, fdg), fdh), fea)) → new_esEs19(zzz4002, zzz3002, fdg, fdh, fea)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_esEs8(zzz4002, zzz3002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4002, zzz3002)
new_asAs(False, zzz158) → False
new_asAs(True, zzz158) → zzz158
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, False, ebf, ebg, ebh) → new_compare111(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ebf), new_asAs(new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ebf), new_pePe(new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ebg), new_asAs(new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ebg), new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ebh)))), ebf, ebg, ebh)
new_compare28(zzz112, zzz113, zzz114, zzz115, zzz116, zzz117, True, ebf, ebg, ebh) → EQ
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bhf), bhg)) → new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, beg)) → new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, ece), ecf)) → new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_lt15(zzz112, zzz115, ecg)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, ecd)) → new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, ecd)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115)
new_lt6(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_[], ecg)) → new_esEs24(zzz112, zzz115, ecg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(app(ty_@3, eca), ecb), ecc)) → new_esEs19(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_Either, bhf), bhg)) → new_esEs16(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(app(ty_@2, ece), ecf)) → new_esEs18(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Ratio, beg)) → new_esEs20(zzz112, zzz115, beg)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz112, zzz115)
new_esEs27(zzz112, zzz115, app(ty_Maybe, ecd)) → new_esEs23(zzz112, zzz115, ecd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_lt15(zzz113, zzz116, edh)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, edf), edg)) → new_lt13(zzz113, zzz116, edf, edg)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eea)) → new_lt16(zzz113, zzz116, eea)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, edb), edc), edd)) → new_lt10(zzz113, zzz116, edb, edc, edd)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_lt8(zzz113, zzz116, ech, eda)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, ede)) → new_lt11(zzz113, zzz116, ede)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz113, zzz116)
new_lt7(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_[], edh)) → new_esEs24(zzz113, zzz116, edh)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Maybe, ede)) → new_esEs23(zzz113, zzz116, ede)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_Either, ech), eda)) → new_esEs16(zzz113, zzz116, ech, eda)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz113, zzz116)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(ty_@2, edf), edg)) → new_esEs18(zzz113, zzz116, edf, edg)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(app(app(ty_@3, edb), edc), edd)) → new_esEs19(zzz113, zzz116, edb, edc, edd)
new_esEs28(zzz113, zzz116, app(ty_Ratio, eea)) → new_esEs20(zzz113, zzz116, eea)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(app(ty_@3, eed), eee), eef)) → new_ltEs10(zzz114, zzz117, eed, eee, eef)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_@2, eeh), efa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz114, zzz117, eeh, efa)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Maybe, eeg)) → new_ltEs11(zzz114, zzz117, eeg)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(app(ty_Either, eeb), eec)) → new_ltEs8(zzz114, zzz117, eeb, eec)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_[], efb)) → new_ltEs14(zzz114, zzz117, efb)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz114, zzz117)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, app(ty_Ratio, efc)) → new_ltEs4(zzz114, zzz117, efc)
new_ltEs7(zzz114, zzz117, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz114, zzz117)
new_pePe(False, zzz218) → zzz218
new_pePe(True, zzz218) → True
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, zzz192, dab, dac, dad) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, dab, dac, dad)
new_compare111(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, zzz192, dab, dac, dad) → new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, zzz192, dab, dac, dad)
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, True, dab, dac, dad) → LT
new_compare113(zzz185, zzz186, zzz187, zzz188, zzz189, zzz190, False, dab, dac, dad) → GT
new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare16(zzz51, zzz52))
new_fsEs(zzz213) → new_not(new_esEs12(zzz213, GT))
new_esEs12(LT, GT) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, GT) → False
new_esEs12(GT, GT) → True
new_not(False) → True
new_not(True) → False
new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cf) → new_fsEs(new_compare14(zzz51, zzz52, cf))
new_ltEs6(True, False) → False
new_ltEs6(False, False) → True
new_ltEs6(False, True) → True
new_ltEs6(True, True) → True
new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bef) → new_fsEs(new_compare13(zzz51, zzz52, bef))
new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare19(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare19(Double(zzz4000, zzz4001), Double(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(app(ty_@2, fge), fgf)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, fge, fgf)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Ordering, ehb) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Char, ehb) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Double, ehb) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(ty_[], fgg)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, fgg)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, feg), feh), ffa), ehb) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, feg, feh, ffa)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_[], ffe), ehb) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, ffe)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ehb) → True
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(ty_Ratio, fgh)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, fgh)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Int, ehb) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, fff), ehb) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, fff)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, ffc), ffd), ehb) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, ffc, ffd)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(app(app(ty_@3, fga), fgb), fgc)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, fga, fgb, fgc)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Bool, ehb) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_@0, ehb) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Integer, ehb) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), ty_Float, ehb) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Left(zzz520), eha, ehb) → False
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, fee), fef), ehb) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, fee, fef)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_Either, bdd), bde)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, bdd, bde)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(app(ty_Either, ffg), ffh)) → new_ltEs8(zzz510, zzz520, ffg, ffh)
new_ltEs8(Right(zzz510), Right(zzz520), eha, app(ty_Maybe, fgd)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, fgd)
new_ltEs8(Left(zzz510), Left(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, ffb), ehb) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, ffb)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Maybe, bea)) → new_ltEs11(zzz510, zzz520, bea)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(app(ty_@3, bdf), bdg), bdh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz510, zzz520, bdf, bdg, bdh)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_[], bed)) → new_ltEs14(zzz510, zzz520, bed)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, bdc) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Nothing, bdc) → False
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(ty_Ratio, bee)) → new_ltEs4(zzz510, zzz520, bee)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(zzz520), bdc) → True
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), app(app(ty_@2, beb), bec)) → new_ltEs12(zzz510, zzz520, beb, bec)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs11(Just(zzz510), Just(zzz520), ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz510, zzz520)
new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare17(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare17(Char(zzz4000), Char(zzz3000)) → new_primCmpNat0(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_ltEs12(@2(zzz510, zzz511), @2(zzz520, zzz521), beh, bfa) → new_pePe(new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, beh), new_asAs(new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, beh), new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, bfa)))
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, bgc)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, bgc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bfb), bfc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, bfb, bfc)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfd), bfe), bff)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, bfd, bfe, bff)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bfg)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, bfg)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bfh), bga)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, bfh, bga)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bgb)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, bgb)
new_lt20(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, bgc)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, bgc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, bfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, bfg)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, bfh), bga)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, bfh, bga)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, bfd), bfe), bff)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, bfd, bfe, bff)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, bfb), bfc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, bfb, bfc)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs29(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], bgb)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, bgb)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, bgd), bge)) → new_ltEs8(zzz511, zzz521, bgd, bge)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, bha)) → new_ltEs11(zzz511, zzz521, bha)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], bhd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz511, zzz521, bhd)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, bhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz511, zzz521, bhe)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, bhb), bhc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz511, zzz521, bhb, bhc)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz511, zzz521)
new_ltEs21(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, bgf), bgg), bgh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz511, zzz521, bgf, bgg, bgh)
new_ltEs10(@3(zzz510, zzz511, zzz512), @3(zzz520, zzz521, zzz522), dag, dah, dba) → new_pePe(new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, dag), new_asAs(new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, dag), new_pePe(new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, dah), new_asAs(new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, dah), new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, dba)))))
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, dbg)) → new_lt11(zzz510, zzz520, dbg)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_lt13(zzz510, zzz520, dbh, dca)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, dcc)) → new_lt16(zzz510, zzz520, dcc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbd), dbe), dbf)) → new_lt10(zzz510, zzz520, dbd, dbe, dbf)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, dbb), dbc)) → new_lt8(zzz510, zzz520, dbb, dbc)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_lt15(zzz510, zzz520, dcb)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_lt21(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_[], dcb)) → new_esEs24(zzz510, zzz520, dcb)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_Either, dbb), dbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz510, zzz520, dbb, dbc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz510, zzz520)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(app(ty_@3, dbd), dbe), dbf)) → new_esEs19(zzz510, zzz520, dbd, dbe, dbf)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Maybe, dbg)) → new_esEs23(zzz510, zzz520, dbg)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(ty_Ratio, dcc)) → new_esEs20(zzz510, zzz520, dcc)
new_esEs37(zzz510, zzz520, app(app(ty_@2, dbh), dca)) → new_esEs18(zzz510, zzz520, dbh, dca)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_lt15(zzz511, zzz521, ddd)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, dde)) → new_lt16(zzz511, zzz521, dde)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, dda)) → new_lt11(zzz511, zzz521, dda)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_lt13(zzz511, zzz521, ddb, ddc)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, dcd), dce)) → new_lt8(zzz511, zzz521, dcd, dce)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz511, zzz521)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcf), dcg), dch)) → new_lt10(zzz511, zzz521, dcf, dcg, dch)
new_lt22(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_[], ddd)) → new_esEs24(zzz511, zzz521, ddd)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Maybe, dda)) → new_esEs23(zzz511, zzz521, dda)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_Either, dcd), dce)) → new_esEs16(zzz511, zzz521, dcd, dce)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(ty_Ratio, dde)) → new_esEs20(zzz511, zzz521, dde)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz511, zzz521)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(ty_@2, ddb), ddc)) → new_esEs18(zzz511, zzz521, ddb, ddc)
new_esEs38(zzz511, zzz521, app(app(app(ty_@3, dcf), dcg), dch)) → new_esEs19(zzz511, zzz521, dcf, dcg, dch)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Maybe, dec)) → new_ltEs11(zzz512, zzz522, dec)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(app(ty_@3, ddh), dea), deb)) → new_ltEs10(zzz512, zzz522, ddh, dea, deb)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_Ratio, deg)) → new_ltEs4(zzz512, zzz522, deg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_@2, ded), dee)) → new_ltEs12(zzz512, zzz522, ded, dee)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(app(ty_Either, ddf), ddg)) → new_ltEs8(zzz512, zzz522, ddf, ddg)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, app(ty_[], def)) → new_ltEs14(zzz512, zzz522, def)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs23(zzz512, zzz522, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz512, zzz522)
new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare18(zzz51, zzz52))
new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare12(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare12(@0, @0) → EQ
new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52) → new_fsEs(new_compare15(zzz51, zzz52))
new_compare15(Float(zzz4000, zzz4001), Float(zzz3000, zzz3001)) → new_compare18(new_sr(zzz4000, zzz3000), new_sr(zzz4001, zzz3001))
new_ltEs9(GT, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, LT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ) → True
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT) → False
new_ltEs9(GT, GT) → True
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ) → False
new_esEs19(@3(zzz40000, zzz40001, zzz40002), @3(zzz30000, zzz30001, zzz30002), ge, gf, gg) → new_asAs(new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ge), new_asAs(new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, gf), new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, gg)))
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, ceh)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ceh)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, ceg)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, ceg)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, ceb), cec)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, ceb, cec)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, cdh), cea)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdh, cea)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], cfa)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, cfa)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ced), cee), cef)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, ced, cee, cef)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs32(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, cfb), cfc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, cfb, cfc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, cgb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, cgb)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, cga)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, cga)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, cfd), cfe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, cfd, cfe)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, cff), cfg), cfh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, cff, cfg, cfh)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], cgc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, cgc)
new_esEs33(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Ratio, chc)) → new_esEs20(zzz40002, zzz30002, chc)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_[], che)) → new_esEs24(zzz40002, zzz30002, che)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(app(ty_@3, cgh), cha), chb)) → new_esEs19(zzz40002, zzz30002, cgh, cha, chb)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_@2, cgf), cgg)) → new_esEs18(zzz40002, zzz30002, cgf, cgg)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(app(ty_Either, cgd), cge)) → new_esEs16(zzz40002, zzz30002, cgd, cge)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, app(ty_Maybe, chd)) → new_esEs23(zzz40002, zzz30002, chd)
new_esEs34(zzz40002, zzz30002, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40002, zzz30002)
new_esEs13(Char(zzz40000), Char(zzz30000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero) → True
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Succ(zzz300000)) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(zzz400000), Zero) → False
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz300000)) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cdb), cdc), cdd)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdb, cdc, cdd)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(zzz30000), ha) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Nothing, ha) → False
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_[], cdg)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdg)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, cde)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, cde)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, ha) → True
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, cch), cda)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, cch, cda)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, cdf)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, cdf)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Maybe, cah), gb) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, cah)
new_esEs23(Just(zzz40000), Just(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, ccf), ccg)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, ccf, ccg)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(app(ty_Either, cbb), cbc)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, cbb, cbc)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(ty_Maybe, ccb)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, ccb)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_Either, bhh), caa), gb) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bhh, caa)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Double, gb) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_[], cba), gb) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, cba)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Int, gb) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Float, gb) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(app(ty_@3, cad), cae), caf), gb) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, cad, cae, caf)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Ordering, gb) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Char, gb) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(app(ty_@2, cab), cac), gb) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, cab, cac)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(app(app(ty_@3, cbf), cbg), cbh)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, cbf, cbg, cbh)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Integer, gb) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(ty_[], ccc)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, ccc)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), app(ty_Ratio, cag), gb) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, cag)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_Bool, gb) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(ty_Ratio, cca)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, cca)
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, gb) → False
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ga, gb) → False
new_esEs16(Left(zzz40000), Left(zzz30000), ty_@0, gb) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs16(Right(zzz40000), Right(zzz30000), ga, app(app(ty_@2, cbd), cbe)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, cbd, cbe)
new_esEs18(@2(zzz40000, zzz40001), @2(zzz30000, zzz30001), gc, gd) → new_asAs(new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, gc), new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, gd))
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, fhe), fhf), fhg)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, fhe, fhf, fhg)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], gab)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, gab)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, fha), fhb)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, fha, fhb)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, fhc), fhd)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, fhc, fhd)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, gaa)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, gaa)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, fhh)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, fhh)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs35(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Ratio, gbb)) → new_esEs20(zzz40001, zzz30001, gbb)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_Either, gac), gad)) → new_esEs16(zzz40001, zzz30001, gac, gad)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(ty_@2, gae), gaf)) → new_esEs18(zzz40001, zzz30001, gae, gaf)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(app(app(ty_@3, gag), gah), gba)) → new_esEs19(zzz40001, zzz30001, gag, gah, gba)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_Maybe, gbc)) → new_esEs23(zzz40001, zzz30001, gbc)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, app(ty_[], gbd)) → new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, gbd)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs36(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000) → new_primEqInt(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → new_primEqNat0(zzz400000, zzz300000)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero)) → True
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(zzz300000))) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(Zero)) → False
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(zzz400000)), Pos(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(zzz400000)), Neg(zzz30000)) → False
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero)) → True
new_esEs22(Float(zzz40000, zzz40001), Float(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs25(@0, @0) → True
new_esEs15(Double(zzz40000, zzz40001), Double(zzz30000, zzz30001)) → new_esEs14(new_sr(zzz40000, zzz30000), new_sr(zzz40001, zzz30001))
new_esEs21(True, True) → True
new_esEs21(False, False) → True
new_esEs21(False, True) → False
new_esEs21(True, False) → False
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), [], hb) → False
new_esEs24([], :(zzz30000, zzz30001), hb) → False
new_esEs24([], [], hb) → True
new_esEs24(:(zzz40000, zzz40001), :(zzz30000, zzz30001), hb) → new_asAs(new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, hb), new_esEs24(zzz40001, zzz30001, hb))
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(app(ty_@3, bba), bbb), bbc)) → new_esEs19(zzz40000, zzz30000, bba, bbb, bbc)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Maybe, bbe)) → new_esEs23(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbe)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_Either, bae), baf)) → new_esEs16(zzz40000, zzz30000, bae, baf)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_Ratio, bbd)) → new_esEs20(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbd)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(app(ty_@2, bag), bah)) → new_esEs18(zzz40000, zzz30000, bag, bah)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, app(ty_[], bbf)) → new_esEs24(zzz40000, zzz30000, bbf)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs26(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs17(Integer(zzz40000), Integer(zzz30000)) → new_primEqInt(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs20(:%(zzz40000, zzz40001), :%(zzz30000, zzz30001), gh) → new_asAs(new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, gh), new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, gh))
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs30(zzz40000, zzz30000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40000, zzz30000)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs31(zzz40001, zzz30001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz40001, zzz30001)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ) → False
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ) → True
new_esEs12(GT, EQ) → False
new_lt12(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare10(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt10(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc) → new_esEs12(new_compare8(zzz112, zzz115, eca, ecb, ecc), LT)
new_lt9(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare7(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt19(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare19(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt17(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare16(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt8(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg) → new_esEs12(new_compare6(zzz112, zzz115, bhf, bhg), LT)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), fg, fh) → LT
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Right(zzz3000), fg, fh) → new_compare26(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, fh), fg, fh)
new_compare6(Left(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), fg, fh) → new_compare25(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, fg), fg, fh)
new_compare6(Right(zzz4000), Left(zzz3000), fg, fh) → GT
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, ge), gf), gg)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, ge, gf, gg)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ha)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ha)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, ga), gb)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, ga, gb)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, gh)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, gh)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, gc), gd)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, gc, gd)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs4(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], hb)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, hb)
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, True, egg, egh) → EQ
new_compare25(zzz51, zzz52, False, egg, egh) → new_compare112(zzz51, zzz52, new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, egg), egg, egh)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_@2, beh), bfa)) → new_ltEs12(zzz51, zzz52, beh, bfa)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Maybe, bdc)) → new_ltEs11(zzz51, zzz52, bdc)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_[], bef)) → new_ltEs14(zzz51, zzz52, bef)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(app(ty_@3, dag), dah), dba)) → new_ltEs10(zzz51, zzz52, dag, dah, dba)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(ty_Ratio, cf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz51, zzz52, cf)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz51, zzz52)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, app(app(ty_Either, eha), ehb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz51, zzz52, eha, ehb)
new_ltEs20(zzz51, zzz52, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz51, zzz52)
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, True, dae, daf) → LT
new_compare112(zzz142, zzz143, False, dae, daf) → GT
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, hg), hh), baa)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, hg, hh, baa)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, hc), hd)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, hc, hd)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, bac)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, bac)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], bad)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, bad)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, he), hf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, he, hf)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, bab)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, bab)
new_esEs5(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, False, ehc, ehd) → new_compare114(zzz58, zzz59, new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ehd), ehc, ehd)
new_compare26(zzz58, zzz59, True, ehc, ehd) → EQ
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Ratio, faf)) → new_ltEs4(zzz58, zzz59, faf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_[], fae)) → new_ltEs14(zzz58, zzz59, fae)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(ty_Maybe, fab)) → new_ltEs11(zzz58, zzz59, fab)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_@2, fac), fad)) → new_ltEs12(zzz58, zzz59, fac, fad)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz58, zzz59)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(ty_Either, ehe), ehf)) → new_ltEs8(zzz58, zzz59, ehe, ehf)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, app(app(app(ty_@3, ehg), ehh), faa)) → new_ltEs10(zzz58, zzz59, ehg, ehh, faa)
new_ltEs22(zzz58, zzz59, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz58, zzz59)
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, True, ccd, cce) → LT
new_compare114(zzz149, zzz150, False, ccd, cce) → GT
new_lt13(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf) → new_esEs12(new_compare11(zzz112, zzz115, ece, ecf), LT)
new_compare11(@2(zzz4000, zzz4001), @2(zzz3000, zzz3001), cg, da) → new_compare24(zzz4000, zzz4001, zzz3000, zzz3001, new_asAs(new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, cg), new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, da)), cg, da)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ea)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ea)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, df), dg), dh)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, df, dg, dh)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ec)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ec)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, db), dc)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, db, dc)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, eb)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, eb)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, dd), de)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, dd, de)
new_esEs10(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_@2, ef), eg)) → new_esEs18(zzz4001, zzz3001, ef, eg)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_[], ff)) → new_esEs24(zzz4001, zzz3001, ff)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(ty_Either, ed), ee)) → new_esEs16(zzz4001, zzz3001, ed, ee)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Ratio, fc)) → new_esEs20(zzz4001, zzz3001, fc)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(app(app(ty_@3, eh), fa), fb)) → new_esEs19(zzz4001, zzz3001, eh, fa, fb)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, app(ty_Maybe, fd)) → new_esEs23(zzz4001, zzz3001, fd)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_esEs11(zzz4001, zzz3001, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4001, zzz3001)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, False, deh, dfa) → new_compare116(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, deh), new_asAs(new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, deh), new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, dfa)), deh, dfa)
new_compare24(zzz125, zzz126, zzz127, zzz128, True, deh, dfa) → EQ
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_lt9(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, dgc)) → new_lt16(zzz125, zzz127, dgc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_lt12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_lt5(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_lt11(zzz125, zzz127, dfg)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], dgb)) → new_lt15(zzz125, zzz127, dgb)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_lt17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_lt18(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_lt14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfd), dfe), dff)) → new_lt10(zzz125, zzz127, dfd, dfe, dff)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_lt19(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_lt4(zzz125, zzz127)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, dfb), dfc)) → new_lt8(zzz125, zzz127, dfb, dfc)
new_lt23(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, dfh), dga)) → new_lt13(zzz125, zzz127, dfh, dga)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Maybe, dfg)) → new_esEs23(zzz125, zzz127, dfg)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_Ratio, dgc)) → new_esEs20(zzz125, zzz127, dgc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(ty_[], dgb)) → new_esEs24(zzz125, zzz127, dgb)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_@2, dfh), dga)) → new_esEs18(zzz125, zzz127, dfh, dga)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz125, zzz127)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(app(ty_@3, dfd), dfe), dff)) → new_esEs19(zzz125, zzz127, dfd, dfe, dff)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, app(app(ty_Either, dfb), dfc)) → new_esEs16(zzz125, zzz127, dfb, dfc)
new_esEs39(zzz125, zzz127, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz125, zzz127)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_@2, dhb), dhc)) → new_ltEs12(zzz126, zzz128, dhb, dhc)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Ratio, dhe)) → new_ltEs4(zzz126, zzz128, dhe)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(ty_Either, dgd), dge)) → new_ltEs8(zzz126, zzz128, dgd, dge)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_Maybe, dha)) → new_ltEs11(zzz126, zzz128, dha)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(ty_[], dhd)) → new_ltEs14(zzz126, zzz128, dhd)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz126, zzz128)
new_ltEs24(zzz126, zzz128, app(app(app(ty_@3, dgf), dgg), dgh)) → new_ltEs10(zzz126, zzz128, dgf, dgg, dgh)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, zzz205, chh, daa) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, zzz205, chh, daa)
new_compare116(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, zzz205, chh, daa) → new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, chh, daa)
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, True, chh, daa) → LT
new_compare115(zzz200, zzz201, zzz202, zzz203, False, chh, daa) → GT
new_lt4(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt14(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare12(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt18(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare17(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt11(zzz112, zzz115, ecd) → new_esEs12(new_compare9(zzz112, zzz115, ecd), LT)
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Nothing, eaa) → GT
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(zzz3000), eaa) → LT
new_compare9(Just(zzz4000), Just(zzz3000), eaa) → new_compare27(zzz4000, zzz3000, new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, eaa), eaa)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, eaa) → EQ
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_[], ebd)) → new_esEs24(zzz4000, zzz3000, ebd)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_@2, eae), eaf)) → new_esEs18(zzz4000, zzz3000, eae, eaf)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Ordering) → new_esEs12(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Maybe, ebc)) → new_esEs23(zzz4000, zzz3000, ebc)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Bool) → new_esEs21(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_@0) → new_esEs25(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(ty_Either, eac), ead)) → new_esEs16(zzz4000, zzz3000, eac, ead)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Float) → new_esEs22(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Integer) → new_esEs17(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(app(app(ty_@3, eag), eah), eba)) → new_esEs19(zzz4000, zzz3000, eag, eah, eba)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Char) → new_esEs13(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Int) → new_esEs14(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, app(ty_Ratio, ebb)) → new_esEs20(zzz4000, zzz3000, ebb)
new_esEs9(zzz4000, zzz3000, ty_Double) → new_esEs15(zzz4000, zzz3000)
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, True, bbh) → EQ
new_compare27(zzz80, zzz81, False, bbh) → new_compare110(zzz80, zzz81, new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, bbh), bbh)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Integer) → new_ltEs15(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Maybe, bcf)) → new_ltEs11(zzz80, zzz81, bcf)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Bool) → new_ltEs6(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_Ratio, bdb)) → new_ltEs4(zzz80, zzz81, bdb)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Int) → new_ltEs17(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_@2, bcg), bch)) → new_ltEs12(zzz80, zzz81, bcg, bch)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_@0) → new_ltEs13(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(ty_Either, bca), bcb)) → new_ltEs8(zzz80, zzz81, bca, bcb)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(ty_[], bda)) → new_ltEs14(zzz80, zzz81, bda)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Ordering) → new_ltEs9(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Double) → new_ltEs18(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Float) → new_ltEs5(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, ty_Char) → new_ltEs16(zzz80, zzz81)
new_ltEs19(zzz80, zzz81, app(app(app(ty_@3, bcc), bcd), bce)) → new_ltEs10(zzz80, zzz81, bcc, bcd, bce)
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, False, ebe) → GT
new_compare110(zzz163, zzz164, True, ebe) → LT
new_lt5(zzz112, zzz115) → new_esEs12(new_compare15(zzz112, zzz115), LT)
new_lt16(zzz112, zzz115, beg) → new_esEs12(new_compare14(zzz112, zzz115, beg), LT)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca) → new_splitLT3(Branch(:(zzz299, zzz300), zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304), bh, ca)
new_splitLT3(Branch(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334), bc, bd) → new_splitLT22(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_lt15([], zzz330, bc), bc, bd)
new_splitLT22(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, bc, bd) → new_splitLT3(zzz333, bc, bd)
new_splitLT22(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, False, bc, bd) → new_splitLT12(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, new_gt([], zzz330, bc), bc, bd)
new_splitLT3(EmptyFM, bc, bd) → new_emptyFM(bc, bd)
new_emptyFM(bc, bd) → EmptyFM
new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bc) → new_esEs12(new_compare13(zzz340, zzz3440, bc), GT)
new_splitLT12(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, False, bc, bd) → zzz333
new_splitLT12(zzz330, zzz331, zzz332, zzz333, zzz334, True, bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz330, zzz331, zzz333, new_splitLT3(zzz334, bc, bd), bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), EmptyFM, bc, bd) → new_addToFM(Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, EmptyFM, zzz344, bc, bd) → new_addToFM(zzz344, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd)
new_addToFM(zzz344, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd) → new_addToFM_C0(zzz344, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd)
new_addToFM_C0(EmptyFM, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd) → Branch(zzz340, zzz341, Pos(Succ(Zero)), new_emptyFM(bc, bd), new_emptyFM(bc, bd))
new_addToFM_C0(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd) → new_addToFM_C20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt15(zzz340, zzz3440, bc), bc, bd)
new_addToFM_C20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz3440, zzz3441, new_addToFM_C0(zzz3443, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd), zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_addToFM_C20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → new_addToFM_C10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, new_gt(zzz340, zzz3440, bc), bc, bd)
new_addToFM_C10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → Branch(zzz340, zzz341, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444)
new_addToFM_C10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3443, new_addToFM_C0(zzz3444, zzz340, zzz341, bc, bd), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, new_lt4(new_primPlusInt0(zzz241, zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd), Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero)))), bc, bd)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(zzz2410, zzz2411, Pos(zzz24120), zzz2413, zzz2414), zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_primPlusInt1(zzz24120, new_sizeFM0(zzz444, bc, bd))
new_primPlusInt0(EmptyFM, zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_primPlusInt1(Zero, new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, EmptyFM, zzz444, bc, bd))
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(zzz2410, zzz2411, Neg(zzz24120), zzz2413, zzz2414), zzz440, zzz441, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_primPlusInt(zzz24120, new_sizeFM0(zzz444, bc, bd))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Zero, zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, new_gt1(new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd), new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM0(zzz444, bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM0(zzz241, bc, bd)
new_gt1(zzz416, zzz415) → new_esEs12(new_compare18(zzz416, zzz415), GT)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, Branch(zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444), True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444, new_lt4(new_sizeFM0(zzz4443, bc, bd), new_sr(Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))), new_sizeFM0(zzz4444, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, EmptyFM, True, bc, bd) → error([])
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, new_gt1(new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd), new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, Branch(zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, zzz2414), zzz444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, zzz2414, zzz444, new_lt4(new_sizeFM0(zzz2414, bc, bd), new_sr(Pos(Succ(Succ(Zero))), new_sizeFM0(zzz2413, bc, bd))), bc, bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, EmptyFM, zzz444, True, bc, bd) → error([])
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Zero), zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkBranch(zzz478, zzz479, zzz480, zzz481, zzz482, chf, chg) → Branch(zzz479, zzz480, new_primPlusInt2(new_primPlusInt1(Succ(Zero), new_sizeFM1(zzz481, chf, chg)), zzz481, zzz479, zzz482, chf, chg), zzz481, zzz482)
new_sizeFM1(Branch(zzz4810, zzz4811, zzz4812, zzz4813, zzz4814), chf, chg) → zzz4812
new_sizeFM1(EmptyFM, chf, chg) → Pos(Zero)
new_primPlusInt1(zzz24120, Neg(zzz4300)) → new_primMinusNat0(zzz24120, zzz4300)
new_primPlusInt1(zzz24120, Pos(zzz4300)) → Pos(new_primPlusNat1(zzz24120, zzz4300))
new_primPlusInt2(Pos(zzz5470), zzz481, zzz479, zzz482, chf, chg) → new_primPlusInt1(zzz5470, new_sizeFM1(zzz482, chf, chg))
new_primPlusInt2(Neg(zzz5470), zzz481, zzz479, zzz482, chf, chg) → new_primPlusInt(zzz5470, new_sizeFM1(zzz482, chf, chg))
new_primPlusInt(zzz24120, Pos(zzz4330)) → new_primMinusNat0(zzz4330, zzz24120)
new_primPlusInt(zzz24120, Neg(zzz4330)) → Neg(new_primPlusNat1(zzz24120, zzz4330))
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Zero) → Pos(Zero)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(zzz241200), Succ(zzz43000)) → new_primMinusNat0(zzz241200, zzz43000)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(zzz241200), Zero) → Pos(Succ(zzz241200))
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Succ(zzz43000)) → Neg(Succ(zzz43000))
new_sizeFM0(Branch(zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444), bc, bd) → zzz4442
new_sizeFM0(EmptyFM, bc, bd) → Pos(Zero)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, Branch(zzz24140, zzz24141, zzz24142, zzz24143, zzz24144), zzz444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))))), zzz24140, zzz24141, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))))), zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2413, zzz24143, app(ty_[], bc), bd), new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))))))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz24144, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, zzz2414, zzz444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))))), zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2413, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz2414, zzz444, app(ty_[], bc), bd), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(zzz440, zzz441, zzz2410, zzz2411, zzz2412, zzz2413, EmptyFM, zzz444, False, bc, bd) → error([])
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, zzz4443, zzz4444, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Zero)), zzz4440, zzz4441, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4443, app(ty_[], bc), bd), zzz4444, app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, Branch(zzz44430, zzz44431, zzz44432, zzz44433, zzz44434), zzz4444, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))), zzz44430, zzz44431, new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero))))), zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz44433, app(ty_[], bc), bd), new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))), zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz44434, zzz4444, app(ty_[], bc), bd), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(zzz440, zzz441, zzz241, zzz4440, zzz4441, zzz4442, EmptyFM, zzz4444, False, bc, bd) → error([])
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd) → new_sizeFM(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, new_lt4(new_sr(new_sIZE_RATIO, new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, bc, bd)), bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz3440, zzz3441, new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), zzz3443, bc, bd), zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, True, bc, bd) → new_mkBalBranch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2963, new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, zzz2964, Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), bc, bd), bc, bd)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964, zzz340, zzz341, False, bc, bd) → new_mkBranch(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))))))))))), zzz340, zzz341, Branch(zzz2960, zzz2961, zzz2962, zzz2963, zzz2964), Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), app(ty_[], bc), bd)
new_sizeFM(zzz440, zzz441, zzz442, zzz443, zzz444, bc, bd) → zzz442
new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd) → new_splitLT3(Branch([], zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394), cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitGT21(:(zzz336, zzz337), zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), :(zzz336, zzz337), h), h, ba)
new_splitGT21(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitGT11(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3410, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT4(Branch(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitGT21(zzz34140, zzz34141, zzz34142, zzz34143, zzz34144, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34140, h), h, ba)
new_splitGT21(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitGT4(zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitGT4(EmptyFM, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_emptyFM(h, ba)
new_splitGT11(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → zzz3414
new_splitGT11(zzz3410, zzz3411, zzz3412, zzz3413, zzz3414, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz3410, zzz3411, new_splitGT4(zzz3413, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), zzz3414, h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(zzz299, zzz300, zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304, bh, ca) → new_splitGT5(Branch(:(zzz299, zzz300), zzz301, zzz302, zzz303, zzz304), bh, ca)
new_splitGT30(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, bc, bd) → new_splitGT22(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, new_gt0(zzz3440, bc), bc, bd)
new_splitGT22(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, bc, bd) → new_splitGT5(zzz344, bc, bd)
new_splitGT5(Branch(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444), bc, bd) → new_splitGT30(zzz3440, zzz3441, zzz3442, zzz3443, zzz3444, bc, bd)
new_splitGT5(EmptyFM, bc, bd) → new_emptyFM(bc, bd)
new_gt0(zzz330, bc) → new_esEs12(new_compare13([], zzz330, bc), GT)
new_splitGT22(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, bc, bd) → new_splitGT12(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, new_lt15([], zzz340, bc), bc, bd)
new_splitGT12(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, True, bc, bd) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz340, zzz341, new_splitGT5(zzz343, bc, bd), zzz344, bc, bd)
new_splitGT12(zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, zzz344, False, bc, bd) → zzz344
new_intersectFM_C2Lts(zzz336, zzz337, zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitLT21(:(zzz336, zzz337), zzz338, zzz339, zzz340, zzz341, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), :(zzz336, zzz337), h), h, ba)
new_splitLT21(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → new_splitLT11(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, new_gt(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz3400, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT21(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_splitLT4(zzz3403, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba)
new_splitLT4(Branch(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034), zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_splitLT21(zzz34030, zzz34031, zzz34032, zzz34033, zzz34034, zzz342, zzz343, new_lt15(:(zzz342, zzz343), zzz34030, h), h, ba)
new_splitLT4(EmptyFM, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba) → new_emptyFM(h, ba)
new_splitLT11(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, False, h, ba) → zzz3403
new_splitLT11(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3402, zzz3403, zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, True, h, ba) → new_mkVBalBranch0(zzz3400, zzz3401, zzz3403, new_splitLT4(zzz3404, zzz342, zzz343, h, ba), h, ba)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394, cc, cd) → new_splitGT5(Branch([], zzz391, zzz392, zzz393, zzz394), cc, cd)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf) → new_splitLT21([], zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, new_lt15(:(zzz374, zzz375), [], be), be, bf)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, be, bf) → new_splitGT21([], zzz370, zzz371, zzz372, zzz373, zzz374, zzz375, new_gt(:(zzz374, zzz375), [], be), be, bf)

The set Q consists of the following terms:

new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs17(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_sizeFM0(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_splitLT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs18(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_mkVBalBranch0(x0, x1, Branch(x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), EmptyFM, x7, x8)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primPlusInt(x0, Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt13(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_splitGT5(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_lt18(x0, x1)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitGT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_esEs15(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_splitLT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_esEs14(x0, x1)
new_compare7(LT, GT)
new_compare7(GT, LT)
new_compare9(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_gt(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_pePe(False, x0)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs12(EQ, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, EQ)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, True, x12, x13)
new_esEs24([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Zero))
new_ltEs6(True, True)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs4(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_lt17(x0, x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt14(x0, x1)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs9(EQ, EQ)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_compare7(GT, GT)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_splitLT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt9(x0, x1)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare12(@0, @0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_splitGT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_splitLT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_mkVBalBranch0(x0, x1, EmptyFM, x2, x3, x4)
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_sizeFM1(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_compare7(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, Branch(x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), x7, True, x8, x9)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_compare7(GT, EQ)
new_compare7(EQ, GT)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Float)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_gt1(x0, x1)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs9(GT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, GT)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(Succ(x1)))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_gt0(x0, x1)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs18(x0, x1)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, True, x12, x13)
new_esEs12(LT, EQ)
new_esEs12(EQ, LT)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, EmptyFM, True, x3, x4)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt5(x0, x1)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, Branch(x3, x4, x5, x6, x7), True, x8, x9)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare110(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare19(Double(x0, x1), Double(x2, x3))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_splitGT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_lt19(x0, x1)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare10(False, True)
new_compare10(True, False)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, False, x12, x13)
new_ltEs13(x0, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_primEqNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs9(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs9(EQ, LT)
new_primPlusInt1(x0, Pos(x1))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Neg(x1))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs12(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_sr0(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_pePe(True, x0)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs13(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_compare10(False, False)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_asAs(False, x0)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_[], x2), x3)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs6(False, False)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare28(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2), x3)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_mkVBalBranch3Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare27(x0, x1, False, x2)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare110(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_intersectFM_C2Gts1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_ltEs9(LT, LT)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch3(x0, x1, EmptyFM, x2, True, x3, x4)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primPlusInt(x0, Neg(x1))
new_intersectFM_C2Gts(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusInt1(x0, Neg(x1))
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(app(ty_@3, x3), x4), x5))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Char)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_emptyFM(x0, x1)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs24([], [], x0)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare9(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Succ(x1)))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare25(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, GT, x2)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs9(LT, GT)
new_ltEs9(GT, LT)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare113(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare18(x0, x1)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Pos(x1))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Ordering)
new_addToFM_C20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts2(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt12(x0, x1)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primEqNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs25(@0, @0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_compare114(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Bool)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_addToFM_C10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare116(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs12(LT, LT)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_@0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_lt11(x0, x1, x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_splitGT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_compare112(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_compare9(Just(x0), Just(x1), x2)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare25(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_splitLT3(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_primPlusNat0(Zero, x0)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_addToFM_C0(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, True, x8, x9)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_addToFM_C0(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_splitGT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, EmptyFM, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_ltEs15(x0, x1)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare15(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Char, x2)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Double, x2)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_Either, x3), x4))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_addToFM_C10(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_compare24(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_compare6(Left(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs39(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs12(GT, GT)
new_esEs23(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_lt4(x0, x1)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, True, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Nothing, x1)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_addToFM_C20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_mkVBalBranch3MkVBalBranch20(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, False, x12, x13)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_compare17(Char(x0), Char(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primPlusInt2(Pos(x0), x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_ltEs14(x0, x1, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt8(x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, Branch(x6, x7, x8, x9, x10), x11, False, x12, x13)
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_addToFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(x0, x1, Pos(x2), x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primPlusInt0(Branch(x0, x1, Neg(x2), x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Ordering)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Pos(x1))
new_compare10(True, True)
new_compare11(@2(x0, x1), @2(x2, x3), x4, x5)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_sizeFM0(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Maybe, x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs8(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_splitGT21(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primPlusNat0(Succ(x0), x1)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_mkBalBranch6Size_l(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_splitGT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitLT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, True, x5, x6)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_splitLT3(EmptyFM, x0, x1)
new_compare13(:(x0, x1), [], x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3), x4)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_primCompAux1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Integer)
new_splitGT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_compare26(x0, x1, False, x2, x3)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, Branch(x6, x7, x8, x9, x10), x11, False, x12, x13)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_sr(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs30(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare8(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_mkBalBranch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_compare6(Left(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Left(x1), x2, x3)
new_primPlusNat1(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs12(EQ, EQ)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch01(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, EmptyFM, x6, False, x7, x8)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare111(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, False, x6, x7, x8, x9)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_splitLT4(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_compare27(x0, x1, True, x2)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_primMulNat0(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_ltEs17(x0, x1)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(app(ty_@2, x3), x4))
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Char)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Succ(x0)), Neg(x1))
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_intersectFM_C2Lts1(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_compare7(LT, EQ)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_compare7(EQ, LT)
new_ltEs6(True, False)
new_ltEs6(False, True)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4), x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs12(LT, GT)
new_esEs12(GT, LT)
new_esEs24(:(x0, x1), :(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Int, x2)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_compare114(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Int)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primMinusNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_asAs(True, x0)
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primEqInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Zero))
new_primEqInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Zero))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitGT4(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6, x7, x8)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_Char)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs21(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_@0, x2)
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_primPlusInt0(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_splitLT12(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Double)
new_esEs19(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)
new_ltEs5(x0, x1)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Ordering, x2)
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_[], x3))
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, app(ty_Ratio, x3))
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_primEqInt(Pos(Succ(x0)), Pos(Zero))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_primCmpInt(Pos(Zero), Neg(Succ(x0)))
new_primCmpInt(Neg(Zero), Pos(Succ(x0)))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_mkVBalBranch0(x0, x1, Branch(x2, x3, x4, x5, x6), Branch(x7, x8, x9, x10, x11), x12, x13)
new_ltEs8(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Double)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primMinusNat0(Zero, Succ(x0))
new_compare112(x0, x1, True, x2, x3)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, True, x8, x9)
new_esEs26(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_compare14(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), ty_Integer)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs24(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCmpNat0(Zero, Zero)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare9(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_intersectFM_C2Lts0(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Integer)
new_splitGT30(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs22(Float(x0, x1), Float(x2, x3))
new_esEs7(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_compare16(Integer(x0), Integer(x1))
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Nothing, x0)
new_ltEs11(Just(x0), Just(x1), ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_mkBalBranch6Size_r(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_lt15(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_splitGT4(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs20(:%(x0, x1), :%(x2, x3), x4)
new_ltEs11(Nothing, Just(x0), x1)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_ltEs16(x0, x1)
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_sizeFM(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs33(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs23(Just(x0), Just(x1), app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt16(x0, x1, x2)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_primMulInt(Pos(x0), Neg(x1))
new_primMulInt(Neg(x0), Pos(x1))
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs21(True, True)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt22(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs31(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt23(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs29(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_lt23(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, LT, x2)
new_lt21(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_sizeFM1(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_compare7(LT, LT)
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_Int)
new_esEs37(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_compare5(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_lt22(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_primCmpNat0(Succ(x0), Succ(x1))
new_esEs34(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs21(False, True)
new_esEs21(True, False)
new_compare13([], [], x0)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, ty_Float)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch4(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_ltEs7(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_esEs32(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs4(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_compare5(x0, x1, ty_Double)
new_mkBranch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6)
new_ltEs8(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Bool, x2)
new_esEs34(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs16(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, ty_@0)
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_splitLT22(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, False, x5, x6)
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_@0)
new_ltEs9(GT, GT)
new_esEs28(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs10(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs11(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_esEs9(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs27(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Integer, x2)
new_compare13([], :(x0, x1), x2)
new_compare115(x0, x1, x2, x3, False, x4, x5)
new_mkBalBranch6MkBalBranch5(x0, x1, x2, x3, True, x4, x5)
new_splitGT5(Branch(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4), x5, x6)
new_primPlusNat1(Succ(x0), Zero)
new_esEs21(False, False)
new_lt21(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt6(x0, x1, ty_Char)
new_esEs38(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_ltEs20(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), ty_Float, x2)
new_esEs7(x0, x1, app(ty_[], x2))
new_lt7(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_splitLT11(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, True, x7, x8)
new_compare6(Right(x0), Right(x1), x2, x3)
new_esEs16(Left(x0), Left(x1), app(ty_Ratio, x2), x3)
new_esEs36(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_esEs29(x0, x1, ty_Integer)
new_esEs35(x0, x1, app(app(ty_@2, x2), x3))
new_esEs35(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_lt6(x0, x1, app(app(app(ty_@3, x2), x3), x4))
new_lt20(x0, x1, ty_Float)
new_primCompAux00(x0, x1, EQ, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_ltEs23(x0, x1, ty_Bool)
new_esEs5(x0, x1, app(app(ty_Either, x2), x3))
new_esEs8(x0, x1, app(ty_Maybe, x2))
new_splitLT4(EmptyFM, x0, x1, x2, x3)
new_ltEs19(x0, x1, ty_Ordering)
new_esEs6(x0, x1, ty_Int)
new_primPlusInt2(Neg(x0), x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)
new_esEs9(x0, x1, app(ty_Ratio, x2))
new_ltEs10(@3(x0, x1, x2), @3(x3, x4, x5), x6, x7, x8)

We have to consider all minimal (P,Q,R)-chains.
By using the subterm criterion [20] together with the size-change analysis [32] we have proven that there are no infinite chains for this DP problem.

From the DPs we obtained the following set of size-change graphs: